/fast/ #97 - why does no one ever make a new thread before 404 edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.

>Weight loss
>Better skin

It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)


>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.


If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that ego depletion is a pernicious myth and that willpower is actually more akin to a muscle you exercise that grows stronger with use.

should i fast on weekdays and not on weekends

Depends. I fast on weekdays because I have stuff to do on weekdays, and it keeps my mind off food. But if you have a labor-intensive job or something it might be better to fast on weekends.

Does a Bovril drink break a fast?

48 complete
I dont even feel like eating
6ft2 69kg

yes, I looked it up and it apparently has 21 calories per serving

good job, man. Are you thinking of going for longer or breaking the fast?

I think I'll go for the 72 but I got a chip on my shoulder to try the 100 since last time I pussied out at 90

going for 14day + starting tomorrow lads

This is something I probably need to ask my doctor but I thought someone here might know. I take 1000 mg Metformin per day for PCOS. I'm not diabetic and don't need it to regulate my blood sugar. Skipping taking it won't do anything to me except make my hormones wonky for a couple of days. I am about to start a 5 day fast and was wondering if I should still take it. I'm thinking it might be dangerous. I've been doing OMAD successfully since Jan 1 while still taking it.

ask your doctor to be safe. You could probably continue taking it while fasting, but I'm not an expert

day 1 here and my index finger feels weird
is this unrelated, could it be mineral/vitamin related?
i'm not drinking the snake juice yet while i wait for the potassium to arrive, should i go drink a bit of salt mixed with water?

I only use the sodium/potassium mix water for my 3+ day fasts. 2 days or less i feel perfectly fine with just water.

I have done several 42 hour fast and have been doing OMAD. My goal is to drop bf to 14%, currently I'm 18% bf. 6' at 80kg.

It has been incredibly easy and I feel way better on OMAD than eating "like a normal person". I'll start a 5 day fast on Monday.


That isn’t what autophagy means.


yeah it's probably nothing, did some exercise earlier and have been drinking squash which will have some minerals etc but before that was essentially OMAD all my life
i'll be taking multivitamins starting tomorrow and then the snake juice when the stuff arrives starting after day 2
what's the longest people have fasted here?
i do plan on quite a long one as i've got plenty of whale blubber but we'll see how it goes
this is my first

>100% clean diet
>do 22/2 on weekdays
>Fast all day Sundays
>Been doing this for several weeks now
>No lifting at all because I'm a lazy cunt
>visibly the leanest I've ever been
>Somehow I weigh 3kg more than when I started this?

What the fuck?


Is fasting worth it on a bulk, or should I save it for cutting? I kind of want to lean down a little despite being dyel. If so what should the routine look like

no don't fast on a bulk, save that for cutting

Isn't fasting cutting?

yes, which is why fasting on a "bulk" is retarded

ok, thanks man

why not train 5 days, rest, fast, resume eating for 5 day train?

Should I fast if I'm not a fatty? Snake man looks bloatmaxxed and there still haven't been any success stories from non-fatties.

>mfw breaking fasting with taco bell fries
Fasting is GOAT

What's the longest people have fasted on Veeky Forums?

just broke my 72 hour fast, I feel quite full after eating a steak and a couple eggs

Currently at 152h and this is my personal best, I've seen reports in these threads with fasts going on up to 3 weeks or more.

>2 weeks in
please let it be over

I'm on day one but want to aim for a long-ish time.
I'm 224lbs at 5'11" so should have plenty of fat to burn.
I've read MISS and LISS are better and less risky when fasting? I own an elliptical/cycle so I figure that on a medium/low resistance should be fine?

you're doing great user!

Should clarify that I'm wanting to keep my metabolism up to burn fat without it slowing to a crawl

I'm gonna be water fasting for a week to drop as much excess body fat starting Thursday. If I wanted to look peak condition when I finish for a couple pictures, should I dry fast for the last 24 hours?

will the new thread be #98 or #99

Does snake man ever explain how you avoid refeeding syndrome? Or does he just make shit up like when he says HIV isn't real and you don't need vaccinations.

Actually, why even bother listening to this guy after making those statements?

even a stopped clock is right twice a day

he's a bit optimistic about the autophagy eating the dead cells stuff
heard it actually helps slow or stop some cancers
was a study posted in one of these threads

Bump for wtf is going on here


there was a guy here that did over 30 days
his senpai was scared so he stopped

I'm willing to do this for a really long time but I'm not a fan of self-experimentation. There's virtually no evidence to suggest a fast longer than 5 days is healthy and tons of evidence to suggest it's dangerous. I'll ask again but I'm sure at this point I know the answer: does snake man ever address the issue of refeeding syndrome?

are you drinking lots of water like you should be? that might be it.

>those digits
>that post

It's all there

Do five days then. Results will be noticable

Will fasting affect my running?

You won't have the stamina you normally do

Finishing up my 6th day. have lost 17 lbs so far. how much longer until this becomes unhealthy in your opinions? there are mixed opinions on the web about long fasts.

Is there a way to accommodate fasting into my life while keeping the running? I have a day between runs most of the time, sometimes there's a 2 day window between them. Would fasting on my off days do anything to me? I'm ~15 pounds away from where I want to be

>If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week

What does 5:2 mean?

I work a fairly high-intensity job from Monday-Friday. Currently 9 and a half days into a fast, have been a little fatigued at work, but not it hasn't been impairing

I cut myself and licked the blood.

Did I break my fast?

Alright, I'll try it out. First time I ran a 10k I did it 24 hours into a fast, so I know it is possible for me to run on a fast at the least.

>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.

Fat fuck here curious about this. So if I take potassium and sodium, I won't get low blood sugar as bad?

5 days one meal a day, 2 days fasting

It means 5 days a week you eat one meal day while also doing a 48-hour fast once a week.

tried fasting at night+sleep instead of morning+afternoon and it didn't go well at all. been 14 months at the 1am to 17pm fast just great, but I wanted to try drinking coffee with sugar at 11am so I switched today and nah, I got to eat at night. can't sleep on an empty stomach. back to regular schedule for me.

I miss coffee with sugar, though. gonna try some evodia so I can drink coffee at 17pm and still be able to sleep.

I've also experimented with different eating times. Night always works best. Since I always do OMAD at the very least, I find that on those rare days where I eat throughout the day, it gets extremely hard to get back into a fasting rhythym. The hunger is just way more intense than usual.

Just finished my 7 day fast. Mango's are already god-tier but holy fuck did my mouth have a party.


No you will. Those are to keep your heart and brain going. eventually the little blood sugar will be supplemented ketone bodies. just gotta push through

Can/should I hike while fasting?

you can and should, if you've got a mate with you you'll feel a lot safer

Yeah I drink about 8L of water a day

Day 5 trying to get to at least 7. My second attempt. Got to 6 the first time.

No hunger but i miss the taste of food and the actual pleasure of eating.

Do you actually notice a difference when you fast this long?

Does green tea break fasting?

Those chips look disgusting

A difference in what?

I'm also wondering this. Lots of places say it doesn't, but what about the powdered "matcha" stuff.

>drinking anything but water

My wild guess is that it doesn't. Seems to be a decent source of vitamins and macros, too.

Potassium chloride is the same as potassium?

> macros in tea

what the fuck am I reading

Can someone give me a quick rundown on 0 cal. gatorade type of stuff for replenishing electrolytes instead of snake juice?

Is heavy exercise a good idea on a strict water fact or am I going to have to just go back to full on maintenance short morning workouts and walking?

Finally refeeding, lads :)

I'm looking for more resources and/or studies related to OMAD. Anyone know where I can start? Google just turns up a bunch of blogs and shit news articles.

just eat once a day
no snacks or anything after or before the one meal

Did 24 and 48hrs, now i'm 40hrs into my first 7 day. I feel so focused it's crazy, no hunger. Just black coffee and water. I'm 6'3" started at 240lbs i'm now at 234, coming off a bulk (natty). I'm excited! Next will be a 10 day.

Green tea wont break your fast and should help with weight loss (but only a little). The caffeine and catechins burn fat (to a minor extent). But do note that pure green tea is about 2 calories per cup, not gonna break your fast but not truely calorie free.

How much calories should have OMAD?

If you're lifting, pig out (clean diet tho).

Really looking towards my next fast. Starting on 1st

Ended a fast of thre weeks yesterday. Lost 14 kilos and really happy with the results. Will post pictures later.

Anyone who is going through an extended fast, itll pay off dudes, stick with it!

>day 5 of fast
>kidneys starting to hurt

Hey guise, this dude said that 1 days of dry fast = 3 days of water fast...


Is this true? Can I lose x3 fat in a dry fast compared to a water fast?

Do you drink.snake potions?

yea i started today. took some apple cider vinegar also.

i think im going to drop the vinegar and stick with the salt water

There's literally no fucking proof so you can safely disregard his video and any other that tries to make definitive statements.

That said, the theory is your body starts pulling fat not just for energy, but for water. I always start the first day or two of my fast as a dry fast, and then swap back over to a regular fast.

Drink baking soda


What if you do not so much a dry fast, but a really low water fast. Whenever I'm fasting I seem to not to want to drink as much, I drink maybe half a litre a day if even that.

>5th day of first fast
>planned for this to be the last day
>woke up at 4 am, couldn't sleep for 2 hours. Had to eat 3 preotins totaling 450 cal to fall asleep
>performance in gym went completely to shit, barely ran 2K
Looks like I'll do 4x3 instead

Lemon juice is for kidneys

what does lemon juice have to do with kidneys

don't listen to this person
if anyone out there is taking lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, take it SEPARATELY from your snake juice. Dilute it with water a bit and drink it all in one go. If you sip on that stuff all day it will ruin your teeth