Just a reminder starting strength and Barbell Medicine is the real fitness red pill

Just a reminder starting strength and Barbell Medicine is the real fitness red pill.

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>Thinks every athlete, including Olympic weightlifters should do Starting Strength as it is written out
(he said this word for word on a youtube vid ^)
>took 50 years to reach a 4plate deadlift

Clarence called him a faggot, and he is.

I've been aware of Rippetoe for years and I was recently redpilled when I saw the art of manliness series with him. I never did SS when I started but I wish I had, I've started to think it is the best program to build a foundation for subsequent training and conditioning whether you're bodybuilding or strength training. The guy knows everything there is to know about the subject.

He also said he stopped competing because he wasn't very good at it, and considering he hardly trains anymore and can pull 500 lb at 60 I'd say he's not a faggot. Clarence is a fucking autist faggot.


Ok post the vidoe. Also Clarence is a joke. He may be strong, but he has no clue.

>pic related
>shits on lowbar that uses hip drive
>uses hip drive to lift the bar

Good meme

Took him 60 years to reach a 500lbs pull when Clarence took 2 years to reach a 405lbs clean? Clarence can power clean 600lbs now. Not even clean that shit, just power clean that shit.

Rippetoe is garbage.

Clarence also uses the bulgarian method because he has no other responsibilities and can go workout multiple times a day which no one with a job can do. Oh and the roids help

wanna know a secret?

Clarence isn't natty

You’re a cutie

Neither are the athletes Rippetoe is advocating his program too.
Neither was Rippetoe while he was competing.

But the difference is that Clarence is pulling twice what Rippetoe does at a third of his age out of a shithole Ireland where everyone else is a drunkard. While Rippetoe is just another fat fuck who thinks consuming 4000 Calories through whole milk and buttered cheeseburgers is smart for athletes.

>While Rippetoe is just another fat fuck who thinks consuming 4000 Calories through whole milk and buttered cheeseburgers is smart for athletes.

He's addressed the GOMAD shit multiple times, he said that it's for someone who is a 150 lb skelly who needs to gain weight. NOT someone who is already at a good weight.

You still think the gomad meme is for everyone ?

>4000 Calories through whole milk and buttered cheeseburgers is smart for athletes.

oh this is b8

You keep comparing Clarence's lifts to Rippetoe. Rip is a coach, not a power lifter.

He's explained the GOMAD meme in a lot of videos, but basically he doesn't say everyone should be doing it you moron.


>that arched back

>oh he used to compete!
the only picture of "young rippetoe" turned out to be somebody completely different

he was prob a fat fuck back then too

plus.. why the fuck would you listen to a kinesiology major?

>You keep comparing Clarence's lifts to Rippetoe. Rip is a coach, not a power lifter.
Who is Rippetoe's shining star with all of his coaching?
The fatass with a 3 plate squat.

Also Rippetoe used to be a powerlifter you stupid fuck. He failed at it.

>slight scapula protraction is bad on maximal weight

confirmed DYEL

His lumbar spine was fine, he kept it tight. His thoracic spine was obviously not straight but anyone who is pulling heavy is not going to have a straight thoracic spine and that's not necessarily a problem

He’s a geology major with extensive knowledge on physiology. You would listen to a doctor right? Then check out the ss afiliate barbell medicine.


zack hasnt lifted in ages. Chase Lindley is rippetoes star and he OHP 3 plates. dumb faggot

The most mediocre athletes make the best coaches, the best athletes make the most mediocre coaches.

so he has "extensive knowledge on physiology" like every fucking kinesiology major but he's only got a degree in geology?


>I've started to think it is the best program to build a foundation for subsequent training and conditioning whether you're bodybuilding or strength training.

Holy shit, someone actually gets it.

The point of SS is adapt your softmade, couch potato body to fundamental weight lifting and strength training. The typical Veeky Forumsizen (male age 16-30) is going to run it 3-6 (six being a very generous upper boundary) months IF they understand what the fuck they are to be doing. Then they are ready for more specific, periodized programs.

But NEVER 5/3/1 or especially PPL. Those are shit programs for wankers. Hashtag #ShitPrograms4Wankers.


Dude it makes me so sad to see people
Unironically run PPL, then subsiquently ask of 5/3/1 is a good program later when they realize they don’t know how to program.

>tfw I do PPL

I'm but I do a PPL 6 days on/1 day off and It's worked pretty well. 5/3/1 does seem retarded though. I think a lot of what makes a PPL good or bad has to do with rep ranges and weight

>lifting for strength and getting swole
i cant believe the reddit take over of fit has gone so well, just a bunch of PPL faggots and 5/3/1 fags

That's pretty much every high bar squat I see that actually approaches a max or RPE 10 or whatever. The natural inclination with a weight like that is to use all of the very large and strong muscles in the posterior chain, and not tear a quad avoiding it. So one either does it lowbar to best take advantage of that, or they do it high bar, have the "hip drive" anyway, and the bar ends up rolling up their neck.

I've never heard of anyone actually hurting their neck like that, but it really doesn't look comfortable. And they'd be lifting heavier if they just stuck with lowbar anyway.

Does this mean you’re pro Fiegnbaum?


I like you, probably becusse you agree with me.

I don't understand the high bar squat. With the low bar you have your traps to support the weight so the bar isn't just sitting on your fucking vertebrae. Why is the high bar a thing?

Not to say high bar is bad, but if you can do both why not ? Where in classic routines do you see people train the postierior chain? People more commonly train the conventional deadlift to help with sumo in pl, who would of thought a postierior chain dominant movement would have carryover to a vertical

Having traps helps, but this is why you see the pussy pad being used.

Well with the high bar from what I know (I may have fucked with it once or twice when I was DYEL) the bar is basically sitting on the top of your traps, the "head." The bar is inevitably going to be rolling into your neck.

>With the low bar you have your traps to support the weight
What the fuck are you typing you fucking retard?
The highbar is supported by your traps.
The lowbar is fucking sitting on the rear delts on the bone.

On the low bar you have your traps and shit tight so the bar is sitting on your traps. Not on TOP of your traps like the high bar.

>>lifting for strength and getting swole

people don't realize strength and muscle size are inseparable in natties, most power lifters are jacked underneath their 20% bf levels

>so the bar is sitting on your traps. Not on TOP of your traps
Either English isn't your first language or you're retarded


The position he’s taken that you’re taking out of context is that anyone - athlete or not - who can still get something out of linear progression should do linear progression. SS is the most efficient form of linear progression, so that’s what they should do if they’re going to do it.

Also Clarence is strong and clearly gifted, but he’s an utter fucking mong who’s never been able to translate those gifts into anything. He’s the physical equivalent of the 150 IQ sperg who spends his entire life memorising irrelevant labelling conventions rather than actually translating his potential into something meaningful.

Rip meanwhile has always acknowledge he was relatively in-athletic and didn’t get anywhere near his potential because he wasted a lot of time doing shit that didn’t make him any stronger. That’s one of the main reasons he’s dedicated himself to coaching - so people don’t make the mistakes he did. He’s also said - and been told by people who WERE more successful than him - that the single dumbest piece of advice he followed was to stay as a 220 lifter when he could’ve probably had an extra 200 on all his lifts as a 242 or a 275. That’s why he’s so adamant about GOMAD for skellies. It works, the downsides are minimal, and it’s as easy to stop doing it as it is to start.

What's wrong with ppl

People always bring up that ugly fat fuck Zach as an example of SS. You don't HAVE to get fat as fuck, to really follow the +5lbs per week on all the lifts you will have to be at a caloric surplus, so you will gain both fat and muscle but that is the case with any bulk. For someone who has never lifted a weight or trained in their life, I don't think there is a better book or program to follow. It's not something you do for the rest of your life with no modifications. It's called fucking STARTING strength. You learn how to properly do the major lifts, and by following the program you make serious strength gains. The conditioning and shit comes later. If you are a 150 lb skelly and you start off doing some bro split or whatever you won't get anywhere.

High bar is the ‘older’ form of the exercise because it’s the intuitive thing to do. Over time powerlifters worked out that if the bar was lower on the back, they could lift more, even if they didn’t know exactly why (Karwoski has said in a talk he did at WFAC that if he’d figured out a way to get the bar half an inch lower on his back, he could have added 100 or more to his best lift). Rip was more or less the first person to bother thinking about the physics behind it.

High bar continues to happen because most ‘coaches’ don’t know any better, and many don’t even bother to teach the lift at all. They just say ‘go do some squats’ and let the kid figure it out as best they can - which if you’re a guy who hasn’t been told to use the hips is usually ramrod straight backed deep knee bends. I see this happening in literally every gym I train in, and it’s worse in the serious ones than the normie ones because normie PTs have to make their clients think they give good value for money even if their advice is useless. Coaches in ‘serious’ gyms more often than not rely on their lifters’ natural ambition and dedication to cover up for the fact that they contribute zero to their progress.

Yeah, how wretchedly bad or only merely mediocre PPL will be depends an awful lot on how it is set up. This is true of most post-novice programs to one extent or another, as everything at that point is at least somewhat dependent on a particular trainee's goals and weaknesses.

I just think pointless definitions of what is a "push" and what is a "pull" are horrible things to base a program off of. It's much more useful to base a program around core barbell lifts, and add assistance exercises base on one's particular weakness. Even "aesthetics" chasing nimrods would be well served doing that and adding stuff to the end of workouts for particular muscle groups they think they don't have enough of.

Part of it is also that I personally prefer to be in the gym fewer days a week. So I do a fat load of shit, and then take the next day off. This is somewhat necessary for specifically powerlifting training, as one wants to be used to doing squats, bench press, and deadlifts heavy in the same afternoon before they have to do exactly that in a meet.

For one this, it's a lot easier for any witless n00b to get their arms back around the bar in a high bar position. Low bar requires more shoulder extension and allows less shoulder abduction for a proper grip, and people with prior shoulder injuries or crippling inflexibility can struggle to do it without pain, or at all.

The demographic on Veeky Forums, however, is not the demographic that's going to have those problems at a high rate.

>didn’t get anywhere near his potential because he wasted a lot of time doing shit that didn’t make him any stronger.

So his shitty 3x5 rest 5 minutes program that he made up by copying Bill Starr's 5x5 that he's recommending to EVERY athlete, was made up through his failures where he got NOWHERE through years of training.

K, you've typed enough to prove Rippetoe is trash.

>Not to say high bar is bad, but if you can do both why not ?

Mostly because you have a limited amount of capacity to recover from training, and a limited amount of time on this earth, and lowbar does pretty much everything better than highbar, ESPECIALLY for novices.

I've heard somewhat smart people who are USUALLY quite pro lowbar argue that perhaps a very high level athlete who is already very strong, an Olympic weightlifter for example, might find highbar optimal for putting the greatest resistance on the quadriceps, as it requires a greater percentage of quadriceps to lift the weight due to the hip drive being diminished, AND it can be loaded considerably heavier than front squats. I don't know if this is true, or even if I'd advocate for it, but it makes a certain level of sense.

Regardless, NO ONE on Veeky Forums is that theoretical Olympic lifter that might have a good reason to specifically train quads with the greatest load possible.


Well, the definition of push/pull is kind of grey. For example, in mine "push" day is basically chest/shoulders with some tricep assistance

So flat bb bench, incline bb bench, OHP, then shoulder/tri assistance

Pull is deadlifts, rows, pullups, etc with some isolation exercises and bicep

Then legs is pretty obvious

>bait this bad
For those of you in the thread who aren’t trolls: he’s said he arrived at the program he uses now by starting out using a bunch of other shit because he thought that’s what people were supposed to do... then removing everything that didn’t work.

Rip’s position AGAIN is that anyone who CAN do linear progression to get stronger, SHOULD do it. For the average middle aged guy that might mean getting from a 40kg squat to a 135kg squat over 5 months. For an average guy in his 20s it might mean going from 60 to 160 in slightly less time. For a football player or other contact sports player who is still a novice despite being naturally strong, that might mean going from a 145kg squat to a 225kg squat over 6 months while working around practice. This is not unrealistic for an athletically gifted guy - I have literally seen it happen.

What weak faggots like you don’t realise is that you’re a weak faggot who could very easily be a much stronger faggot if you’d just stop making stupid statements on the internet and go pick up a fucking barbell three days a week for six months while making it slightly heavier each time.

you're really toeing the line of "knowing what you're talking about" and "not knowing what you're talking about."
there is no argument for low bar to be used in place of high bar when it comes to olympic weightlifting, at any level, period.
>lowbar does pretty much everything better than highbar
this is just false. are you a powerlifter trying to maximize weight? then do low bar. are you trying to maximize depth? then do high bar. it all comes down to what the athlete is training for.

The other problem is that ‘legs’ as a category is fairly meaningless (and comes from the tendency of bodybuilders to view the body as separated slabs of meat.) In the real world, you never apply force through your legs in isolation from the hips, so a ‘leg’ exercise that doesn’t incorporate them is pretty meaningless.

Add to that - is a squat a ‘push’ exercise or a ‘leg’ exercise or both? Similarly is a deadlift a pull or a leg? The only one that makes much sense is ‘push’ which is basically just pressing exercises, which already have a name. ‘Pull’ also makes sense because there’s a category of exercises that can be described as ‘pulls off the floor’ in their most basic form and which all share very similar profiles.

It’s therefore more meaningful and PRACTICAL to segment by the system of squat/press/pull - squats are different enough from everything else and more important to merit their own category, pushes are essentially all presses or (press assistance) anyway, and ‘pull’ refers to deadlifts, cleans, rows, and maybe chin-ups and pull ups if you wanna go crazy.


>great genetics
>roided to the gills
i should take his advice as a natty lifter, what works for him will work for me right?

When did Clarence called Rippetoe a faggot?
I need to see this.

You probably think that your glutes aren’t activated and that you need to do eight different types of curl for Muh Hypertrophy, and you’re calling an attempt to meaningfully categorise exercises autism. Kys immediately.

If you are a novice, and the intention is to get as strong as possible, as fast as possible. What program is better than SS?


>OHP 3 plates.
You mean that fucking standing benchpress?
Have you seen that shit?
That kid is going to get a visit from the backsnap gorilla and he's going to start sleeping on his couch.

And most natural aesthetic bodybuilders are as strong as powerlifters.
What's your point.