What’s the key to developing good habits?


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find the motivation within yourself instead of asking for help on a czech neuropozyne syntheseis forum

There isn't one. In fact there's no key to anything. Waiting on your ass for some mysterious thing called "motivation" before you do something is only going to leave you waiting on your ass even longer for something that's never going to show up and the next thing you know you're aging, fat, unemployed, and still living in mom's basement waiting for her to cook tendies for you.

The only key is discipline. Buckle down and fucking do it. Nobody's going to do it for you. Raining? Snowing? Feel sick? Suffer through it and get the fuck out there and work out, go to work, whatever. Power through.

Apply that philosophy to every aspect to your life and you'll be ripped as fuck, wealthy as fuck, and semi-retired by the time you're 40 years old.

I'll add that I have an anxiety disorder that used to give me panic attacks every time I left the house, god forbid entering a grocery store where there are lots of people.

I went to a doc, got some help. I still have bad days but I'm getting better at it. Just fucking get out there and do it.

No excuses.

Anxiety is a big part of my problem too. How did the doctor help? Tons of meds??

Being disciplined means doing it even when you don't want to, and doing it consistently every single day. that's how good habits are formed

I have an ativan script, which is on a "take as needed" basis. I also do therapy which has helped immensely. I always try my best to do something without relying on meds, but I'll take one or two if it becomes overwhelming, and then I'll finish what I set out to do. As of now I've used em maybe four times since October.

Exactly. Nobody wants to get up at 6am and go to work, but we fucking do it anyways.

Physically doing things... Immediately. You can't "think" your way to performance, and you can't "plan" for perfection or consistency. You either do them or you don't, and you fix your mistakes / add improvements along the way.

constantly doing it user

start easy and rewarding and then stack them up. find intrinsic motivation. fake having grit until you actually have it.


Who the fuck uses a trackball mouse?

>panic attacks every time I left the house, god forbid entering a grocery store
How does one become so fucking crippled? Did your parents lock you up in a cage when you were 5?

She also has CSI on VHS next to her on the desk so obviously the picture is from 1996 and the computer screen is a CRT built into the wall

Do them regularly.

i did it to myself. shy kid, undiagnosed adhd, never was really outgoing socially, got a computer, got internet connection. I'm like a sponge for information and the internet was like fucking cocaine to me with. But I'm better now. In shape, got a good paying job, my own place, some investments.

Feels good man

Yeah but your parents are supposed to police your computer usage.

It was more like "Oh good, he has a hobby!" followed by "Wow, you're so good with computers, you're going to be a computer engineer some day!". I don't blame them for it. My folks are good people, don't get me wrong. I guess because they're from a different generation and we live in a very rural old fashioned area, they saw it as a positive thing.

Honestly I've heard similar backstories from a lot of other people on here too. I guess you've got to be a little off the deep end to end up here anyways.


Apply the same logic you use for lifting:

1. Think of how you can make whatever behaviour the simplest version possible (start light).
2. As time pases add more the elements you took off one by one as you progress.
3. Dont be afraid to deload on failure and keep trying.

Having a cute and fit girlffriend that supports and encourages you to be a better man.


Start with the small ones and stick to those small ones, and then expand from here.


Consistency that’s literally it.

>There isn't one. In fact there's no key to anything.
>The only key is discipline.

this triggers me

Listen boys, fuck your anxiety. It's only gonna hold you back in life. Look, you can only go so far in life worrying about random shit that may or may not happen. The only way you will conquer your anxiety is to take some risks and go against the grain of your gut. Make friends with some low-lifes, or go admit your deepest feelings to randoms in public. You are more resilient than you think. If its not social anxiety, then take some personal risks. Go do some urbex, rock climbing or bungee jumping. Have faith in your body to hold itself together during stress, humans are literally the most advanced species on the planet, and we can do some pretty fucked up things to our head and body before we give in. Meds will take anxiety away but they are not a permanent fix. You may as well smoke weed, because the only difference between big pharma and your local pothead is that one has a lobby group. If you are anxious with what to do with yourself, try and do things that you are passionate about. For example, I think environmental damage is a big issue, so i pick up rubbish i see in the street.
Seriously, you can get over anxiety, but its hard. The best way is to see how it is affecting your life. What did you want as a child? Anxiety is robbing you of that. Scare the fuck out of anxiety cos it deserves it.
yeah, emulating masculinity will give you it.
more knowledgeable children become more neurotic as they grow older. It's not a bad thing, just how you've taught your brain to think. Unadulterated imagination has few limits but real life does, so the two don't always mix so well.
I think this is the best explanation. Humans learn by reflecting on results. Good habits are generally a result of successful trialing. >Great habits are ones you learn off of other people.
you would enjoy momcest XP

In my experience, the best habits I have are the ones I don't think about doing, but do while thinking.

being obsessive

obsessing over the habit and not what it is meant to achieve is bad.

Removing temptation from your life.

Actually just doing the things you say you're going to do

Anxiety was my biggest problem, held me back for YEARS. I started therapy and after a while began attacking my problems head on, no matter how scary. Getting over anxiety is a life changer.



7 habits of highly effective people if you want to get autistic about it
willpower and baby steps are all you need though

Hell yeah, man.

Force yourself to do it enough times and if you're autistic enough you'll become obsessive about it and always want to do it. So the key is autism