EC Stack

What are people's experiences with an EC stack?

I'm on my third day and feel speedy as fuck right now.

A bit concerned because I've had issues abusing uppers (addy, vyvanse, and coke) in college.

Is this shit safe?

I'm 6'2'' and 210lbs, I want to cut to about 190-195lbs.

Also, general experiences / advice would be nice.

I did it for 2 months straight and lost a good 40lb with my cut. I assume most of that was water weight but still good amount of loss.

To me it is a weak version of those drugs you mentioned. Once I get my chest to where I want it I'm going to do this shit again.

Is it safe? Can't answer that. I've read studies people have posted about obese adults and weight loss, but I dunno. Consult a doctor fag.

Why EC stack and not ECA stack as I've been hearing for years?

I heard the aspirin part was a meme.

Yeah, I just don't really want to approach my Doc and admit I was abusing coke, amphs, and mdma in my party years. But I suppose its better than Zyzzing in a sauna a month from now.

I like 50g ephedrine and a black coffee m'self.

On rare occasions with a Vyvanse too but at that point I can't even work out, just blogshitpost endlessly

I'm on a standard 25/200 stack. I just use it as a preworkout effectively.

Hahaha jesus m8 I cannot even imagine the stimulation from a vyvanse and ephedrine. If I get on the chans before doing my homework and the vyvanse kicks in I'm stuck in a 6-8 hour loop of shitposting and fapping.

You guys actually feel vyvanse?

Back when I was 15/16, they had me on a shit ton of Adderall XR but when they tried putting me on that, I felt absolutely nothing.

How do you get ahold of ephedrine?

Yeah, honestly I prefer vyvanse over Addy IR or XR. It is much smoother and for doing hw/studying I thought I was able to focus better.

It is more gradual, but I preferred it.

In the USA go to a CVS and go up to the counter, ask for Bronkaid. They make you show your ID and sign a form saying you will only be using it for medicine.

If you have had several problems abusing stimulants, then you will absolutely be leading yourself to addiction by doing an EC stack.
As long as you are healthy, then there is very little risk involved.
Been using EC stacks for around 3+ years now. Longest length of time is around 9 months, 2 daily doses.
Spent a few months using Yohimbine along with it, but couldn't handle the overly stimulated feeling.
>lost a good 40lb with my cut
>I assume most of that was water weight
Do you really believe that much water/glycogen was in your body? How large are you, 600lbs?
Depending on your size, it is likely that only ~10lbs of that was water/glycogen.

>gained 40lbs in the last couple days
It was just water weight bro

And thanks, I think although this is enticing, I'd rather not go down the path of being addicted to eph/caffeine. Will just cut the old fashioned way.

I take a 50 mg when I do and only like once/week max. So no tolerance. Whenever I bang this chick I steal one from her roommate. I think it digests/absorbs faster because I always take it with a black coffee too.
It's cool. Ephedrine is a nice complement to caffeine but it's just not very powerful IME, I need 50mg to feel anything and 75-100mg to get wired.

Yohimbine makes me really aggressive. If someone makes eye contact with me walking I have to make them break it first, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind word for word and make sure I get what I want. Once on it I saw a turtle on the road and it took everything I had not to get out of my car and stomp it to death. Also a good fat burner imo.

Aspirin is supposed to help with the high blood pressure onset by caffeine and ephedrine

just eat less, faggots

It's pretty addictive, if u have an addictive personality

it kinda fucks you if you stop taking it, because you will be used to having no appeitite, it messes with your head

long term use can make you agressive, irritable, especially since natties get pissy when their bodyfat gets single digit in general

Appetite suppression is strong, but I think it's underrated as a PED- it gives you a lot of energy, lets you train longer and harder.

Side effects like upset stomach, racing heart are common if you use (abuse) it at a PWO dose like I do

>im not addicited I swear
>i was on it for 9 months without cycling off


lol, i never wanna hurt animals but i get pissed when people walk in blind spot and insane shit on ec

I did this until I plateaued (read as, got lazy), then recalculated my TDEE and switched to proper pre-workout. Presently doing a scoop of C4 Extreme (or whatever the fuck) at 330, working out from 4-6, then taking a Bronkaid and 200mg caffeine pill at my 10am and 2pm breaks.

Tapers nicely so it doesn't fuck with my sleep (bed around 8-9pm), and my weight is down from 235-200 since mid-September.

You get grossly lean on ec but it wears on you after a while. I started having tension headaches. Then again, I was taking Mr hyde with a bronkaid instead of a regular 200mg caffeine pill

Degenerate drug addict!

Shut up you retard. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

Kys you autistic loser

Mr hyde?

None of this is true. You are an autistic loser and when anybody makes eye contact with you you look down at the floor asap. You arev a chicken shit internet tough guy with no courage in real life. Lol,faggot

Heart palpitations, sweaty and clammy

I guess I lost weight

What's the benefit of EC+aspirine? Why do people run ECA?

Ephedrine isn't legal in most European countries because "muh meth precursor". Is ephedra a viable alternative or should I just not stack? Any other alternatives?


75mg ephedrine kickin' in w/ my second big mug of coffee atm, feel great. Bronkaid completely BTFOs cold symptoms, I think that's the other active ingredient working. Gonna get theanine next time and see how that helps.

Pwo with 400mgs of caffeine, yohimbine, and some other shit

I've gone off and on EC stacks for years.
Usually a four week cycle, and it's quite effective if you don't gorge on food when it wears off.

Start my day with 200mg caffeine, and 32mg Ephedrine.
Dose again just before lunch, and once more at the end of my work day.
It's an effective appetite suppressant, and as long as I stay hydrated headaches and muscle spasms are avoided.

After 4 weeks I become resistant to the high caffeine, and need to switch into coffee and extra sleep for a few weeks.

My blood pressure has always been low, and doesn't go up much when I'm on it; so I skip the aspirin part.

EC stack and reduced calorie diet with moderate exercise drops me by about 5lbs a week if the chub is there.
Can't help feeling that it impedes muscle growth (though I don't seem to lose any.)
Any gains are during the offcycle when I'm eating at a surplus.
My weight fluctuations are about 15lbs a month, but my doctor says I'm in perfect health.

Adjust your dose accordingly for what works for your body size and tolerance.

So you have to buy over the counter in US? Just go and ask for bronkaid or what?

Goddam. I'm so fucking old I remember when you could just order a fucking all in on ECA online and be good to go.

Then some fags fucked it up for the rest of us

See you at your funeral

Yeah.. There used to be some decent products available.
But there's always some tide-pod-eating dimwit that figures;
"Hur dur.. If wun pil maeks meh skiny a day.. I'mma down a whole bottle and be ottermode!"
Then BOOM.. Regulations and restriction.
(Seriously need to just let the dumb people die.)

Ok. Thanks man

Ok grandpa, go to bed old man

> this makes the heart exit the chest

3+years? Come back when you have used it for 10 you newfaggot.

Nah, I took an aspirin, heart attack is literally impossible. Brb eating steak and eggs for T, cardio kills gains

It really almost did man. That shit was super unhealthy but my blood pressure was still fine idk how

> He doesn't do incline heart presses.
Have fun with your underdeveloped chest, user.

Started a my stack today to lose my last 10lbs, but my ephedrine and caffeine have been expired for about a year, so I don't really know if I should up my dosage.

It's prescription only I think.

>gaining that much "water weight"
Nothing wrong with cutting without assistance.
Good luck.
I never mentioned myself, and addiction. Is there a reason for me to cycle off of a drug that is not harming my health?
Or are you angry that I do not have any negative side effects, and you clearly do?

24 Bronkaid are like $6, 60 for $15. And caffeine pills are virtually free. Buy new shit mang

Live in canada phagots ephedrine all day

Live in America faggot. Ephedrine pills stocked up.



Ephedrine activates beta receptors, this is where the magic happens.

Aspirin is a painreliever, it targets alpha and beta receptors. It keeps norepinephrine off the receptors and helps with performance of the stack.

I took this shit for about 6 months when I was 17 and holy shit, it changed my life, I was a fat kid who got down to 10% bf, I literally never thought about food, I had crazy focus and WICKED verbal fluency, I became the most popular kid in high school just because my thinking was so fucking fast, idk how but I was always able to figure out the perfect things to say at just the right moment which got me my crush as my gf, also made me pretty narcissistic

anyway I when I cycled off it I got pretty bad depression for a few months (I heard that always happens when you come of stims) and lost all the focus, verbal fluency, etc

Anyway fast forward two years and I tried to go back on it and I feel nothing, like seriously nothing. No appetite suppression, no focus, no mood improvement, nothing. It helps me stay awake is pretty much all it does. The only thing that makes me feel anything like EC stack used to make me feel is Adderall, but I don't have a reliable supplier for that.

Anyway, my question is, is there anything I can do to get that old feeling of EC stack back? Or was that a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing? Any kind of treatment I can do or tolerance reversal I can do? Anything I can stack it with?

Fuckkk this shit was literally life changing

Yea,go to walmart or the dollar store or gnc and get stacker 2's.
Mix them with 1 25mg ephedra pill. That's the old ECA stack that was sp popular back in the day.

Lmao Binance making it to Veeky Forums

idk why those would make much difference considering I got all those old effects with just bronkaid and jet-alert. Is there something in them that reduces tolerance to EC or is just synergistic with it?

I fear I may have killed my brains ability to feel ec stack

No shit? I thought we needed a prescription. That's cool.

I'll take "amphetamine" for $800 Alex


Stop now. You were riding the high. Don't chase the high.

>I thought we needed a prescription.
No no prescription but you can only buy 2 boxes a month 120 pills (60 per box).
I just have my friends buy me more after a day or two.
i have 60 boxes stashed away right now that's 3600 pills

15lbs a month seems extreme to me, what is your height and weight?

are cold showers/ice baths a bad idea on ec?


Yohimbine bark extract, whatever autist

This makes sense, took my ephedrine with aspirin today and it seemed to last way longer

400mg of caffeine and i tell you id be like one of them fucking hummingbirds going fucking nuts

Your heart beats about as fast as a hummingbird's during my dude

Any pharmacy in America.

did ec stack, helped me go from 250 to 190 easily. Don’t recomend it for getting rid of ‘those last 10clbs’

was healthy adult male, wasn’t doing any other drugs or stimulants, not even beer

was lifting at the same time too and I’m 6’1


Took it once and my HR was like 190 while sitting down at work. I got sent home and never took it again, not saying you shouldn’t though because I can definitely see it helping with energy and appetite suppression

Do you lose any gains if you're on EC Stack?

only if you don't lift

>go to pharmacy
>d-do you have any bronkaid?
>No we don't have any, it's kind of old school. Most don't buy it anymore

Thanks fit. So how do I get this shit?

yeah but have you ever tried smoking meth?

Go to another pharmacy.
Took me two tries as well.

About to pop 37.5/400 and crush it

Burns an extra 2.5% BMR per dose, so expect an extra 100-200 calories. Don't go over 4/day. The most helpful effect is not the fat burn, it's the appetite suppression, though that goes away after a while due to tolerance buildup. I would suggest combining it with Intermittent Fasting with an eating window in the morning or at night as that would allow you to pop a stack before or after you eat and stay "full" until you eat next. Per dosing:

-Day 1 & 2: 1/2 in the morning / after eating, 1/2 at night
>Test your tolerance for it and ensure it doesn't cause too rapid a heart rate

-Day 2 & 3: 1 in the morning / after eating, 1/2 at night

Day 3-7: 1 in the morning / after eating, 1 at night

Week 2: 1 in the morning / after eating, 1/2 mid-day, 1/2 at night

Week 3: 1.5 in the morning / after eating, 1 mid-day, 1 at night; only up from Week 2 IF NEEDED

The reason for the half doses on week 2 is because of the half-life of the Ephedrine and Caffeine being 6 hours. Doing so keeps your blood levels near max, and any higher than that doesn't really illicit any extra caloric burn or appetite suppression. The only reason for the higher dose on Week 3 is because of the tolerance you'll build to the appetite suppression, though the caloric burn will stay consistent regardless of how much you use. The extra caloric burn will keep going regardless of how long you use it, and some studies actually show the effect increasing over time, but because it only amounts to 1/4-1/3 of a lb per week, an EC stack is simply not that helpful for much more than the appetite suppression.

Lastly, I only recommend using 100mg of caffeine. I have notice no difference whatsoever in using 200 vs 100 for either maintaining energy or increasing weight loss. Not really needed in my opinion. Keep it at 100mg on half doses and on regular doses.

so is the aspirin necessary for this or what

some user said it increases the effectiveness of the ephedrine, is this true?

answer me fuckers

Guys what's up with this?? How long do you think until this clears up?

Ephedrine should be in milligrams (mg) not grams (g)

readily available on reddit.

Yeah don't tell him.

He'll judge you and medicate you different.

No. Aspirin is necessary if you use ECA to improve your perfomance like a preworkout. It doesn't affect weight loss.

Read that ECA is a bad idea to do when also doing HIIT. I do HIIT 3 days a week. Would it work to take the ECA on my off days?

Really don't want my heart blowing out of my chest at the gym.