Rate this ass, Veeky Forums

Actually these asses. Two different ones.

Left is way better

left side bare ass = 5.5/10... maybe a 6 if you're into anal
hot pink bikini = 5/10
right side in soft pink bikini = 3.5/10

inb4 some virgin comes in an says 8 or some stupid shit

>rates left 5.5
>rates pink 5
are you fucking blind

now I want to see your 10 faggot

you just want picture of asses you faggot.
i lost all my Veeky Forums pics before so I started anew a while ago

this is like a good 8.5/10
i don't have a pic of a 10

Cute, soft
Would grab


Not everyone likes a fat ass, nigger

>this anywhere above a 6
yeah I like thicc too but this is just pathetic, a fat 'ass' that can barely be distinguished from the legs

Top left 4. Everything else 1


left is way better than right

If you like fat butts

Nothing personel

Right ass needs something, but I can't pinpoint it...

I'd need to get a sniff to give accurate ratings.

Top left is 10/10, the others are 7 or 8.

This is one of those threads that makes me think most Veeky Forumsizens are basement dwellers. The difference between top left and a model is lighting, camera quality and pose (all amateur here) - even models don't look like models outside of a controlled, artificial environment. If a person can't recognize a good ass in a bad photo, I imagine their exposure to naked women is limited to porn.

bottom left is top left from a different angle in case you didn't notice

>virgin who has never been to the gym

This gif is disgusting yet so funny at the same time. I’m perplexed

>Top left is 10/10


This as is like 6.5 tops theres no definition or curve to it ...its just wide and flat kind of like a tv

ughhhhhh... My stomach is roaring hurting!
ughhhhhhhhh... That's much better... My stomach better... Here comes another!
ughhhhhhhhh! Stinky! My belly-welly-welly is another!
ughhhhh... That's much better....
Oh wait.... My belly-welly..... Here comes another!
Oh wait.... My stomach is a mess!
ughhhh.... My belly-welly is a mess!
ughhhh! Sting!
Ahhhh! Sting!
ughhhhh... It's much better...... Here comes another!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Stinky! stomach better... It's much better.... That's much belly is roaring....
Oh wait.....
Ugh... That's fucking hurting!

Enjoy your ban friendo


left side best out of group.

Why is there a hole in her armpit ?