Is anyone else a bitter and blackpilled ugly male? I am. Everything I do every day is tinged with the knowledge that I'm treated like shit due to my awful looks. And all my nostalgic memories feel the same way. Never having friends in university, never going to any parties when I went to school or university, and so on.
It's not an issue you see in the mainstream media, with its relentless propaganda. Ugly males who are social failures can turn even the biggest Marxist in to a just world Randian. "It's not because of your ugliness or my good looks! It's because of your laziness and my hard work!"
I am stuck in a bind to be honest. Caring too much about the thoughts of others is demoralising. I don't want to humiliate myself in public by trying to socialise. Every single activity, reading, lifting weights, turns in to a dominance hierarchy with its own form of work. But if I think for myself and ignore the useless noise, I suddenly have no motivation.
Background: >aged 23 >manlet >no friends or social life since 12 >no female attention ever >went through university with zero social experiences >became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job >never been to a bar, club, or party >missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresh week, any sort of relationships at all) >know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly; seeing attractive women everywhere is demoralising >feel completely bitter and detached from others due to being an ugly subhuman; lifting weights did nothing
I am pretty ugly too, but sex is very easy with apps. Try your best not to regret the past otherwise killing yourself will become a good idea..
Lucas Harris
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresh week, any sort of relationships at all)
be thankful you're a man, you can do it all again aged 26-32. If you have ugly face, grow a beard, or move to somewhere where you look so exotic it doesn't matter.
Chase Nguyen
I don't remember typing all of this
Charles Wood
this 100%
i am a 23 year old DYEL manlet pajeet and even i've gotten laid on dating apps. trust me when i say that once you get laid, your self-esteem goes way up
Thomas Gutierrez
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresh week, any sort of relationships at all)
HAHA everyone, look at this faggot. He actually has regrets about things he HASN'T DONE.
I lost my virginity at 26 and never had any of these experiences either. The difference is I don't care. Why would you want to "look back fondly" at anything you dumb fuck? Why would that ever matter? You're literally tormenting yourself over stuff that never happened haha. Only a fool would do that.
You're still young. If you're so obsessed about "looking back on things" just start living now. Work on yourself for your own sake, not for anybody else. You suck at being social because your confidence sucks. Your confidence sucks because deep down you know you could be doing better but you're not putting in the effort. You know you have nothing to offer.
It's not too late for you to start living. You can still work in a field that's stimulating and interesting to you. You can still better yourself by reading, finding a hobby or going to the gym ("dominance hierarchy" HAHA, give me a break you dumb fag. If you think that way, it can only mean that YOU are doing these activities to be better than other people. If you were genuinely trying to better yourself, you wouldn't care to compare yourself to others.)
You can still find a girl to fall in love with. Your worldview has been skewed by the internet my dude. In reality, there are plenty of young, decent looking, professional women out there looking to fall in love, but they won't fall in love with a moping faggot with no direction in life and no hobbies, just like you wouldn't fall in love with an annoying fattie.
Stop making these threads my man and start working on yourself. Here's a good place to start if you're looking for some reading:
Luke Parker
thought this would be a based london binge poster disappointing...
Hudson Clark
I'm 21 and in a similar position. I started lifting 3 months ago so hopefully after another 2 years or so of lifting I might look okay. If I'm jacked and still can't get laid I'm just going to kill myself or go ER.
Easton Diaz
We're not gonna make it.
Blake Diaz
what bs
Nicholas Adams
not op but seriously thank you for this
Noah Reed
It makes me lmao when people post that pic like it's from an actual study. The guy just did a quick survey and then applied economic concepts to Tinder as a thought exercise.
>At this point I would be remiss to not mention a few caveats about these data. First, the sample size is small (only 27 females were interviewed). Second, all data is self reported.
OP's worldview is so skewed that not only is he doing things to get other people's approval, but it sounds like he has given up on trying to better himself in any way. He's not realizing that the world is giving him an incentive not to be a loser. He says "lifting weights did nothing", but I guarantee you that he didn't apply himself and see every five pound increment as tangible, undeniable proof that he was getting stronger. Instead he probably said "Why aren't I as strong as these other guys? Why is it taking so long? Why lift when other guys will always be stronger than me?" and gave up a few months in. He says he has no motivation, but that's because he's doing things for the wrong reasons. He secretly wants to be better than others, instead of wanting to be better.
I was like him too, but then I decided to apply myself. It wasn't automatic, but I learned to take joy in small accomplishments, such as losing weight or finishing a book. I went back to school to study something that interested me and I learned to dedicate time for self-improvement instead of just shitposting all day. Am I ugly? I'm definitely not very attractive but it doesn't matter because I know I have other things to offer. Now, "magically" I'm more confident, I can hold a conversation, I found a job I like and I've got a cute girlfriend who I'm compatible with. Funny how that works. My life isn't perfect, but I guarantee you that it's better than OP's, because I'm working to make it better. Funniest part of all is that if he starts now he'll be ahead of me. I only started getting my shit together when I was 25.
Colton Hill
Go outside and stop browsing /r9k/ you victim complexing faggot
Alexander Price
you don't have to be attractive to have friends. you're just a faggot
Luis Moore
I feel u bro. people don't realize even the simplest social interaction or task is difficult and demoralising when you're short, ugly, lowtest, balding and basically might as well have "genetic failure" written on your forehead
Ethan Jenkins
It's less your looks than you think and more the way you carry yourself due to having 0 self esteem. Everyone can see that shit. Trying not to be a shill here but check out the Jordan Peterson book. The guy genuinely wants to help young men get their heads right. It's very good.
Alexander Gutierrez
Kayden Flores
Just be confident bro
Blake Cruz
I feel you man. Life as an ugly male is hard.
Josiah Scott
>This young beauty went on a date with a yellow fish and you won't BELIEVE what happened next!
Xavier Gutierrez
If you're genuinely ugly, life must suck. I've recently gone from 280lbs to 175 with decent musce mass, and the world changes before your very eyes when you from bum fuck ugly to alright looking. perhaps even downright attractive on a good day in the right eyes. The halo effect is very much real, and I therefore assume it works pretty much the opposite for ugly people.
Life isn't fair, my man. Do some drugs, that hepled me socialize. MDMA and amphetamines (not simultaneously) are fucking GOAT for being social.
Daniel Jenkins
Solid advice, m8
Carson Stewart
I don't know how ugly you are. Maybe you are legitimately repulsing, maybe you have some sort of craniofacial deformity, I don't know. But from my experience, most incels types are not THAT fucked, maybe average-below average, they do however pack a plethora of mental and emotional issues on top of that.
23 is not old, I'm 28 (29 in a month) and trying to unfuck my shit. I would kill to be 5 years younger.
Stop hanging out on lookism/sluthate/incel sites. They get a lot of things right, but those places will fuck with your brain. Just think about how many of the 'blackpilled' types are trying to actually improve their looks/status/finances and how many are wasting away shitposting and doxing each other. These communities are highly toxic. You have been exposed to the ideas, take what you can use, and leave.
You are most likely very depressed/have some sort of mental issue, try to fix that first.
Also, Veeky Forums and the incel communities are very insecure about a lot of things: the size of your dick, the size of your wrist, your height, your chin, the size of your fucking skull (lol), etc. These concerns have some legitimacy to them, but there is no use obsessing over things you can not change. I have been largely unsuccessful with women through my life, but I know one thing. Nothing will hold you back like being a self hating little shit who shots himself in the foot. Because that's what I did, and I managed to fuck several of the few chances I had handed to me on a silver platter. If you never start, you are out of the race. You are not smart or wise to exclude yourself from situations, you are just forfeiting. Life is a competition between men, you are competing all the time, be it for power or money or women or fame or whatever, whether you like it or not.
The people dropping the ebin blackpill truths about how it ended for you before it even began do not have your best interest in their heart.
Josiah Gutierrez
Haha that guy in pic is probably feeling "bitter and black pilled" after being robbed of his Mr O title.
**We will always support u Marcus**
Jaxon Morales
His prose is much better and he always starts off by telling an interesting story about what he saw and how it made him feel that day. The age is also wrong, London user is older.
Adam Bennett
Veeky Forums approved post. Well done sir.
Joseph Reed
Just B.E. yourself.
Parker Allen
You can become attractive if you have money, too, y'know. That's how you beat being ugly. Being ugly and broke is a death sentence.
Jose Campbell
Explain the general procedure to get laid using apps.
Jonathan Clark
Christopher Sanchez
Dude, I am handsome but due to crippling depression in high school and college, I always struggled socially. I have ugly friends who were the life of the party. It actually doesn't matter what you look like, what matters is outgoingness and confidence.
Also, 18-23 year old women are sluts because men from every age are hitting on them and they are going to college where they have tons of guys to carousel. This much choice leaves them paralyzed and unwilling to settle but they quickly hit a wall around 26 or so and then it becomes musical chairs to settle down with a guy, as they realize that their looks are fading, they're not ss popular or pretty as they once were, there's not enough Chads to go around and most of them don't ever want to marry, but just want to keep banging 18 year olds. Then those career nerds they blew off are in stable relationships with all the smart women who settled early, while these aging roasties are still single and becoming more and more undatable, and their attempts at dating only ever result in being led along on affairs with emotionally unstable ex-Chads who cheat on them repeatedly, so they become man-hating feminist cat ladies.
Dylan Torres
10/10 post, m8
Ryder Stewart
Wanna be my friend?
Asher Williams
How is that even a fucking question? No shit you don't get laid. Make an effort. Do you even try to be happy?
This whole thread is pathetic. I hate these threads. You are capable of getting anything you want but you sit around and sulk. Fuck you. You don't get the fruit of you put in no labor. You certainly don't get it for whining about not having it. Imagine a girl reading your terrible post. Would she have any interest in you whatsoever? No. Would you hire someone who only complains about not having a job? No.That post is part of who you are right now though. So stop being that and change
You think it's okay to be like this because you see others like this. It isn't. No one wants to deal with your shit and be your tampon every time you feel sad for yourself. Get the fuck over yourself and be somebody
Matthew Scott
Join some hippie yoga/meditation group and try to smash some qts.