It's 2018, Veeky Forums. What machines have you maxed out so far?

It's 2018, Veeky Forums. What machines have you maxed out so far?

almost maxed out the lat pulldown machine (135kg) with slight shit form

feel pretty good right now desu

the girls calf extension machine

The vending machine

I maxed out every core/ab machine at Golds. Thinking I'm going to get an ab roller and start doing standing roll outs instead. Sit-ups with 240lbs of resistance have been killing my back.

Leg Press, bitches

>the death machine
no thanks

Just about maxed out on the hamstring curl

shoulder press for reps

Assisted pull-up machine.

I've only ever been able to max out the weighted crunch machine.

The only machines I will use are hip flexor, seated calf raise, and reverse hyper. None of them will be maxxed out any time soon

Literally all of them. But my gym is for pussies. Only the machines that can be loaded with plates i haven't maxed yet but i don't See myself OHPing 6pl8 any time soon.


Leg press at my uni gym but it only goes to 400lbs not one you can put plates on

Maxed out the bench ages ago which is 150kg
Tried barbell and could only just do 70kg
Tried dumbbell bench and could only do 25kg


maxed out ideology

Damn, mirin.
I'm at 85kg and was kinda happy with it.

>maxing out something that has no limit, because you add plates
i call bullshit

I can max out good/bad girls, and back extensions

Hip abduction machine only goes to 305.

I have no idea what kind of rep range you’d even want to hit, but I’m up to 5x16 at that weight.

What are those?

Maxed out a lat pulldown machine that only went up to 200 for a 5 rep set.

That's about it since I was only using that machine for more lat work when wide-grip pullups got too hard.

Hamstring curl at planet shitless

Same here. I guess that's an easy one.

My scale

>Snakes can't actually do this

Now you do it one handed.

Leg extensions and back extension pusher thing

Maxed out leg extensions a long time ago. I dropped the weight and increased the reps but I still maxed out in a few weeks.

> Planet shitless


Calve raise machine, 400lbs

There are leg press machines. Remember that NYRs are so intimidated by free weights, they wont even use the machines that you load them onto.