Sweet Tate General

Why the fuck aren't you eating these delicious, nutritious, glorious motherfuckers?

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No one actually knows why these are good for you. But you somehow know they are so you just roll with it.

Apart from vitamin A, what is so great about these guys?


A huge fucker is like 200calories and it takes a solid 15m to finish

>85% carbs

I can eat one in two minutes flat.

You're seriously underestimating the calories in sweet potato. The other day I had a REAL big one, 610 grams or something, ended up being over 500 calories.

>sample size?

>The Chiny Study

tl;dr eat a shitload of these fuckers and see your health gains go through the roof. low carbs and atkin's diet is fucking bro-science

wtf i luv sweet potatoes now

Its time to search for some recipes

Dude. Sweet potatoes are literally the most nutritious fucking food in the world. Hands down. They taste like fucking heaven.

Fucking fry fries, add them to a broth cubed, microwave those motherfuckers (poke holes in them first so they don't explode); you can add them to anything. They're fucking delicious by themselves. Personally, I'd say make some sweet potato chana masala. The protein and nutrients are extremely high, coconut milk is fatty and healthy, and it has zero cholesterol- so if you're roiding your heart gains will be insurmountable.

Pro-tip: they pair well with cilantro. Put ten fucking pounds of it into your sweet ass tates.

>Dinner tonight

Cubed chicken and sweet potato, cooked in coconut oil and oregano on top of white rice, cooked with crushed pineapple with fresh cilantro

Tasted spot on

gotchu senpai, we cookin' tonight


I think you were leaning on the scale




Veggie or chicken broth, I recommend veggie as it doesn't fuck the sweet taste up

kek, keep posting user

this shit is godly

7 minutes at a boil, be back in a bit

Ill be waiting

i-is it onion-bro?

In the mean time...

Onions and garlic?

a whole onion and a whole head of garlic
tfw nobody to care about my garlic breath

we Veeky Forums now

You add the chicken with the sweet potatoes?

I can't find chicken that isn't grassfed or farm-raised in my country so I'm redpilled against chicken
also it's almost done

does this not look fucking amazing?
destroy the non-believers


oh fug, It looks tasty af

Tomowrrow I will buy the ingredients, thank u user

I sometimes add chickpeas or lentils for protein. I don't worry too much about it cuz I just suck down my brotein powder.

Noice I like lentils too

thanks user
oh, add a shitload of chili powder and a bit of vinegar to taste
idfk how much I use, I just glob it in there. holy shit this tastes fucking good.

I will buy it too

Do you use salt?

had some roasted with garlic and repepper flakes, a whole chicken as a side

it was magical

This is unsalted, I'm sure you could add salt. Most stock comes with a shitload of salt in it. Chicken broth is like 50% of your daily salt intake, and it tastes too strong, which is why I use veggie stock.

Well, since its a sweet plate I shouldnt be using sal at all.

You buy the veggie broth or you cook it too?

I have no clue how to make veggie broth. I get that shit at Target for like $1 a pound.

is that for a babby , pls dont tell me a grown man eats that little bowl

kek I didn't see this
I eat onions in almost everything, memes aside. I've been doing that since I was a kid. Onions are fucking delicious, even on their own.

I dont know if here we have veggie broth on stores.

Thanks again senpai

Your sweet potato was almost a pound and a half? 500 calories is pretty low for that much food.

My favorite is to pan fry them til crispy in garlic, add a bit of maple syrup, and cook with bell pepper and some sort of protein. I'll run them through a cheese grater sometimes too and make hashbrowns. I fucking love sweet potatoes.

You're very welcome.

Shoo shoo fatty

oh my lord this looks fucking amazing

pls be my chef user

Does anyone else season their roasted sweet tatos with cinnamon? I fucking did this the other day and I swear it might be OC. I cant claim it tho, idk if anyone else has done it. Delicious tho.

That's fucking standard, mate

They eat purple sweet potato you retard, completely different macros and micros

I keep thinking about that pick where the guy's fingers looked like that

Why does that look like ratatoullie? Just add parsley.

I would destroy this with the fury of one thousand negeros

They're prized for their high anti-oxidant levels and low deficiencies. This is due to the plant-based diet, not the purple yams... you retard.

>Take large sweet perderder
>spritz it with butter flavored non stick spray
>coat with garlic pepper
>enjoy crispy savory skin and rich sweet flesh

Shits so fucking tasty and low cal as fuck

>meanwhile Veeky Forums thinks all you can eat on a cut is chicken, rice, and oatz



The cream (both yellow and pink skin) and purple flesh sweet potatoes are the only varieties worth eating. Orange sweet potatoes are absolutely disgusting and I cannot see how anyone can tolerate them

>Why the fuck aren't you eating these delicious, nutritious, glorious motherfuckers?
Then post a better, more appetizing pic. Your OP looks like giant grubs on a plate.

because i live in eastern europe and they are expensive af

how much is expensive af

Looks good to me user. Maybe you're autistic.

Damn this potat thread is making me hungry.

Fekkin quiche with roasted sweet potato instead of crust, you get your meats, cheese, veggies, and the sweet potato

This is my first screen cap (I'm relatively a newfag , been lurking for a while but not contributed much yet) I know it sucks, any suggestions?

Put the steps in order vertically with the first step on top, going down chronologically

Actually, that bowl literally was for my 4yo.

thanks user, I wasn't really attempting a screencap-worthy recipe, but I appreciate it kek


does this work with non-dairy milk? I don't need any estrogen.

Roasting a couple rn user

also wondering this

yeh just use almond or soy

if anything this means that if you consume lots of carbs and very low amount of fat and protein you will live longer. that might not even be true depending where/how the data was collected. this is not an argument for absolutely anything and i really hope you're trolling with this retarded picture.

Sweet "tate"

Study carb diets and you'll find your cause. This has been known for a long time.

>Sweet potatoes with cinnamon


what's the cancerous thing on the left though? looks like literal dog-shit

Oh so this a covert vegan faggot thread, anyway, it's a homemade cheeseburger. Twas super delish m8

I'm not a vegan you stupid nigger, that just looks like garbage.

Because I'm cutting and they are an absolute calorie bomb

I dont think it looks like shit. That user is being mean for no reason. You did well making your own food keep it up.

Are you the one who said you're a newfag? Stop being nice, this faggot needs to know his burger looks like pure, unfiltered sheit.

They cost more than meat per kg here :(


I am. Every day almost.

I've got four sweet potatoes in the kitchen. I usually just make them into fries (pic related), but OP's Hasselback sweet taters look bomb. Should I go sweet with maple syrup and nuts or savory with pecorino and garlic?


2 Tablespoons olive oil
2 sweet potatoes large
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
sea salt to taste


Tzatziki sauce

Trust me bro. You'll cry inside

>putting potatoes on rice
pic related

Screencapture Master Race

I never really bothered to stop and think about it, but why is coconut this huge superfood over the last few years. I see the oil everywhere from cooking, to eating a spoonful, to being in all sorts of beauty products. The water is in all kinds of "health" beverages.

insecure much?

The purple ones from Trader Joe’s are delicious.

same here

Legit dude gj

the oil is great for your skin because it doesn't dry up as easily as some others, thus it lasts for a long time- so if you have dry skin, yeah you get it

it tastes fucking good, and it adds a zing to your meal instead of just using plain olive oil, which has no tastes to an ass-like taste

also it's not expensive at all

is that a fucking hotdog in a glazed donut