How is your gym now that January is almost over?

How is your gym now that January is almost over?

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My gym is pretty busy any time of the year

Full of god damn university students

new semester rush

Slowly and surely going towards normal numbers. It's a Uni gym so we get a spike in both September (new semester) and January (new semester and new year). In summer the gym is basically empty during daytime.

>attending Planet Meme because poorfag
>still swamped in the afternoon even today
>the NYRs leave towels and candy wrappers everywhere
>I thought the lunk alarm was just a meme

At least I'm moving to a different gym soon.

>now that January is almost over

Full of 13-18 yrs girls kinda awkward desu.

It gets worse by the day. I was the only one there on Jan 1. By the first 2 weeks I thought it was a meme, as the gym had less numbers than normally.

Today it was so full I thought about going home and coming back later.

Pretty much empty until 4pm

>leave candy wrappers everywhere
>in a gym

Jesus what I would give for this. Why don't you grab a hot teen and relieve your highschool experience user?

Same as usual, the regular bros are all there and not a lot of other people

>lunk alarm
Dafuq is that

Fat old women everywhere and some girls who show up 2~3 times a week and stay there for maybe 40 minutes

Oh god I just found out

>Planet Fitness's 110dB deafening tornado siren. An employee sets it off when they hear weights drop or someone tattles on another member for using a cell phone in the gym area.
The offender is not singled out (and may not even know it's sounding for them).
>Other innocent members get blasted with the ear piercing siren, which is above the OSHA sound level limits. The only effect of the Lunk Alarm is to damage members' ears (the employees at the trigger switch are far away from the sound).

Im 24.. Hella mires though, one of them asked for insta a week ago.

Have her laugh at him and take a picture of his disappointed face for her friends to see?

If I only knew. After 10 pm it's the regular NEET autist power hours so I never see the NYRfags.

It's been a really long month desu

>this location is relatively faggotry-free for months
>thought it was just an empty threat, like hanging fake security cameras outside your door
>I hear it go off for the first time when I'm in the locker room

I work out at a uni gym its only the 2nd week so its still packed.

At least it's mostly 18 year old girls doing meme exercises in tight yoga pants

>get in car accident
>sprained spine
>can only use sit down cycling machine at gym
>all three are in use by three chatty hambeasts on resistance 1

lazy shits, there are plenty of bikes that they could use but oh look sit down ones, I'm sure no physically disabled people need these teehee.

>fat guy
>black hoodie
>hogging the squat rack
Which one of you is it huh?

Still not alot of people at the outdoor gym! I sweat calisthenics is not a meme!

The fat guy giving everyone creepy looks.

>Which one of you is it huh?

>walk into gym
>notice skeleton galore guy with geeky haircut
>cool, good on him for trying I guess
>start my workout
>go unusually long, like 1,5 hours, usually go around 1 hour
>guy is still out there, really pushing hard
>well shit, good on him, he seems determined
>go to shower, fix myself, takes about 30 min
>he's still out there when I go to leave, pushing hard

Yesterday was the most people i have seen since the first week of the year. I had to wait for every set.

There's a girl I only see January of every year lol.

Other than that, not much really.

7pm, Mon-Thurs
>2 normal bros, just doing their thing
>loud Korean couple (he does low weight/high volume everything in sets of 25+, she does the thigh machine, they scream at each other between sets)
>2 different mature women with trainers
>3-4 indian guys in jeans doing curls and other things. very serious.
>at least 6 trainers just bullshitting
>1 "look at me" girl who the trainers bullshit with

Believe it or not, it's busier. Thankfully most are there for the boot camp and spin classes. I almost always have the weight area to myself or shared with up to two other people.

I go around 5 or 6am everyday so it's been the same. Thank god NYR fatties don't actually have any discipline or I'd never see the free weights section again.

if you're lifting for over 45 minutes you're spending too much time talking faggot.

What the fuck, the lunk alarm is unironically real?

Getting busier. There were a few times when I went to work out and I had the entire gym to myself earlier in the month. Now there tends to be at least a few others.

Some of the new members left which makes me kind of sad, but some of them have so far stuck around and are starting to be less shy which is pretty nice.
Having a good and actually friendly atmosphere is a heavily under rated part of going to a good gym, and getting more people socializing isn't a bad thing.
Also one of the benefits of doing a lower/upper split is that I never need equipment when it's really crowded and everyone is doing the same thing which is also nice.

I've been having to go in the evening instead of the morning so it's a little busier. Never any problem getting a squat rack at least.

>not owning his own gym in his house.

i sat at my gym last night waiting 1 hour to use a squat rack. it only has 2. both were being used by a herd of chimps.

gonna bite the bullet and switch to a $65/mo powerlifting gym. they have like 10 squat racks, and the price barrier should keep out the hordes of chimps who go to the gym to hangout and stare at ass.

There was way too many people there at 11pm last Thursday. Here’s to hoping that doesn’t happen again.

Some of us have dogshit conditioning. I need 3 minutes rest minimum for heavy compound sets.

PF isn't really a gym. Its more of a scam that has some gym equipment involved in it

>Air Force fag
>Use base gym
>NYR isn't really a thing on base gyms or if it is it isn't noticeable enough for me to care
>However a new chubby dude just started lifting
>Just recently asked me my routine, don't really mind because he waited for me to be done with everything
>He now lifts with me every day and we know each other's names but don't really talk
>He just kind of does what I do
>I actually kind of enjoy it

why would you not go to a power lifting gym if you have one?

>read thread
>laugh hysterically
You see, my friends, an intellectual such as I goes to the iron temple at 2 or 3 in the morning to avoid the, how would you say it? Normans? Most of the equipment is available and I can take as long as I want. Sad seeing all you people who actually have to wait for gym equipment, really.
>please help guys I'm beginning to feel really lonely and I think I'm autistic :c

Not him, but I'm in a similar situation. Gold's gym is only $10/mo for me, is about to go 24 hours. There is a powerlifting gym within walking distance of my house but it's also $65/mo. I'm not serious enough to want to pay that much, and the other thing is I work 7p to 7a and the lifting gym is only open decent hours mon,wed, fri, open half days on tue, thur, and sat, and closed sun.

all i have is a shit tier anytime fitness filled with machines. they have 2 crappy racks and a smith machine. 45 bucks a month. I make it work but i dream of the day of a power lifitng gym opening in my town

a chubby guy started coming in last february at the same time i go and has stuck to it to this day. He's now proper ottermode and visibly more confident. Makes me so happy to see

iron sport?

That's my only real complaint with Gold's. There is 1 power rack, 1 squat rack, and 2 smith machines. The only DL area is in their Crossfitesque room and has the OWL plates. Otherwise, they have tons of benches and DB.

The Weight Room

I actually miss the two guys that used to come in and do nothing but curls for over an hour

>he fell for the calisthenics is not a meme meme

Fucking W O K E

sounds like me

what the fuck is wrong with murica

I usually go the the gym at 1AM and around the second week of January there were probably around 30 people in there whenever I went. Now it's back down to 3 or 4, just the way I like it.

>I thought the lunk alarm was just a meme
I go to PF as well (I like it though). I've only seen them set the Lunk Alarm off once because this group of guys were dropping the weights in the machines so hard it sounded like they were shooting a starters pistol. They totally deserved it.

>Tfw overweight 30% BF chubbyfag
>Used to be more fit but lost it all due to stress and alcohol
>Jan 2nd meet with PT to get back in the game
>Now go to the gym somewhere between 3-6 times per week
Still here fags

It's gotten busier, but my max waiting time for equipment has been about 5-8 minutes so far.
Not ideal but the gym is too good.

Keep going.
If you do give up (like my irl fatass acquaintance) I'm gonna be so disappointed

I'll be disappointed in myself as well. I hate being a fatass. I want to be able to feel fit and strong again.

Also just started dating a qt3.14 blonde petite girl who enjoys fitness and when i stick a finger in her anus, so no way I'm quitting.

Fuck planet fitness is cancer, thanks for the advanced warning, won't join them.

I dont talk to anyone and i usually spend 2 hours at the gym

why tho? go home and start cooking...

Cardio takes a lot of time, user. Im not lifting for 2 hours straight