What happens if I take steroids for 2 cycles and stop...

What happens if I take steroids for 2 cycles and stop? I've got all my noob gains covered and want to make gains that are unattainable while natty.

If I do steroids for 2 cycles and just continue to workout and eat correctly afterwards, will I maintain my physique and strength from the steroid gains?

Interesting question, bump

I think that the literature says that a single cycle of steroids improves muscle growth in the long term. It's going to be hard to cycle and stop though, because steroids do other things to you, like recovery time and personality changes. It's going to be hard to just cycle off and stop.

Yeah I can see how it can be hard to end a cycle after seeing how incredible roids can be but I'm pretty disciplined I think. But it realy improves muscle growth long term huh? thats interesting

Your muscles will have a pump, a fullness that you just won't get off the stuff. You'll also feel sooo much stronger, your recovery time is next to nothing and you're going to be making gains at a rate you never dreamed possible.

No you won't be able to maintain - thats why people cycle the shit constantly. From experience I can tell you it feels amazing and you'll look better than you ever did off the stuff. That's what makes people continue to cycle. A guy I knew, (total sociopath but he is to this day the heaviest juicer I've ever known) nearly died on a bad batch and after making a recovery went right back on it.

If you're curious I'd recommend it for the experience alone. However, if you have an addictive or high risk taking personality I would advise you to be cautious.

Don't quote me on this, but it's what I've heard. I've never done steroids, because I know I wouldn't be able to stop.

Fuckkk, so even with 2 cycles, I'll return to my normal self soon enough? feelsbadman

You'll always revert back. You may retain SOME gains, but you're never going to look as fuckin joocy as you did while you were on whatever stack you were on.

The best way I can explain being on winstrol is like having a constant pump but your muscles are not just full - they're insanely firm.

I can't speak for the other shit but I've got friends who took dbol/test and got massive. They stayed massive but never looked as defined or full.

Youre going to be bigger than you were before withtout steroids, even when you stop.

Steroids are gay, take estrogen instead

So with this in mind, would doing a cycle help with weight loss as well? Like 1-2 cycles and continuing after that? I’m trying to lose weight and not get super swollen but get enough physique quicker sort of thing.

I've heard that as long as you stay under the natty limit in muscle gains you'll keep what you make, but that you'll always be performing at a higher level on roids, even with the same level of mass.

interesting, any shrinkage afterwards shouldn't be a huge concern then

so are you recommending winstrol over test/dbol? im only 5'7 so getting massive isn't a goal of mine, id like to be super lean with full tight muscles. I've been massive before through a bulk...not a good look.

I dont have a roids plug near me but I've always wondered, if i were to do about 1/4 of a regular dose for a single cycle, would I be alright? I would only want to use it in such small amounts to help push me through my sets faster and move on to heavier weights faster. Then when Im off of it, I'd adjust and stay at my new plateau.

How strong make you steroids

Before and after

Dude don’t do it. I’m your height and I cycled once and please just please don’t do it. The retards from fraud are gonna be over soon pushing you to do it but that’s because they’re fucking retarded. You do a cycle you’re probably gonna have to be on trt earlier and have some nasty side effects. Side effects that greatly outweigh the benefits. Please just trust me on this one. Don’t play god with your hormones.

I heard they make your balls shrink like 1/3 permanently, but other than that basically no long term effects.
What else is there?

I'd stack Winstrol and Anavar if I did it again. I would recommend you do a very considerable amount of homework before doing ANYTHING related to steroids.

Also, get yourself a physical and make sure you're completely healthy before doing anything.

If you're young I don't think you'd need to take test but most guys I've spoken to recommend it. Again, do your homework if this is something you're interested in.

I was offered winstrol by a friend and I took it. Had great results. I'm not an expert. Just a bro who took some shit another bro gave him and had a great experience on the stuff.

After the cycle you will go back to your nattymax limit.
Lets say u have test score of 100% natural
On steroids you have 300%
After you stop the cycle and eventually go from 300 to 100 you body will follow you.
Everytime i go cycling i leave humanity and when i stop i just go back to ”normal” which other people see as ”fuckin huge”.
Tldr; you will return always to your natural max after roids (if you have reached nattymax)

I'll do my homework prior to doing steroids but what are your experiences? How did they affect you positively and negatively?

Jesus Christ, is english your first language? Fucking stop lifting weights and immediately go seek education. I bet you post on Yahoo Answers...

All me.

Disclaimer that I'm not recommending you do it. I don't believe steroids are good for long term health. I have hypertension even though my resting heart rate is low 50s. I'm not a healthy person outside of the gym and I don't make responsible dietary/supplemental decisions.

If I could go back in time I never would have done it. However, I did enjoy the experience while I was on the stuff and my friends and I saw the benefits in the immediate moment.

Do as you will with this information my dude.

You’re never gonna be what you once were. Say you’re average high test is 650 which is normal, after your first cycle the highest it will ever go is 450. These dumbasses giving you advice I gaurantee never even graduated college nor know what an endocrine system is. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot for a small amount of gains and enjoyment. I’m sorry bro but I’m way to lazy to find the links regarding the regret other people who made the same exact mistake you are about to. JUST TRUST ME user, PLEASE NIGGA

OP no, this is not true, this nigga is straight retarded and has no sources. Literally the pinnacle of broscience. OP I’m trying to help you not prevent you from gains, do it naturally, don’t be like this juiced out retard.

Thanks bro, people like you make this place worth visiting

UH let’s see for one, my libido is ass. Do you really want a life where you barely have a libido so you basically have to be on steroids to even feel life again.

wtf and what am I ? Chopped liver ? I’m over here trying to save you to user you fuck

Different guy.
I've already got dangerously low T (50% of minimum healthy amount) probably cause as a side effect of medicine that I'll probably have to take for the rest of my life.
Should I give a shit? I mean I'm already extremely low T without TRT.

im about to get jacked bro

>doing steroids
this is pure retardation. just take a gander at our steroids general, its a bunch of goobers that have nothing going for them. their whole identity is in their image and they talk about the terrible sides and how bad they feel. ask for a pic and almost none of them look impressive. even if you succeed beyond your wildest dreams you now have a body that is mostly sexually attractive to gays and the lowest quality sluts. the only reasonable use for steroids is to push yourself to some kind of insane athletic goal imo. bodybuilders that use steroids are absolute scum and shouldnt be admired by anyone.

Not even, im just random thirstworld nigger asking out

Fuck it man do you.

I'm kidding dude, I appreciate your concern. I have access to it that is why I'm asking but I'm a self preserving guy so there's a good chance I'll never do it.

what city is that in the background?

Not gonna lie

>I’m about to get jacked bro

>pic of charmander going off

Made me smile

More pics of her? Fuck thats hot.

Waste. I'm just taking 400mg my first cycle with some dbols. 500mg of test is recommend but if I cycle again I'll bump it up to 500mg and try a different oral

Boo hoo

new york, can't you recognize the brooklyn bridge dawg?

her name is sarah snyder and she is or was jaden smith's girlfriend

This sounds like b's, source?

You will lose all the gains you got from juicing when you stop and depending how big you got while juicing you'll probably be left with a lot of excess skin and a fucked up hairline

Least I could do my dude. I mean, the fuck else are we here for? This place is about sharing information, sharing experiences, and sharing feels.
>tfw no gf

I'm 30 years old in November and I'm ~900 ng/dL natty 5yrs after a single cycle. I regularly get my blood work done. Mom died of cancer when I was 4 yrs old, Great Grandfather died of cancer when I was 2yrs old - so I'm always watching my hormones and blood count. I'm a veteran with free healthcare and I fuck sloots on tinder so I am avidly getting a full panel done every few months. I monitor all that shit closely.

Now I don't know the empirical data on all this shit but its hard for me to believe I'm in the minority given my experiences with the substance.

Do your homework. Weigh the pros and cons. Make your decision my dude. Best wishes.

What if you weren't looking for size gains and just wanted to get lean hard gains?
Would you be able to maintain that body type after cycling?

1. You won't stop, because you feel so much better on that you won't want to go back to how you used to feel all the time.
2. The worst side effects come from stopping their use. You can pretty much avoid all side effects if you blast and cruise for forever.

set yourself a goal. do the diet, train hard, achieve peak natty form before you chose to roid. its what im doing and so far so good, its helping with my cravings

You're the retarded one, the guy is right

Complete nonsense. Most people can return their original natty test levels after a cycle. It's just like 10-20% of people who can't and will have lower natty levels than before.

But again, you're actually retarded if you do cycles. How do you people not get this, blast and cruise.

shit man i skipped a full evolution this is some good juice

pic is me afterwards

Meh I plan on staying natty for a LONG time. I'm 19, crazy people my age are juicing on here.

If I'm ever going to roid it will be probably be after 25. I like the natty life though. I don't even take creatine and getting some 10/10 natty gains.

I do this a lot for my health and mental state. If something like test can potentially mess up my mental state and strive towards my own form of enlightenment.

Basically all I do is meditate, weight lift, day trade, study and work a fuck ton of hours. Interesting head space.

>Your muscles will have a pump, a fullness that you just won't get off the stuff. You'll also feel sooo much stronger, your recovery time is next to nothing and you're going to be making gains at a rate you never dreamed possible.
There's a massive dude in my gym, absolute manmore bodybuilder, who cycled off and stayed off. Dude throws up 375 for 8-10 reps on bench and he says he's just maintaining that strength for as long as he can, because since he stopped roiding, and I'm talking about trt, tren, hgh, dianabol, etc. all in one go, he's lost a significant amount of strength.

I remember when a 4 plate bench and 5 plate squat to him was like 2 plates to me. I felt so strong benching 225x10 the first time and he was doing it with 405. His recovery time increased, which makes his overall workouts decrease, which hurts motivation.. But just eating and taking preworkout, protein, and creatine, he's managed to sustain still being stronger than 95% of the gym, and he's all natty now.

So yes, roids will give you a MASSIVE boost, and you'll always be bigger than if you never roided at all. However, you won't sustain muscle, not a chance. You'll be eating twice as much and going ham every workout and you'll just eventually realize that you don't have the same energy you used to. Keep your head up though, because if you have hit your natty limit after deloading and reloading, taking rest weeks, etc. and eating more simply is no longer an option, then you'll always be bigger after roiding than if you never did.

Kys idiot

There's a difference to being a part of the lifestyle and being sold to it. The healthiest and most attractive people, the ones you usually see on fitness magazines and modeling, are the athletes that stay off roids, and just eat well, sleep well, and lift well. Magazine models and the guys women drool over are usually like 6'2 and only 180lbs.

That was a good fucking post, user.
+1 internet

6'2 180 looks like SHIT even at contest bodyfat

900 ng/dl is really high natural test isn't it?

It's basically tall ottermode, which is why women love it so much. Tall enough to be attractive, fit enough to be attractive to normies, physically stronger than many men that lift and almost every man that doesn't... You don't really need roids to get a great bod, you just need them if you have body dysmorphia or are competing in any real sport.

is that what all the fitness chicks are on?

So are there side effects or not?

seems like half the people on here say dont do it and the other half are all for it.

High by current year standards, below average by WW2 era average European male levels

why was it so much higher back then? the diets?

Way healthier diets, more active lifestyle (men barely ever spent any time sitting for extended periods), and also in 2018 there are all kinds of poisonous chemicals in our foods that have negative effects on our hormone levels and other aspects of health.

>make unattainable gains
you'll lose them, your body can't maintain gains above its limit.
and your test might not return to what it normally is now, so you might lose a bit more.

she looks hot af in this pic but couldn't find another good pic on her insta in the minute I spent looking

Not quite true, with the right genetics and dedication the body can hold onto a vast majority of steroid gains after a cycle.

A lot of the problem is that people are lazy without the test, they dont work as hard, so they shrink.

if you stay doing the same work eating as much food with the same intensisty you wont lose all your roid gains

we have steroid users on this board that have proven that, and we have steroid users that have shown that you can lose every ounce of muscle in a month

If you take steroids without making money with it you are a beta cuck and roids wont change it

Your genetics and hormone levels will limit how much you will keep long term, you won't magically become dyel when you come off, but with three additional points.

>You will find it very hard to maintain muscle at very low bodyfat while off.
>You may fuck up your hormonal levels, essentially lowering your natty limit, or ruining it entirely.
>Some steroids will cause bloating on top of gains, which will make it look like you have lost nearly half your gains when you come off.

Don't do it until you are confident you understand all the risks and what you are actually doing.

OP wants to make gains "unattainable while natty" meaning above the natty limit. By definition these can't be maintained. Maybe he'll keep them for a year, but eventually they will fade.

Also if he makes gains above the natty limit, for example he gets to 230lbs lean with abs, he might permanently impair his natural test production, its possible he'll never return to his baseline pre-cycle level, so he might actually shoot himself in the foot in the long run.

so what your saying is that someone could naturally raise test levels by a simple diet change and avoiding chemicals

Absolutely. But it's kind of difficult to avoid the chemicals, they're in so many things, not just in plastic food packaging or plastic bottles. The same estrogenic chemicals are in soap, shampoo, toothpaste, dishwashing solutions, tons of other stuff.

>chemicals in the water are turning the frogs gay
You're an idiot

Wow, life must be rough being so unintelligent.
It has been extremely well documented and proven that there are xenoestrogenic chemicals in all of the stuff I listed. You literally just have to look at the ingredients lists on them you subhuman brainlet.

Secondly, you do realize that meme quote of Alex Jones saying "chemicals in the water are turning the frogs gay", he was talking about a real thing that happened? There was some pond in USA where the nearby factory was releasing its toxic waste into, and the chemicals caused the ponds entire frog population to turn homosexual, which soon ended in their extinction.
It's a funny quote, but who is to say there are no chemicals that would have the same effect on humans, since it's been proven to have caused that in frogs.

Get your cuck "we wuz high test" ass outta here faggot

Lmao you kikeboys get so mad about facts.
There are fucking testosterone level tests from WW2 and the average European male levels were close to thousand.