Why aren't you BLOATMAXXING right now?
Even /ourboy/ Sam motherfucking Hyde is BLOATMAXXING as we speak

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he's a big guy

Why is everything he does so hilariously ridiculous lmao


this is not sam is it?




TFW the bloatlord can jump squat 500 pounds
That's like me putting 405 on my back, squatting, and jumping up with it.
>TFW you will never be as strong as grizzly

maybe not but i will live past 40, can see my dick, could out run bloatmax at a mild walking pace and can take more than 5 steps without feeling the heart attack coming


finding out it's not Sam has legitimately ruined my day

It's a 300 pound, 6'5" tall black-jewish man, so it might as well be Sam Hyde.

fk beast

why do you think he's jewish?
he looks like a regular mulatto to me

because he looks like sam (also a black-jewish man)

unironically delete this post
nobody else should see this


i know this is not sam but i also heard sam is bulking, his latest videos show

holy fuck i thought same went ahead and got dreads lmao

he did

how are you getting these pictures?
does samil al hayeed have a twitter or anything?
i thought they shut him down

>he isn't on sam's weekly email list

stop trying to bamboozle me and answer my question

sam updates his followers through an email blog
each blog entry comes with a gallery of photos about stuff related to the email
you have to ask him to add you to the list. he'll probably call you a bitch for asking, but just tell him you pay for hydewars

i said STOP
now answer me

god i wish it was