Have you ever been utterly mogged?


Can't get mogged if you don't care.

Have you ever had anyone ask you why you keep pushing this shit?

as a buff manlet, theres always gonna be tall skinny dudes with bigger frames than me but who gives a shit. rather be a buff compensating manlet than a cucked skinny dude

nice cope faggot

My best friend is a 10/10 6'4 model for Burberry, stated out with hating the guy but he was always so nice to me and now 12 years later we're inseparable.
It's so weird going out with him though, he broke up with his GF after he found out she was using drugs. He downloaded tinder and literally had more than 600 matches within a day or two.
I have girls come up to me only to ask about my friend, have had girls DM me on instagram and facebook just because i uploaded a picture with him in it.
I want to hate the guy but he is the most based and genuinely friendly dude i know, he doesn't really flaunt his wealth, status or looks. He has his wow-character as one of his pictures on tinder.

Well at least you can lift heavier objects than him.

>will never get MOGGED as badly as ballack in this image


this doesn't even sound real

Pics of your friend?

I have similar story, my sister and brother are both models. Randomly talent scouted while they were shopping for food in London.

I, on the other hand, look like shit. Wide hips, receding hairline, puffy cheeks, weak jaw, 5'9.

I've been mogged every single day of my life by my siblings. Love em to bits though. You get used to it after a while, but still hurts at family reunions etc.

Do you guys think it's cool to be Chad and mog other girls?

is that nigga wearing makeup?

I'm 6'0, average face, average muscle genetics, avg frame genetics. My elder bro is 6'3, good-looking/10 face, wide shoulders + no waist, insane muscle genetics. His face literally looks so fucging nice idk it's just all in sync sort of. Girls just stop and start staring/blushing talking to him. I'll post pic if he gives permission. Tell me about it. My whole life is a fuggin mog by my own blood brother

me in the back

How much older?

Kek. Nice larping


Wish I had a friend like this
He could get me free young pussy
Just imagine how cute his sister is if he has one of course



This uber chad friend of mine happens to be in the same class as me this term
6'2, white blue eyes, and pretty much perfect facial structure. Everyone in the friend group is homo for him. It's complete suffering to have women proverbially eat out of his hand, making excuses to talk to him and totally ignoring me.
>we are given a group project, naturally we pair up, but you need ar least 3 members
>qt Asian asks to join ours
>entire time fixates on him, asks him how tall he is, I make some joke and she responds to him as if he said something
>we have a group chat for communication, and instead of posting in it she just texts him more directly
>women constantly staring at him, we will be talking and girls will just be looking straight at him
It's gotten to the point that I'm just in a bad mood when I come to class. He's a good guy so it makes me feel bad when I unintentionally take it out on him, but it's not his fault that I was born a subhuman 5'4 amerigoblin Hispanic. But even he admits that my diet and training is better than him, he eats nothing but candy and sugar yet looks incredible and I suffer for nothing. We go to the gym together after and it's the same thing.
Life is a cruel thing. I am not entitled to any happiness in this world, but it still gets to me day after day.

>anime posting crybaby
Kill yourself spic

>I am not entitled to any happiness in this world

Oh, but you are.
Here are some facts, fuck head: you'll never be 6'2, you'll never have blue eyes and you'll NEVER be him.

But everyday you lift you'll be a better you, and that's all any of us can be. Just in case you're a liberal I'll spell it out for you: there will ALWAYS be someone better, and there will always be someone worse. Aspire, dream, deidicate, but don't flush your personal achievements down the toilet because you can't into reality.

I still lift and try to improve, but the cold truth, which I suppose you agree with, is that the world, the universe, or God (at least in this lifetime) does not necessarily grant happiness to everyone in some storybook manner. This is something I am forced to accept, but it doesn't make the pill any less bitter

goddamn I didn't know the wax museum was this popular with women

He looks like a pokemon that evolved.

you don't know me!

No user you're wrong no one dies of cancer or gets raped or loses their kids to a drunk driver, it's just you. Give up your gym membership, throw away your weights and get the fuck off Veeky Forums because you're never, NEVER going to make it while you keep wiping your eyes and blaming the sky. FAGGOT.

Don't bother posting in here. You'll just get shitty platitudes and "tough love"


Yeah when I was playing basketball once there was this one dude who was just freakishly large, you know the kind of kid who puberty hit like a fucking runaway train. Anyway for whatever reason his team was getting aggressive so I retardedly decided to threaten him, and he just fucken arked up, stood over me and was like "OH, IS THAT RIGHT HUH!?!?" and I completely shat my pants and everybody laiughed at me, and then we had to leave and then they waited for me in the carpark and I ran away and hid behind my mum. Geez, looking back at my life I really am just as autistic as you cunts.


Im 5'8" in a nordic country. I get brutally mogged every single second I spend outside my apartment. Life is hell.

Should have called him a nigger. What's he going to do anyway? Fight you?

show photo of a modeling shot or go away

As a guy whose 6'2 I can't imagine getting mogged that hard on a consistent basis. Growing I was (and still am in some ways) shy and sensitive, so I would have shorter guys try to alpha up on me. Ever since I've become more secure with myself and more assertive it doesn't happen as often.

What is it actually like being short and/or having extremely alpha friends.?

You don't exist, period.
You words are literally ignored and attention is given to the alpha/tall guy (usually the same) and are given the palpable sense that your life is without value.

met Kevin Nash once, was a pretty cocky teen but utterly destroyed to a point that it didn't even matter. dude is like 6'10 350 and wasn't bad looking either.

mostly more annoyed by bros that slightly mog me with a similar style..

Sounds like he mogged you into submission.

>Be a DYEL wrestling my fuck huge BB cousin
>Jump on him
>He picks me up and benches me for reps

>As a guy whose 6'2 I can't imagine getting mogged that hard on a consistent basis
I'm an inch shorter and get height mogged every day in Germany. By girls, even.

good on you my man

dumb copeposter

Here's my post about it when someone asked the same thing:
It aint that bad, but it does make some things a bit more difficult.

Oh good christ.