Started seriously working out on New Year’s Day, 7 days a week, am I gonna make it bros?

Started seriously working out on New Year’s Day, 7 days a week, am I gonna make it bros?

You’ll definitely make it bro. I believe in you. Keep your motivation high, stick with your healthy diet and workouts, and you’ll continue to make it.

fuck, forgot to rotate
thanks friend

post pic from before you started

don't have one, just got a new phone. i'm 6'5, 185lbs right now

That frame at that height, you are gifted. You slay a lot of poon? If you're not slaying with that body, frame and height then you're doing it wrong.

Keep lifting and you will make it. God damn I’m jelly of your height and frame. Godspeed


i do, but really taking this year to focus on myself and not chase chicks. wanna get big :-)
thanks user, godspeed to you as well


>Started seriously working out on New Year’s Day, 7 days a week
btw by seriously working out, I mean that for the last two years I've been working out 5 days a week. It's still great progress for a week though imo. Just wanted to get your guys opinion

m8 i did nothing but play videogames before this year, played hockey as a kid but thats it

>getting so much pussy you don't feel like getting pussy any more
fuck you

i've got a fwb right now

>being unable to avoid getting pussy even though you don't even want pussy
fuck you

I want to believe

Once I get big, how do I get a fwb, teach me OP I have autism.

Not OP here. But life isn't fair and sucks for most males accept 6'5" gigachads like OP.

>coming onto Veeky Forums to brag

imagine how sad

befriend a lot of women without trying to come onto them, if they make a lot of eye contact and smile at you, they probably want you. in addition, if they talk openly about sex or related stuff to you, they definitely wanna fuck you

haters gonna hate

>how do I get friends?
well first you get a bunch of friends, then you have friends

Lmao is this samefaggotry? 6'5 is awkward as fuck height bro.
Anyone taller than 6'3 is a true lanklet.

approach and strike up a conversation if they make eye contact more than once, & if they're mirin. don't randomly approach chicks with nothing to talk about, only if they look at you and you've got something conversation-worthy

> talk openly about sex or related stuff to you
OP senpai, I had an awkward incident at work where my latina MILF coworker was talking crap about her ex. And she randomly brought up that the ex called her while he was having sex with another woman to spite her. She gave details to me like "the other girl was moaning" and she also said that "maybe I (referring to herself) should return to favor" sarcastically.

Does she want to bang?

Is that a Big Bear tattoo?

OP's frame makes him look aesthetic, non-lankey.

I saw your thread earlier, I'm almost certain she does. the trick is to be very non-chalante in suggesting it, and don't do it unless she brings up the topic to you in private again
my middle name means bear in Swedish

Thanks senpai. Yeah if she brings anything up like that again (which I'm hoping) then I will make my move. I'm just confused because she is currently seeing someone... I've been working this girl for about year, taking it slow and steady.

is she married?

No. She got out of a long-term relationship about 1 year ago and now she is seeing a new guy.

definitely go for it. if she brings up her ex, suggest getting back at him

7 days...? Take rest days brah

Oh I will, I definitely will if she gives another hint.

i feel lazy. if i dont work any muscle groups i run stairs


I feel you on that, but def listen to your body i used to train 7 days in a row sometimes spanning to upwards of 3 weeks, i made great progress but it does start to take a toll, after awhile (and as weight on lifts increase) you start needing those rest days! But keep it up brah, if you take anything from this, just listen to your body! Good luck

yeah i'm still doing really light weights right now so i'm fine doing 7 days a week. thanks for the advice tho bro

CBT threads exist for a reason. Go circlejerk with everyone else instead of making your own thread, attention whore.


What’s your routine please