Guilliotine press

Will I fuck my shoulders up doing this?

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>Could an exercise named after an implement that is designed to be fatal be harmful to my health?

Gee I don't know.

Not saying that guarantees rotator cuff injuries, but the guillotine press sure does enable shoulder impingement.

>tfw just got over shoulder impingement
>tfw took a few weeks to be able to lift again

after my injury I'm sure to take care of my shoulders because that shit sucks

maybe not if you do really really light weight. Are there any significant benefits from doing this?

>is getting a shoulder impingement bad

Well i think i have to think of another exercise that targets upper pecs that well

dont fuck and slip you'll die

What are
>dead hang

Guillotine press is meant to be performed on an incline bench

>le incline bench...maybe
literally the first and usually only lift that comes to anyones mind when it comes to targeting upper pecs

I just got a shoulder injury and I recommend you to stay away from all these potentially dangerous exercises.

You may think you are invincible but it sucks when injured. And I got my shoulder impingement from wide grip pull ups, which is much safer than this neck press.

something that literally only dyels and morons think
you can't target your upper pecs the same way you can't target the upper part of your tris
you can target different heads of a muscle though

man, talk about a completely garbage exercise that caters to ignorant retards.

>Can't target upper pecs through incline
are you actually braindead just look in any body building book or website. My bench max is 295 btw.

Just do reverse grip bench press.

Why do it all

>suicide grip on an incline

wtf arnold

>le common sense and widely held belief is infallible XD

>you can't target your upper pecs
>you can target different heads of a muscle though

get a load of THIS fucking moron.

>le pectoralis major has different heads XD

congratulations on being factually wrong you ignorant faggot. you have no argument.

moving the goal posts is not an argument.

>it's been proven
no it hasn't
and you're probably gonna say next why can you do less weight if it doesn't work your upper pecs
you can do less weight because you rely on your delts more
fuck off my board dyel

>babies first human anatomy class
Deleted my post, because I responded to the wrong person. Also to reiterate what I said was we're saying the same thing and you're trying to call me out for it. Targeting your upper pecs is targeting the clavicular head of the pecs. Actually do an incline bench and feel your upper chest, look in the mirror the results are right there dyel. Look at every mr. Olympia's routine, every website, every study the incline bench has been around for decades you're not going to make some revalational break through kid.
>what to you do to work your upper pecs

>Will I fuck my shoulders up doing this?

do it with dumbbells retard.


still moving the goal posts after "conveniently" deleting a post is still not an argument.

what do you mean I'm moving the goal posts, I still don't even know what your argument is? I "conveniently" deleted my post, because I responded to guy with the anime pic because I thought he was coming at me since this thread has gotten so covoluted. And I just restated what I said in my deleted post anyway.
>So why don't you show everyone how much of an retard you are and tell us what you do to work your upper pecs i.e. le different heads of the muscles genius

>hey guys, user here
>what is shoulder impingement and how do I get it?

Try doing this wiith double your normal weight suicide grip with clips. Trust me bro it's crazy good.

Just reverse grip bench its better than the incline or guillotine for upper pec engagement, while being one of the safest bench variations for your shoulders.

Yes it will. That style of pressing is retard. If you want to hit your upper chest harder just do the reverse grip bench press.


>getting a shoulder injury doing pull ups

Unless you have an extremely large shoulder capsule...yes. Look up what impingement is.

landmine press is the GOAT

don't do this, do the landmine press. i'm a landmine press evangelist

Are dips better than bench?

Better for the entire shoulder girdle with more carry over to other pressing exercises , so yeah.


you don't guillotine press like that

you only do it to a 90 degree angle of your arms. So you have your arms 90 degrees from your body, and you go down until your forearm is 90 degrees from your upper arm. Powerlifters with shoulder issues can still press heavy like this safely

post chest and max strict press