Let's make this blunt; I'm curious as to how you bros tackle these issues:
How does one go about making friends?
How does one go about attracting women?
How does one gain personal confidence/charisma?
Let's make this blunt; I'm curious as to how you bros tackle these issues:
How does one go about making friends?
How does one go about attracting women?
How does one gain personal confidence/charisma?
Thanks in advance
>How does one go about making friends?
Talk to people.
>How does one go about attracting women?
Talk to people.
>How does one gain personal confidence/charisma?
Talk to people.
>How does one go about making friends?
>How does one go about attracting women?
>How does one gain personal confidence/charisma?
Stop giving a shit. Do things you like.
>How does one go about making friends?
Confidence, assertiveness and friendliness
>How does one go about attracting women?
Confidence, assertiveness and friendliness.
>How does one gain personal confidence/charisma?
Fake confidence and assertiveness
I did some meme rebirth yoga class and honestly it helped a lot with social anxiety
Fuck that pic hits a little too close to home OP
It's ok brotha, I know we'll all make it
An exercise I've found helpful is what I call the dictionary exercise. The point is to get you better at coming up with interesting and well told stories in any context. If you find you often have little to say in conversation this can definitely help.
What you do is you first flip a dictionary to a random page and pick out a random word. Then, on the spot, construct a story from your past that is related to that word and tell it to yourself. Do this in front of a mirror so you can pracice your body language and mannerisms. By doing this once or twice a day you will slowly see yourself becoming more adapt at conversation and able to talk about a much wider variety of subjects than you were before.
Cool bro, good idea.
These threads aren't very popular around here, are they?
Don't bother, it's something out of my control so why bother.
As long as you have both politeness and confidence you can befriend anyone. As cringy as it may be, I literally walked up to a table of people at college, and did the following
>hey are you guys busy?
>my name is user. I don't have any friends but I'm changing that
>do you guys wanna be my friends?
I had a conversation where i asked them about themselves and talked about who i am, and now I meet them there every Tuesday for a few hours before class.
Influence is a factor many that people can and will exploit
i'm happy for you if that worked but it sounds cringy as fuck desu
Dang good job
So you found a group of people that have you as their pity friend.
Better then nothing, i guess
Does anybody know of any online guides that can help with this issue?
Or you guys have an image guide/screenshot of advice on Veeky Forums saved that might help with this?
Much appreciated
There is no way to improve. The only solution is suicide.
I'm sorry user
How does one go about talking to people.
You create a social circle in school and then continue to meet people through mutual friends forever until you die. If you've already graduated then you're chances of getting a social life from scratch are essentially zero. Just give up and kill yourself already.
>What are sports teams
Friends = commonalities
Women = accomplishments
Charisma = can't help you there you have it or dont