Why is running so much harder than lifting?
Why is running so much harder than lifting?
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It's not.
It is
Running is harder for a gym rat, lifting is harder for an actual rat. It's not rocket surgery.
Because it is just constant effort whereas lifting you spend most of your time resting.
Thanks FUCKING god I don't need to run anymore after leaving the military
Lifting is so much easier
I've been laughing at this for 20 seconds straight.
it's not
lifting requires higher IQ
because you're not trained in endurance. also, because it fucking hurts my knees
because brainlet lifters are too scared to put in constant effort for 30-60min
>calculate distance and speed by steps while monitoring heart rate
then explain why blacks, with an average IQ of 70, excel at running
White trainers
>there are no black powerlifters
also, white people excel at cycling, which also involves endurance
end urself /pol/tard
for untrained people, running is harder than lifting
for people in good shape, ilfting is harder than running.
it simply takes a lot of time and effort to get to weights that feel like they'll kill you, but pretty much any moron can go out and run until they feel like passing out.
>muh poltard
lmao typical low IQ response
leave us high IQ lifters alone you fucking gainz goblins
You're a pussy. You will never know the feel of getting under 405 lbs and squatting 4 sets
"blacks" in general aren't great runners. the great black endurance runners come from relatively small pockets in africa.
lifting doesn't require a high IQ, you are a delusional incel
>me bend knees for 30seconds its so hard hurr
>but moving one leg in front of the other requires high IQ
Yeah, but the natty black runners can out perform the natty white lifters in terms of their sports progression.
Whites(which are decidedly average intelligence) tend to depend heavily on the chemicals and items created by skinny whites...and yellows...and browns...and the occasional black to excell.
Which shows that they are both physically inferior when it comes to their own self create measurements of strength and intellectually inferior because they can't individually create their own supply of drugs and lifting equipment.
no form of exercise requires a high IQ
you're all retarded
go back to /tv/ and shitpost there, your IQ is too low for Veeky Forums
>me take a step and then another step!
I guess little children have high IQs too LMAO
no one is saying running requires a high IQ
fucking brainlets lmao
t. Amerimutt
How does it feel knowing you dyel twinks will never compete with real men? I'll slap your gf on the ass and you'll do literally nothing about it LMAO
its a joke stupid
I'll slap your bf's ass and steal your wallet, good luck catching me fat ass
please end urselves reddi.tors
its harder cus constant physical exertion and having to control your breathing
running is fucking gay lol
what are you even running from?
>doing no cardio
>being literally the same as an obese person that waddles around chafing
Sprint cyclists
You don't have sets to rest. Lifting is hard but running has to be done for an extended period of time and if you have poor breathing, you will feel very exhausted. I ran crops country and have lifted and there is nothing worse than ha ing to run fast long distance. You feel dead by the end of the race.
My drill srg caught me drinking a shot of soy sauce in a bar one night..
I told everyone it was tequilla for a fun drinking game
They discharged me for being a soy boy
And trying to suicide cult my squad into becoming soyboiz
I fuckin love soy man
Lol a "real" Swede
sounds like an american thing
I have the same view on it but as someone who is planning on enlisting I gotta embrace the gayness
This is retarded. As someone who lifts and runs, I have to say running is substantially more difficult and requires more willpower to get started.
Is into the "picking things up" or the "putting things down" part which requires greater than a single digit IQ?
tabbing/rucking > running > bodyweight exercises > weights
If you can't both run AND lift, you're either DYEL or fat.
Try some farmers walks.
sprinting specially 400 and 800 meters is harder than any meme lift /fit do
detete this now
I do long distance running, I find it easier to put my shoes and go running than to my shoes and go to the gym.
Most of the time running is just boring but with podcasts one hour goes by easy.
Lifting makes me fear for my joints a bit and it's depressing when I reach a plateau.
Running doesn't make you fear for your joints
Shin splints fuck me up more than any lifting injury I've had
yeah but for most of Veeky Forums that distance is probably 2 miles at a shit pace
Yeah, I believe I'm built differently than most people on Veeky Forums
I've never been injured running (or lifting but I lift far less). I got a huge pain on my shin twice but after some stretch and putting them in cold buckets, and running less it passed after a few days.
Unless I'm going 100mpw I don't think they will happen again.
if lifting was easier you wouldn't need to rest so much between sets
Running is harder than lifting, but SWIMMING is harder than running by far
>t. runner and lyfter who had to train swimming
People rest between sets to maximise muscle tissue tear
fucking this lol
Running is what made humans the best among all animals. We can run further than any mammal. Our bodies are made to travel long distances.
Find the biggest roided up faggot you have as your desktop background and have him arm wrestle a gorilla. Doesn't matter how strong humans get because it's still relatively fucking weak.
In the wild I'll literally just keep throwing rocks at you while running away from you until you die from exhaustion.
implying a roided up faggot wouldn't throw bigger rocks much harder at you
what the fuck are you talking about
Is this a political meet up?
Then I'd just run away. He'd always get tired before me, he'd lose if he can't catch up to me.
This. My 2k time improved a lot by just just starting to lift more and basically no cardio.
because when you lift, the set ends when you don't have sufficient ATP to do another rep - it's not up to you when you can't do another rep, and you can't will yourself to do another rep when you reach true concentric failure
with running, you can always take another stride, it just really fucking hurts and you give up before your body does
Away from her.
swimming is all about technique thought. any retard can run or lift.
not only technique, also body proportions and flexibility
some competitive swimmers have enen more elasticy than weightlifters do
I mean my parents sent me to swimming lessons and a swim & tennis camp when I was younger, but even though I had decent form, swimming still kicked my ass
*when I had to train for it as an adult
Hey, you can count to that number past four!
I can't count that high.
Are you joking? Humans are really slow compared to most land mammals.
I will get my kids to swim too. It's god tier for development and a good, safe way of exercising. Wish I continued to swim in my teens tbqh, the one friend that did continue developed god tier broad shoulder width and I'm not sure if swimming a lot may have contributed to it
were moderately fast, but we can outrun any mammal. What you mean is many land mammals can out sprint us, but once their sprint is done, we can still chase them down once they're exhausted. We outrun horses over long distance.
>Running doesn't make you fear for your joints
it sure does for me
>Shin splints fuck me up more than any lifting injury I've had
different chronic running injuries, but otherwise, agreed.
In Delaware, the tard wrangles you.
Running def sucks more. I've never been even near so close to dying at the gym as during the last seven kilometres of the only marathon I've ever run and one loaded march in the military, but the latter might've just been because I was a 100% cardio machine twink back then.
i did swimming as a kid and as a teen and i never developed broad shoulders, shoulder width is genetic, swimming wont make your bones larger by any means
when i started lifting i started to gain muscle quickly, anyways, swimming is healthy but the ones who end up with broad shoulders is because of their genetics, not the activity
Yeah but you'll be convicted for rape
Cycling, tennis and so on is for white rich soyboys, why do you think there is so few of blacks there?
because blacks go where is money, boxing, football, nba
i mean, if you grow on a guetto, poor dreaming with making it, you will be hungry of money, thats not only applied to blacks, but the italians and lots of poor people who lived in the us who were white as well
why do you think rocky marciano or george chuvalo existed ? they were poor and wanted money, simply as that, if you were a rich kid since you are born you wont be that ambitious
>Cycling is for rich white peop-
>having an imperial fucktonne of bikes in your backyard means you're good at biking
How many barbells do I need to have before I can C&J 300 kg?
Lifting is hard. Running and swimming feel harder.
But rowing is the worst of all. Anyone who disagrees has never done an all out 2k. Try that and make sure to bring a bucket for your vomit and a stretcher to wheel back on.
one more
thats one of the best south park episodes by far
Lifting has nothing to do with fighting you punchless virgin.
If you stop running, your on solid earth.
If you stop swimming, you drown.
>farmers walks
GOAT exercise, my melanin enriched acquaintance.
The average human can cover insane distances in a day. Humans are insanely efficient on foot, we literally stalked prey to death and we still could without training. Now compare that to the average guy pulling 4pl8, not happening.
Usually you focus on endurance with running, imagine benching an easy curl bar for 30 minutes straight
Pretty much anybody can run for a while, and pretty much anybody can throw some weights around. This doesn't mean they will have good form, and if you try to go hard in either it will result in injury and not much progress
This so much, I used to loathe running but sometime around 155kg 3x5 it became preferable to squatting.
hell fucking no
actually lifting with full range of motion, focusing on activating your targeted muscles and really making sure you put as much stress on them as possible (while not injuring yourself like an ape) is much more difficult than "mindless" running
if you compare doing single arm curls with 20 lbs to running for 20 minutes on the treadmill (same speed) then naturally lifting will seem much easier, but that's not really lifting at all
Shit b8 m8
>crops country
Posts like this are a diamond dozen
True, I did Satan's Sprint in high school and I felt like dying the entire second half