What would happen if I walked 12 miles a day on 300 calories...

What would happen if I walked 12 miles a day on 300 calories?Im 6'0 290 pounds i started walking a mile a day for a week now.and I can feel my body getting stronger and im not as gassed.

You'd literally die.

Stick to 1500-2000 (or TDEE - 500) of low carb calories and keep increasing your walking gradually, then move to running when you get to 220 lb or less so you dont fuck with your knees.

You would run out of time in the day before you get 12 miles

>300 calories?
you would lose more muscle than fasting
read the fast op
>You'd literally die.
your literally retarded

>290 lb
>12 miles/day
>300 calories intake/day
>OP pic's physique
You'd die after a few weeks of doing this, don't be retarded.

no you

i eat 12 carbs a day. im in between jobs right now and cant afford healthy food so i eat 4 hotdogs a day no bun or cheese.That is 300 calories 12 carbs 36 grams of fat and 12 grams of protein

user you really should eat more than 300 calories per day especially if you work out. Hell, even eating a tub of vanilla greek yogurt would be good (1 tub is about 700 calories, 80g protein, 80g carb) along with something else for fat. I personally wouldn't go lower than 1200-1500 calories (your TDEE is 2800 calories, so that means you lose 1 lb about every 2 days if you eat 1300 calories). You will still lose weight quickly, but your body will be better able to function and you wont be as miserable.

What you need to watch out for is snacking on carbs or some other easy to forget small food/drink. People will say "I only eat 1200 calories a day!" but then when you actually look at their diet, they eat another 1200 in candy/chips and soda. You must completely cut soda (and sweets) out of your diet if you havent already.

just stop eating, bitch tits

I get wanting to lose the weight fast and the self flagellative aspect of eating very little, but you're going to need the self control and knowhow to diet once you've lost it to keep it off. You're better off with a proper diet and exercise routine

Im not worried about muscle right now.I plan on getting on HRT i can just gain it back later

i used to be fit i just got super depressed and got fat.I cured my depression.And I have more self control

>12 miles a day on 300 calories
Shit like this is how I know you fat fucks are never going to make it. You need to make permanent, sensible lifestyle changes but you just want some retarded quick fix.
Fuck off fatty.

you wouldn't die anyhow, but you'll do more damage to your knees than is worth it by running

just stop eating for 2-3 weeks and supplement with multi vitamins and fish oil

You're knees would get fucked
your body needs glucose to function

lmfao stfu you dumb cucks, if i he can shed his weight quickly then let him do it
OP don't listen to these cucks, they are just preaching what they heard
you'll do fine if you stick to your original plan, just do it and don't talk about it

Im fat cause every time i fucked your mom she made me a sandwich. faggot

If that is you in the picture then you wouldn't last a week. You need a lot of will power to stick to 300 calories a day let alone walk 12 miles a day. You will have no energy to keep walking. You would lose weight quickly but you wouldn't be able to keep up the routine.

maybe if you take caffeine you can do it
you don't have much to lose anyhow if you are truly as fat as you claim to be

its similar too me I dont have as much fat on my arms and my bitch tit are not as big

Well my mom's a disgusting obese sack of shit as well so I wouldn't be surprised to find you fucking her and eating sandwiches.

or he'll feel like shit, not get good results and give up. or return to his shitty food habits when he's dropped 10lbs.
you could walk 12 miles a day which would take you 4 hours if you were normal weight OR you could spend 1 hour a day at the gym and get much better results

Dude desu ur best bet is to just not eat absolutely anything until ur not a fatass. Only supplement with a Lil potassium

don't try to fast down from 240lbs without medical supervision, op

muscle wasting is counter productive to you losing the fat though

don't do it man. The only reason you think you're gay is because no woman has found you attractive. Don't be gay.

sometimes it's good to try something extreme
the longer it takes him , the higher the chances are that he will eat something or succumb to the opportunities
if he drops fast, he knows what he is truly capable of and can put more effort into retaining and building muscle quicker and earlier

the only muscle he will have, is due to him being so fat in the first place, so if he'd replace the weight he lost with literal stones in a backpack that he carries around and eats his lean mass protein

he should be fine

hahahaha Im not a fag HRT for men. testosterone

I think TRT is more commonly used in your context. anyway if you want to commit the time go to the gym every day, cardio it up, count your calories, lift to keep (and maybe build a little) muscle


Buy a couple dumbbells and do some basic workouts. Also, fast.
Serious question not only for you but how do people get to this state?

Eat a rotisserie chicken and a salad with vinaigrette. A full ( normal sized) store bought chicken is 1200 calories and 168 gms protein. Salad would probs be 150 cal. Boiled egg for a snack if needed. Drink lots of water, coffee, teas, no alcohol and just keep walking. The weight will fall off. Much better than eating hot dogs/wieners.

walking that much on low calories doesn't sound too bright. it's too extreme, just eat more if you're gonna do that.

>I plan on getting on HRT

That body cannot be saved.

You'll burn fat. Then your leg muscles will get worked and need protein to get stronger for the next walk. Since you only eat 300 cal. It will break down your upper body muscles to get the protein for your legs muscles. Do it __---you have nothing to lose except fat.

Crash diets don't work longterm, the evidence is clear on this. You need long term lifestyle change. A diet high in whole plant foods, moderate exercise, low in added fats and animal products. This is what 90% of experts will actually say. Most people here though are total retards in regards to nutrition.

/fast/ fatty you will feel way better than if you are 300cal I'm on day 28 lost 45lb so far I was 6'4". 315

Not op, but i know in my case i didnt notice how much weight i was gaining until i was wondering why my knees and ankles were aching when i was sat down. i weighed myself and i was 366lbs. It was a shock. I went low carb and no soda and dropped 100lbs in 6 months, and the pain went away. Im on my feet moving about all day with my job so fuck knows what i would have weighed if i had a sit down job. I knew i was big, i always have been, i just didnt see how big i was getting

Giving up, and having food be the best thing going on in your life.

>You'd literally die.
fucking kek

You'd have a better time /fast/ ing

Well if you want to walk for 3+ hours straight on 1/7 of the calories your body needs just to function sedentarily, it's your funeral.