Diet help for abs

I've been doing calisthenics for a year now and am on a current cut now on 1400kcal.
How much more do I have to cut to get abs.
5'6 and 140lb right now

additional pictures

You don't have abs because they're too small/weak to show.
I don't know why you're even cutting, you should bulk and start gaining muscle.

What the hell is growing on your chest?

Yeah you dont really to cut more, you have no abs at all. Build more first

>Cutting when you barely weight above 1 pl8

they could show as your bf seems to be low enough but as the other user said they aren't built enough. more ab work.

>looks like this
>is worried about abs
yeah keep cutting dude you'll reach your goal soon

I'm actually posting this on behalf on my friend who says he needs to cut more, this thread is just to convince him to bulk instead.
Sorry for bait.

and how much kcal do you suggest he takes then?

How much of a poo in the loo are you?

Holy fuck you fell for the abs are made in the kitchen meme. You need to put on mass and train your fucking abs

Certainly not muscle

I don't intend to be offensive here but if you cut enough to get highly visible abs you will look like Christian Bale in Memento.

Bulk up a bit and train your abs. It looks like you have a small enough amount of fat adding muscle would make them pop right through.

>Christian Bale in Memento

think he meant the machinist

>5'6 and 140lb

you're gonna look about 12 years old mate

start the bulk

it is time


why the hell are you cutting? are you new? what do you think going on a cut will achieve?

I agree with everyone else here. Also 5'6 master race here, you can see the outline of my abs at my bodyweight of 157. I would say I'm about 15% bodyfat. Definitely not shredded but the point is that you still need to work the abs to be able to see them.

>5'6 master race here

Who left that manlet pit open again?

>I've been doing calisthenics for a year
You meant to say for a week right? There's no fucking way that you've been doing calisthenics for a year

I recommend going vegan to get abs.

holy shit
a pajeet