I'm the guy from yesterday, let's continue lads
Tinder thread
got more matches to fuck around with?
What's a generic bio I can use?
Yeah a few. So let's continue !
i legit use a shit one. Like tall and handsome, looking for fun. said i'm from UK, so i could write in english and shitpost here with you
post more I always enjoy reading these
i got the old ones from yesterday? but i wanted to make new ones with your inputs
Isn’t she a charmer lmao
Is this normal? i'm not getting any matches.
this ones bio says that she's crazy, a pervert, stubborn and a pain in the ass
Is that a piercing on her cheekbone? Gross
it is, she legit has "crazy girl" written all over
a reply?
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
scottish insult, from what i understood
can we get a response based on this lads?Not OP btw
i second this
Minion lick my evil nuts now
what to say lads
no you have some kind of setting wrong, you arent showing up to women on the app
There really aren't that many settings to choose from. this is really weird.
Try resetting all the settings.
Fuggg he did it
I'm just waiting on you guys, since i'm doing it instantly, i need to get some quick responses on here
I reinstalled the program on a different phone, same result, something is off.
that's really wierd. I haven't experienced that, only when i turned of the option for new people to see me
Does it say something down there when the visibility is really enabled?
mine has this option?
Watching this
died a bit fast.
minion replied
i wasn't talking to you
Fuck i hate women.
'No thanks'
'What about no'
They're so fucking bland and boring. Why is it so hard for them to think of something funny or witty in reply, even if they know they're being trolled
yes you were, i'm the same guy
women have 0 personality user, they don't know how to carry a conversation since it's always done for them.
What really makes me mad is that they'll never understand this. They literally lack the self awareness to realize just how trash they are (partly due to all the orbiters and desperate cunts giving them the validation they need)
back in hs there was this fat girl i knew that actually believed it was equally hard for women to get laid as men.
they're fucking delusional.