Post the shoes you workout in and other Veeky Forumsizens make assumptions about you.
Workout shoes
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You sicken me.
Crossfit fag, falls for all the latest trends.
Home gym master race, has smelly feet.
>doesn't give a fuck about design, he just wants a comfy shoe.
Sockfag here. Actually a degenerate who takes his shoes off to squat/deadlift at the gym. Clean pair before every workout though.
Other user, and Ive been wearing those shits since befite crossfit was a thing, get fucked.
OP are you me
Been lifting for several years; too poor or cheap to buy new ones, let alone actual lifting shoes
Just a normal pair of Adidas tennis shoes I got on sale.
Is it worth it to buy those wood soled powerlifter shoes?
breddi kuud
How are actual converse shoes?
I owned a pair of chucks that I got from Korea; I suspect they were counterfeit because they chewed my feet up whenever I wore them; material was way too hard and had no padding what so ever
Crippling autism leading to an unhealthy obsession with a certain blue hedgehog
Depends, are yours so bad that the sole is barely attached to the shoe anymore and is just a trip hazard at this point?
suggested running shoes due to how i run.
The only acceptable option.
it doesn't get any better
Bodybuilder tho not a wannabe tapout fag
that makes it gayer
at least mma/boxers wear them for a reason faggot
Danners for squats everything else is chucks
These, however I also wear them outsider of the gym. Disgusting? Maybe, they don’t smell I guess
lol, wore these as normal shoes back in high school
have fun with crushed toenails
converse suck wtf
uhhh....yeah...everyone thinks youre weird when you go to the gym in these pal
same here, feels bad when i kick off my shoes then people stare at me
>got them for $40
Because those running shoes provide much more protection than simply not dropping weights on your feet right? Bet you pull sumo.
Same desu. I like to pretend they're miring, but nobody in my gym lifts heavy/knows what deadlifts even are, probably.
>working out with converse
Are you retarded or you don´t like your feet?
>caring what other people at the gym think
they make my god tier calves look even better so fuck both of you faggots, and they have flat soles aka good for everything and don’t make me look like a virgin wearing converse
you shave your legs? when did you start transitioning?
not funny
lol, mad
what are you a fucking faggot? shaved legs? that gay pose? chub 20% bodyfat? bragging about socks?
>what are you a fucking faggot?
>shaved legs?
>that gay pose?
alright how else should I flex my calves bud
>chub 20% bodyfat?
Sure bud
>bragging about socks?
Didn’t even mention the socks but okay
lmao nah. I do cardio at home and these are my daily wear so I wear them to the gym too. I do feel a lot sturdier on the bench with them vs sneakers though.
You look like you weigh about 120 soaking wet
you look p good ngl, too bad its all ruined by those absolutely autismal "shoes" you wear
>shaved legs
>not a faggot
This doesn't add up
damn I really thought you were fatter and more muscular from your fat hamstrings and cankles
fell for SS?
guess you’ve never heard of a bodybuilder
>Mentions socks
I dig the flats, but god tier calves they are not.
the only time i judge is when DYELs that don't even 1/2/3/4 have expensive weightlifting shoes or wear a lifting belt
try-hard pussies
Fucking lol. Those calves aren't even close to good
Sam pls leave
how about you post yours then
Took 2 years to hit 4pl8 diddly, hasnt progressed since. Calls himself a power lifter does less than 3pl8 lowbar. Wears a hoody in the gym and trains alone
I’m not a nigger i swear
Not too far off.
>a bodybuilder
Ma Nigga
Those colors are perfect. I wish I had seen those before I bought mine.
Worn during squats, clean and jerk and snatches. Any pull work too. When doing bodybuilding work I wear my hi top dingy white converse.
I had been working out in wrestling shoes, but I finally ordered a pair of these.
They're nothing to look at, but the reviews are pretty much universal glowing praise for the price point. Found out about them from Candito.
As somebody who sits on the floor for rest periods, you disgust me.
Answer me this: yesterday I saw a guy take off his shoes to use the leg extension machine. He did 3 sets of leg extensions in socks, then put his shoes back on to do something else. What is broken in sockfags' heads?
looks like gazelle
not him but those are just generic adidas skateboarding shoes you could probably find on the adidas site or any skatebaording site
Look stubby. Miring the wood heel.
clean socks are cleaner than anyone's shoes
lots of people wear their sneakers everywhere stepping on piss and dog shit
how is that cleaner than socks straight out of my washer and dryer?
Gym and daily driver shoe
Pic related, should buy something else had these far too long
There's a guy in my gym that wears these
He smells of BO from a fair distance away
I don't work out in a third world shit hole. At my gym, people have dedicated gym shoes that they only wear on the gym floor and otherwise keep in their gym bags for transport. You take off your outside shoes when you get changed and put on your gym shoes at that point.
And the answer is that shoes are impermeable, so they aren't going to get sweat and ring worm on the weight room floor. Unlike your socks. You can get good lifting shoes for $40. Stop making excuses for your filthy behavior.
I either use these, NMD XR1's, or my cheap nike zoom lifting shoes when doing deads. Just bought a custom pair of converse that should be coming in in a week or so.
>I wear these shoes day to day as well obviously.
Not amazing, not terrible
Have had a pair as long as i remember, very versatile
>have fun with crushed toenails
as if your sock-with-a-sole offers better protection?
Wait, are running shoes actually ok to lift with? I thought they were bad for squats and DLs
>He smells of BO
High test levels make BO more potent :)
Not me though, home gym master race.
Also Romies for any movement requiring increased ankle range. They're the best option for slightly wider feet.
Asics for running and sprinting sports.
Puma suedes for everything else.
Nice try to identify us, CIA spook
Wrestled for a number of years and they are just so comfortable.
>used to buy counterfeits from turkey, bought my legit pair and the difference in how long they've lasted is well worth the price difference.
different person. i actually have pretty decent ankle mobility. is there any benefit to the raised heel shoes over chucks then?
Faggot as JV I bet. No decent leveled headed alpha wrestler would wear these to lift. YOURE A FUCKING WRESTLER SINCE WHEN DID WE EVER CARE ABOUT COMFORTABILITY
almost ten year old pair of these babies, got em in 2009 when I started lifting seriously