Is respecting women high test

Is respecting women high test

probably not desu

Treating them badly is not high test, but neither is respecting them. Do what you want if you have high test.

why did I say desu?

just the opposite

I remember when I started Veeky Forums.

Respecting women is alpha desu. Only betas feel the need to feel superior to clearly inferior beings.

Because you were born yesterday.

Get this: yes.

But you respect them by letting them be women, i.e., by leading and dominating them and NOT hating them for their feminine nature.

"Repecting" women like a feminist, i.e., pretending they're like men, is the *actual* misogyny. And misandry. In short everything liberal is the product of sick people who failed to develop dimorphic (=attractive) traits. They fear/envy/hate the healthy and sexy, so they badmouth them. H8ers gonna h8 h8 h8 h8 h8, shake it off like TayTay sez

Congratulations on browsing an homoerotic anime based fitness forum longer than me faggot.

rape and women beating are among the highest test activities

ty I would like to thank mama and Jesus

No, there’s a reason why alphas are the ones that just fuck disposable sluts and don’t give a shit about them. Settling down with a woman lowers test while fucking random whores raises it(this has been scientifically proven). High test men are meant to be disrespectful to women

can confirm 758 score, respecting 80% of the time


probably typed t-bh but got coughed by the word filter to say desu

i'll type t bh now without space and with space t bh desu t bh desu t bh desu t bh desu t bh desu t bh desu t bh desu

Listen, I don't have a source right now but you'll have to trust me. Eat a couple onions to these you over

because babby 1st post :D

respecting others is high test.

if you were high test you wouldnt have time on thinking if you respect women or dont since you would be in a constant rage fighting chimpanzes

low test people usually are the most who seem to bother by others opinions, they have 0 tolerance and they cant stand when someone says something they dont like

being high test is not about respecting or not, thats your education

you may have girls who dont respect anybody as well as men, but that doesnt mean they are high test

Respecting all women is not, respecting women deserving respect is

successful men usually only fuck sluts for a while then settle with a high value woman while they're both young

is possessing a harem necessarily being respectful? because thats arguably the most high test thing someone can do

only if they're virtuous

Leave now. For your own good.

Respecting people who are worth, people who are valuable in some way, without being an insecure little fuck is high test/alpha. Respecting anyone(included women) for no reason in particular... not so much.