Can she make it bros?

Can she make it bros?

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of course, she's a young woman, she can do whatever she wants

inb4 the nazis

She's cute

Its he not a she

She should learn pic related first even before getting under the bar, this teaches proper dept, knees out and angle of body and how to hip drive.

>expecting a female to do something right

Suicide in 3 years, tops.

When did we as a society decide that a mental illness was normal?



When men stop being men when life is too easy


It's actually because monied and intellectually dishonest perverts have been pushing it hard as fuck. Even going so far as to lie about history to do it.

This show is one small peak into it and an attempt to normalize it. When the kid kills himself then we'll hopefully see a big backlash against this kind of thing.

Is this this Friday song girl?





Part of me can't wait until this freak realizes what a mistake all of this was and comes out as "normal" so that his parents, grandparents, media, fucking EVERYONE gets to realize what a fucking mistake they've made feeding into this delusion of transgenderism.





I hope you realize that this won't happen. Not because Jazz won't feel that way, but for the exact reason you mentioned. I bet that somewhere in that contract for the show, it says that they either can't allow a transition back, or it can't be publicized.

He can’t come out as normal.
He dong is shrivelled to nothing and his body is ruined



how do I get a body like Jazz?

>Tfw he has a 2" microdick
>tfw it can't even be turned into a neovagina

>People willingly do this to themselves

how do parents of kids like these snake through child abuse charges?

>I bet that somewhere in that contract for the show, it says that they either can't allow a transition back
You don't actually believe that any such contract would hold up legally, do you? I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that such a contract would 1. not fly in court and 2. even if it did, the producers of the show would get ass blasted by public outrage if anyone caught wind of it. In addition to that, they would probably just love it if "Jazz" decided to transition back, since that would just make for another superb show about his way back to "manhood."




>shitty low/high bar hybrid
>above parallel
>not god tier atg high bar
im afraid not

did they just turn that dick into a pocket?

What sick fuck invented this shit

This is would not be a problem if the Nazis had won

His family is jewish so they won't see it as a mistake.
"Jazz" is adopted. No real jew is being tainted, only a guinea pig goy.

>"Jazz" is adopted
Why do people keep saying this? He looks exactly like his brothers


>When did (((we))) as a (((society))) decide that mental illness was (((normal)))?

Yeah nobody has been able to figure that one out

Who is this ugly spic?


I always thought /pol/ was memeing but if you look into for just 2 minutes on Wikipedia...


The one dealing the punch is also a Jew though.

fuck off pol

>that pic

Every. Fucking. Time.



reminds me of an /out/ thread where some /pol/ack was saying Jews can't mountaineer. 2 minutes of jewgling later, and lo and behold, not one notable jewish mountaineer in the last seven decades


>Van Kuck won against Germany


>watching that webm

not today

kek, that was me. Everyone ganged on me telling me to go back to pol when I was just stating the fact. And not only they can't mountaineer, but any other sport requiring physical prowess, let alone such extreme sports where you need guts. Check olympic stats too, they rarely get medals.

>not slav squatting

Fuckin atg or bust

>Check olympic stats too, they rarely get medals.

Jews are massively overrepresented in olympic medals m8. They've won about 345, which is 2.2% of all olympic medals. Jews are ~0.23% of the world population. That makes them about ~1000% overrepresented in olympic medals.

Of course this is nothing compared to their intellectual superiority; they've won 22% of Nobel medals.

>Jews are massively overrepresented in olympic medals m8. They've won about 345, which is 2.2% of all olympic medals
Any proof for that?

Complete list of every Jewish medalist.



Less than the total of Swedes which are far fewer

Still over-represented, which disproves your "Jews are bad at sports" meme

I did not make that claim

You took that stat from a Jewish website that labels everyone with even a single Jewish parent a Jew. Most of those are heavily mixed Jews that don't look semitic at all. There's more European and Russian blood in them than semitic. Israel itself barely gets any medals while some equally small and barely represented countries that are even younger than Israel, like Slovenia and Croatia for example, get much more

I'm sure there's a "good explanation" for this, like mountains are anti-semitic, which I guess is true kek

developed countries that can put shitloads of money into coaching and recruiting are all massively overrepresented because there are 4 billion poors that never had a chance boosting the stats

can't knock their math/physics prowess though, gotta give credit where it's due

There's more European than Semitic blood in literally every Ashkenazi, I don't see how that is relevant.

inb4 muh khazars

No. It's a he. I refuse to play along with his (and your) delusion.

No way he's adopted. He looks just like her father

Can someone tell me the names of everyone on pic? Im really curious

got moms nose


You'd be surprised. If a trans person were to say "I think this was a mistake, I want to go back to what I was born as" they would be utterly demonized, because then they wouldn't be usable as political pawns anymore.

>not rolling out

This. You can't go back, why do you think all of them end up (((suiciding)))

> Next: "My Big, Fat, Fabulous Life"

How do I get this TLC channel?

sauce? I'd think they would just genderfluid mental gymnastics their way around it
>Look! Gender is even more complicated than we ever could have imagined!


Dude, the trannies and transexual power brokers/people who make money from the trasexual movement outright or at least try to destroy the lives of public transexuals who decide that they've made a mistake and want to go back.
This is a real thing.
This is a major reason why transexuals don't get help before they transition and end up comitting suicide instead of transitioning back.

Look at the way they smile for the camera, how fake it is.
>haha yes this is how people smile
While holding back their barely contained resentment for the rest of society.
Soon lads.

Why bring this thread back, fucking waste of space

His upper body doesn't look like that of a girl.

We'll he's not a girl