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Neither, faggot. They're both full of estrogen and sugar and not fit for human consumption.

Almond milk is where it's at. Get on my level, pleb.

just make sure the almonds have been activated. otherwise youre wasting your time.

>sugar is bad meme

>tfw I ate unactivated almods this morning

where do I give away my gains

you already have. rip gains

Both are healthier than each other.

truthiest truthster speaka da truth

this is probably my biggest fear when it comes to my diet
>drink 2 litre of whole milk every day during my bulk
>wake up one day with intense pain in my prostate
>at the doctor he tells me i've got prostate cancer
>i tell him that i've been drinking 2 litres of milk every day for a few months
>he's shocked and dumbfounded
>i go onto Veeky Forums and tell my story
>everyone says i fell for the meme

Just take out your prostate bro. It's just holding you back. GOMAD

It's because you didn't drink a gallon, you drank 2 liters, dummy.

Whole milk, pretty much all science agrees.
>satiating effect is higher
>higher % of fat soluble vitamins
>fat content decreases insulin spike

Certain types of sugars were found to be linked to cancer in the 1960s and they've been found to exacerbate cancer symptoms since then. I mean I'll still eat it because I don't give a fuck, but all sugars definitely aren't good for you.


So post-workout skimmed milk is better, all other times whole milk?

>sugar is bad for you
I bet you avoid fruit too don't you? Keep eating your oats and meat though, pleb. I'm sure you'll see """gains""" in no time

>almond milk
where is the fucking tit on an almond???? since when do female almonds feed theyre young with milk wtf when did i switch timelines again

Skimmed milk contains a negligible amount of estrogens and is found to increase test. Delicious I guess.

this is correct

you're a faggot

wtf i love soy now


when this meme gonna end swear to god this one is the most annoying one in months

>They're both full of estrogen
citation please