is this correct Veeky Forums?
Is this correct Veeky Forums?
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is it wrong that i would fuck that twink on the left?
i swear i'm not gay
But what about all the betas, soyboys and ugly people out there?
I am ugly and not big, so no
So basically if you are not attractive your best bet is to become swole? True
perseus is a massive dyel
what were the greeks thinking?
you forgot the 4th archetype, the gay alien
>I want to fuck a boy
>But I am not gay
You're on the right board.
i swear i'm not gay m8
I'm between Apollo and Perseus
Glad to see Haskell getting the love
Lack Dionysus
Did the Greeks have the female equivalent of that chart? I mean, they did have a goddess of beauty, right?
Aphrodite hera and athena you dirty fucking pleb
the 3 choices they gave paris
Where's the rest of us? The ugly ones.
No they were a bunch of retards that would drink grape juice all day and use olive oil as lube to fuck their boyslaves in the ass
You uploaded an outdated chart.
>believing (((persian))) propaganda
Dude, Persians were alpha af
apollomode in denial detected
>Believing feta goat fucking niggers on an archipelago contributed anything of value to Western civilization
>godless savages that lost to a couple of disorganized greek cities
pick one
>hasn't opened a math book in his whole life
lmaoing at you
it's missing Soyphocles
>Believing in the eternal struggle of good vs evil somehow makes you godless
>Believing in immortal inbred fucks in the sky makes you virtuous
This. I am ugly, bald manlet, where do I belong? Hades, the king of the pit?
Hes aesthetic and strong considering Age, no gear, no barbells(?)
>tfw Perseus but was Apollo a few years ago
but that is not a morphological chart
>not godless
lmao this is why some disorganized lads beat your whole shitty inbred army
yes it is they are archetypes of women
>the lustful hot whore
>the wise mother type (probably pudgy)
>the thicc tomboy
>tfw i'm not any of those
they had rocks and stuff
plus he's infinitely more dyel than the way hercules was portrayed
>Believing ancient Persians, the true Aryans, were shitskins...
Pay debt then we can talk
>true Aryans
yeah like indians are true aryans m8
i bet they're so inbred because of that top tier aryan genetics
>giving the eternal k*Aut their money back
never gonna happen hans
>Implying there's a causal relationship between Aryans and inbreeding
Notice how those countries with high consanguinity rates are spread the same way a certain popular religion was spread.
>le genes have nothing to do with it XD
even if genes are part of the chain of cause and effect and the don't directly influence a particular trait they are still have lots to do with that trait
ie you are an inbred brainlet
North Indians are not inbred in your map.
Indo-Iranian nomads from the Andronovo culture who invaded the Indian subcontinent and the Iranian plateau, around 1,500 BC, who imposed their languages, culture and religion, were fair and European looking. Later they bred with Dravidians (in the case of North Indians), and different Semitic peoples (in the case of Iranians) and gave us the modern shitskins.
welcome to Veeky Forums
You just said a lot of nothing. Good job!
>all that shit in the image
>for what is basically cute twink, handsome guy, and big boy
i can't teach you anything but primary school biology when you're an 80IQ shitskin m8
what does it matter that they had a portion of good ancestry when it's all muddled today?
if anything you are advocating for racial purity
North Indians and Persians were literally the puret Aryan stock. The Indo-Aryans migrated there 4000 years ago and eventually mixed with the native savages to give us the modern day pajeets. It’s really sad actually because the Indo-Aryan civilization was just wiped out due to interbreeding. This is what will happen to Europe too if these cunts get their way. Even still around 1-5% of Indians (Nordic Indid type) can pass off as white but that number is dwindling. My girlfriend is Kashmiri and has green eyes and whit-er skin than me.
Were the Greeks the first fitizens?
>all people are either twinks, chads, or bloatmax
I didn't ask you to teach me anything. The drivel you wrote made absolutely no sense. Assume it and apply yourself.
>twinks, twinks or B L O A T C H A D S
Its says "men", not subhumans
whatever m8
keep coping
Not an argument
Persians are whiter than greeks tho.
It appears a model specimen of masculinity has joined us this evening
You mean Narcissus right?
Bit that's jason
You're a big guy type