Official Veeky Forums height survey for end of January

Official Veeky Forums height survey for end of January.

Its morning here and im 6'2 now but in the evenings im 6'1 and if i squat im even shorter... im gonna put 6'2 anyway

>49% under 6'

more honest than i thought it would be but there's still a lot of liars here, it should be AT LEAST >80% because it's an anonymous survey

>lying on the internet

I am 6'3, and I only came here to laugh at short people and find new banters against them.
It's cute how small people rage

It didnt have my height, only short boy measures. I am 188 cm tall, and the highest option was 69. That is ridiculous. I chose the highest one even though it is far, far shorter than me.

I'm 3 inches taller than you, and came here specifically to laugh at people like you.

fuck off lanklet, 6'3" is the perfect height
t. 6'5" king of lanklets, you are past the cutoff

i imagine it's just that people who are taller are more likely to take part

5'7 here


reminder 5'10 and 5'11 are not 6' and you'll always be a manlet

>two options for 6'6-6'7 people

RIP survey. Also interesting to see how closely the manlet ratio matches what people claim in threads, hilariously disproportionately over 6ft, like everyone's dutch or something. Are tall people just more likely to lift or are people just liars?

I'd rather be 5'10 and build up muscles far easier than some 6'4 lanklet

good, cause you don't have a choice, manlet filth.

>i'd rather cope

fellow manlets like myself are just a lot less likely to walk into a gym or brag about our gains

anyone over 5'6 calling themselves a manlet is a fag who just isn't lifting hard

any "gains" are meaningless anyway

You should have made a seperate cat for all heights from 5'5' to like 6'8'

both are lankets 5'11 master race

fuck off. i'm a king of manlets aka 5'11. bow to me,

>182.5 cm
>say i'm 6ft

6'2 - 6'8 in one group

right after 6'4 it turns into freakishly tall lanklet territory. Why not just group the groups into individual inches?

5'10 is the average you memeing dipshit

yes, being 5'10" is just like having an average 5.3" dick

5'2" male here

>22% 6'2 to 6'8


>average 5.3" dick
Nice cope you got there Mr. 5.4"

You guys are such a faggots when it comes to height
because of you some people could feel sad
I'm 5'7 I'm shorter than most men but I'm not a manlet
I'm just not tall and that's all

>feet and inches

5'9 guy here

guys shorter than me are looked down on by everyone in the world. it's reality. i'm glad i hit this height.

ill help you. 2.54cm=1inch. 12 inch=1foot

>american site
fuck off to with the other subhumans.

5'11 guy here

guys shorter than me are looked down on by everyone in the world. it's reality. i'm glad i hit this height.

we all cope

Are you trolling or underage (or both)?

King of manlets here I shall lead my people to a new era !

Fuck you, little boy

I'm 195cm, so I guess you're the smaller boy :^)

I know some guys who are shorter than me and I don't look down on them

I'm 5'10 and I clicked 6'0

>all these manlets
kek, no wonder this board is so gay/low-test.


Actually the shorter you are the more test you have.
An average male has 700ng/dl testosterone, for a 6' guy that is 9.7ng/dl, but in a 5'8 guy it's 10.29ng/dl for every inch. That means he has 6% more testosterone so 742ng/dl


>YFW I'm 7'1 -- and female

please be in new york

Michigan good enough?

Well part of it is tallfags like me ctrl+f ing for height threads to mental masturbate

I'd like to imagine that non-existent women are skewing the results.

This pleases me.

I'm a woman, so there's at least a one vote skew