The best routine to build muscle is a progressive PPL routine 6 days a week with 20 minutes of cardio and some...

The best routine to build muscle is a progressive PPL routine 6 days a week with 20 minutes of cardio and some stretching afterwards. Prove me wrong.

>protip: you can't

made for BBC

Big Bavarian Cock

Blacks so insecure

Big bronze chandelier.

There is not correct program, only the correct person for a program.

This is the routine I plan on doing during my first lean bulk.

Are you on PPLPPL off or PPL off PPL?
And how many sets do you do?

You're 100% categorically wrong.

The best is 6-7 day/week, low intensity, low volume full body program.

>building muscle


i just follow basically coolcicada's because it was exactly what i was looking for. made some changes, and I go PPLPPLx one week and then PPLxPPL because my thursdays are fucked every second week

lets be real, girls like this take a sugar daddy of any race

example plz

Depends on the cardio, cycling is pretty good cardio that does little to hamper muscle growth. Guys like scooby and arnie ride/rode bikes as a part of their exercise routine.

this is similar to what i do except i do ppxpplx since i have some damage to my right knee and 2 leg days tends to fuck my shit up.

Ok thanks, I will follow this. Do you try and increase the weight every couple of week?

And do you rest per set or is each exercise progressive? Or you only rest after every 3 sets

there's objectively good and bad programs friendo

i increase the weights weekly for compound lifts and biweekly for accessories. and i have no idea what you mean by rest, i'll do a set and then rest until i'm ready for the next set like every other lifter

A given day would be something like
Squat 2x6 @60%
Bench press 2x6 @60%
Deadlift 3x2 @70%
OHP 3x2 @70%
Pullups 2x8

You do something like this every day, rotating rep ranges, sets, and intensity, not going above ~15 reps a day and not going above ~70%

why such a low volume, like why would this be superior to even a tradtional brosplit

There's something to be said to the benefit of high frequency, and the weekly volume you would have would be equal to or higher than that of a brosplit or a PPL routine.

I unironically missed BBC posting

how would this fair on a cut?

Probably pretty well. It's all submaximal so you won't be struggling with any workout and you won't be too fatigued from it either. You don't need to do those exact exercises either, variations or substituting them for auxillary lifts or direct accessories is agood idea too.

instagram amandaeliselee

ITT: people who have never coached anybody, know nothing about programming, have no formal education on the topic but still want to give people bad advice.

i'm so enlightened thank you friend

there is a girl at my gym who has this body but has black hair and tattoos but seems really friendly
im conflicted

pump and dump

Imagine being so insecure about nigger memes you musteth respond with the Virgin Bavarian retort whenever they come up.

this but it will probably be fucking amazing time banging

Honestly PPLPPLx and PPLxPPLx are both way too much for anyone who isn’t on steroids. The correct way to do PPL as a natty is PPxLxPPxLx. Protein synthesis lasts up to 72 hours but muscles still take up to 5 days to recover sometimes more. The optimal frequency for muscle building is hitting muscle groups every 3-5 days. This maximizes recovery and you make better gains. Especially at the level of volume coolcicada’s routine has you doing.

no deadlifts?

imagine being such a shill, you show up every time someone mentions big bavarian cock in order to "correct-the-record" that it means big black cock.

Even if you've been lifting for nearly 4 years?

kinda, i do rack pulls with the bar raised maybe 6 inches. i find it less taxing

This is 100% bullcrap

I grew MORE hitting the same muscle groups 2-3 times a week, high volume, mix strength with hypertrophy

Yes, its too much for someone new, but after 6 months, youre good to go
My old routine was 6 days a week
Chest, back
Shoulders, arms
Chest, back
Shoulders, arms

Did this for 3 years, arms went from 13 inches to 17 inches lean.

Im now starting PPLPPLoff, 6 days a week

What I meant is do you rest 30s to 1 min per set or do you do 3 progressive sets in a row then rest for a couple of mins?

the former

Imagine being so butthurt you need to defend another butthurt incel poltard lmao

Lol. My arms went from 11-16 inches in two years doing an upper lower split 4 days a week. The law of diminishing returns buddy.

first post worst ironic post

my arms are 15.5 inches and ive been working out since october, i run pplpplx what have you been doing lmao

Cardio once a week is plenty. I do 20 mins HIIT once a week and I am fitter than all my friends by a mile.

Really? I just started a PPL, and was planning on doing PPLPPLX, but missed today, leg day, so I was going to try to add it to my push day tomorrow. Is that too ambitious?

>protein synthesis ends at absolute most 48 hours after a workout (likely shorter)
>work out each muscle only 2x a week instead of 3-4x

Yea but you’re fat and I’m 13% bf

A simple no would suffice

Lol that's fucking retarded

It took me 8 months to go from 32cm arms to 40cm arms doing PPL

Imagine being so insecure about being a Negroid subhuman with a small dick that you have to respond to every picture of a woman with a "muh dik" lie

This is the perfect woman.

she's as plastic as that sex doll everyone's been drooling over lately


I go to gym 3 times a week
I alternate volume and intensive days

I do bench, leg press, dips, and hypers every time and alternate chin ups and horizontal rows

My volume days are absolutely cruel and I might do >15 sets of bench, rows and leg press, alternating from low load to heavy and alternating reps

Increase weight when you need to increase it. If its 8 reps and you hit 10 then you need more weight.

Guys, first time taking aminos and am genuinely confused. What should I take between 2:11, 4:1:1 and 8:1:1? Please, clarify if you can. I looked up on google but it seems opinions are very mixed.

It depends on your goal and whether you're juicing.