Rank 'em

>dick length
>dick girth
>skin (color)
>dick aesthetics
>dick in general

Come up with the DEFINITIVE ranking Veeky Forums. The Ranking to end ALL rankings. Rare Big Guy commands you to.

such a good movie. fuck your gay thread though


>such a good movie.
Yeah, Locke was good. Just ~2hrs of the Big Guy talking, and it was actually engrossing.

>fuck your gay thread though
But why?It's what Veeky Forums does all day. Why not lump them all together?

Forgot to mention sex moves. Where would that rank?

>dick aesthetics
>dick girth
>dick length
>skin color

I hate how this fucking website are obsessed and insecure about every bit of themselves and their bodies

It is to be expected. Here everyone's anonymous. You can vent about whatever you want and not face judgement. An user might call you a faggot, dicklet, manlet, whatever. Some will answer. If they don't, you can try again in a few days. It's basically free therapy.

Being this obsessed about your wrist, jaw, chin, hips, height,... is what needs therapy

Well yeah, but if we were normal, well-adjusted people, we wouldn't be on Chinese Parrot Recipe Image Board.


never underestimate the importance of having a huge dick

Skin color is the only thing that matters, why isnt cultural heritage and political beliefs on that list OP?

I can confirm that dick size matters. My current gf once went on a date with a guy all was good and then she saw that his dick was the size of a thumb. Needless to say dick size is very important.

It's amusing to me


>that his dick was the size of a thumb
Shit user, we're talking about dicks here, not legit micropeens. I'm a dicklet and my flaccid is twice the size of my thumb.

That bar thott you took home:

>skin (color)
>dick in general
>dick girth
>dick aesthetics
>dick length
That qt3.14 freshman in your class

>skin (color)
>dick in general
>dick girth
>dick aesthetics
>dick length
That desperate land whale that lives next door:

>skin (color)
>dick in general
>dick girth
>dick aesthetics
>dick length

that movie was so fucking good

Status > everything else

>dick (if smaller than 6')
means a straight no, hence top of the list.
>status/physique (basically the same thing)
>charisma/hair/eyes/money/profession/money (same effect)
>dick (if 6 inches or bigger)
acceptable, so doesn't matter.


>That bar thott you took home:
I'd imagine the bar thott would care about dick more.

See, I cannot come up with any sort of sense from all these lists. You're all so fucking wildly different, contradicting each other at every listing.

You think? How come?

Either you have a giant dick or small hands which is it?

My thumb's about 6.5 cm if we're talking about where it connects to the hand. Dick, flaccid, is about 11 cm, bonepressed. So both small dick and small hands, I'm afraid... At least I don't have a certified microdick...

Yes. Especially when you're being rated handsome but you have to feel shit because of some small flaws like a receiding hairline etc.

They're like girls, you only need to be fit, have some good cologne and a decent looking face. Girls really don't give a flying fuck after that point, that's when your personality comes into play.

Its because everyone else is retarded and doesn't understand human interaction. My list is correct.

Which one is your list user?

first 3 are fine
>dick length
>dick girth
>dick aesthetics
>skin color
fixed that for you

You had 48 chances to get it right but you managed to get 0

>height > everything else
A simple thought experiment would show how wrong that is.

The problem is that a lot of these traits tie in together. For example, pale skin color looks better with darker hair and lighter hair looks better with tan skin.

All of it is ogre tier srs (srs)

Skin (color)
dick (all)