Current Body Thread.
184 lbs
~12% Body Fat
Constructive criticism, or just criticism is appreciated.
Current Body Thread.
184 lbs
~12% Body Fat
Constructive criticism, or just criticism is appreciated.
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You look pregnant and ur chest is deformed.
Good work man, don't let these little shitkids discourage you
looks nice, big ass core
6'2 175 12%
Clean your bathroom man, that shit looks like a shit hole. Also try to shower after the gym, it will prevent you from getting that much acne, unless you're on gear. Which you clearly aren't. All that aside, nice tricep development.
You look like that one anorexic faggot with the big ass tumor on his abs. You're fucked faggot
Looks great man, I would work on core.
swole arms, work on forearms though
Am I narrow guys? Roast me
You're sharing similar stats to me except I'm 6'1 175, gor about 8-10 more lbs to cut before aesthetic, on another month of cutting hopefully
182 lbs
~15-20% ?
You look like you're around 17% bf. Your chest seems to be lagging with your arms which have some development. I'd recommend you try and contract your pecs as much as possible in every chest exercise.
Born chad awaiting responses here
6'3 195
College athlete
Apologies for shit camera too
19, 5'8", 176. How are my arms looking? I fucking hammered them this bulk
lookin good bro, mirin
nice tris, joocy
hit lats and chest more and you’ll be solid
nice progress m8, gonna make it
me at 6’ 165lbs, coming up on 4 months
You need to work on chest development, as well as arms. Just keep doing what you're doing man. Consistency is key.
Nice core man, would look legit if you dropped down to 10-12% bf
Nice arm development, chest seems to be lagging a bit though, can't really tell from the angle.
Looking quite alright, I would work on your core with ab exercises atleast 2-3 times a week. Your bf% is quite low but your abs do not show.
Yeah it is my chest fucking sucks. I'm struggling to grow it, constantly. I think I'm gonna try German volume training soon and see if I get better results because I'm on PPL and the only thing not growing is my chest.
You think I need to work on chest and lats? Alright i'll note that, what bf do you think i'm sitting at?
Eat more and work on your arms, but good body. What sport?
Looks around 17-18% bf
Just finished my first bulk
upon a closer look, your lats/shoulders are actually pretty broad. i think you’re probably about 17-18% and if you dropped a bit of that weight it’d thin your waist out and give you a solid taper
I found out about 3 years into training, that it is not the program that was wrong, but my form. I would always try to lift heavy and I would not focus on the chest contraction. I would recommend you to try all the exercises you would normally do, flat bench, incline, dips, flys etc. but with a weight in which you can handle slow reps, and flex /contract as you push
Mirin those arms, keep it up
Mirin Adonis belt
6'2, 187lbs
Anybody guesstimate my bf%?
Good work, clearly looking bigger. Chest looks the same though. I recommend this advice for you as well.
Duke nuke em's slightly autistic cousin
Looks around 11-12%
Alright solid estimation, i hold very little fat in my back so id estimate myself just a few % lower but still will accept it. I've dropped from 1215-175 so far, hoping that in the next 5 weeks or so when i drop 10 lbs i'll look like a sick kent at 165. I bulked far too hard (This is me after my forever bulk at 215 compared to my previous post, never again with that shit.)Thanks for the estimations
Just did a sexy shower video recently to show off my new bod, what does Veeky Forums think?
>born chad
>shoulders THAT narrow
Was a bit ago, bulking at the moment makes me wish I still looked like this but my numbers are going up fast so I’m happy
~ 4 months back
21 6'1 150lb
I know lighting is meme, but it's meme in both pics
Went through 1 bulk, now in almost done cutting. I think I'm around 12%bf? Not sure
I'll be getting liposuction probably
It was niggerball
Look at the body of a 2020 xfl player again manlet cuck
Lol gotta work those glutes
What needs work?
Bf estimate? I’m guessing around 20%
your physique
but that applies to every guy in every gym
r u retarded? paying for them to suck out like 2lbs of fat that you can gain or lose day to day from refeeds, fasting, contest prep etc?
Rear delts
Any comments are appreciated, I'm sitting at about 5'10 150 right now. Had surgery in the summer and have been struggling getting back into it
Should I just give up on aesthetics and go all out on strength gains?
Fucking 5'11" manlet, 206 lbs, bf%= fat
Been "cutting" for like a year but I'm an alcoholic so it's pretty hard to do
lat pulldowns, how much are you eating
Your posture
Its a heredity skin pouch, triple pepperoni
I'm just glad its fixable. Sorry about your situation though
You only have 30 lbs to lose before you’re aesthetic user I bet you could do that in 6 months if you really committed
give up the alcohol, your liver, kidneys and gains will thank you.
then just do a mix of power/bodybuilding and see what happens in a year
Yeah my back could use some work for sure; that was taken after a chest day so I think it helps make the proportions look worse. I'm shooting for 3000 calories a day right now but I don't always hit it; school and work don't give me a whole lot of time to think about eating a lot
>I'm just glad its fixable. Sorry about your situation though
Rather be ugly than a literal reed
Yeah, try bringing a bowl of food in your gym bag man.
You should do behind the back pull downs in the lat pulldown machine for your rear delts and lagging upper back
The weight thing is just a problem for me, from what I know: at like 8-12% bf my natty limit is around what, 175-180lbs? I feel like I'd be small as fuck at that weight
Thanks bro, I'll definitely be hitting back more now
I'm 1 inch taller than you and pounds lighter, why don't I look like you?
Nah you can put on more muscle than that before you hit natty limit that’s only 22-23 ffmi. Personally I think 12-15% looks best for nattys anyway. You can hold a bit more muscle since you don’t have to diet so hard and keep enough fat to make yourself look bigger
>3 months in
>Finally seeing some development
>Still feels like it'll be years before I even have the balls to post in a cbt
Genetics, ya dum dum
180cm 70kg
finally bought a scale, and tape measurer and im 5'11 223 lbs with 24% body fat
was 248 in october. but not losing weight fast enough i think
im guessing all you people are shaving your chests for women , right?
Working on it
Mirin abs, you diet for them or can i keep eating semi clean and get mine out?
Flexing quads
What did you expect?
Could I get a BF% estimate?
DEXA scan said 19.9%
Nah man ^ is around 20%, youre fat as fuck sittin around 30% you need to work on your diet dude not trying to shit on your efforts in the gym or nothing but youre well overweight.
So you think that your eyeballing skills are better than a fucking professional DEXA scan? Fucking LOL
in limbo... forever and always
making progress weekly, feelsgoodman
Only been at it a few months using my home gym
Started out as weight loss but started enjoying lifting
Nice! What do you do for quads?
Gonna dump a couple of pictures of the transformation since I don't feel like putting them in a collage
how much you weigh?
not that guy but just wanna point out that the number doesnt matter if you still look fat
How weak are your legs Jesus Christ
>wtf is that your house on the left?
a fucking mansion
Is this your first bulk? You look very similar to me in body type.
now post imgur link to pic without undies
he has more muscle mass, and less fat than you. Easy as that
Nice body but terrible skin. Do your self a favour and a tub of this (costs like £6.99 for 350g) and use it after you shower or shave.
I was about 330 in that picture, aka snow yeti looked thic and juicy in that jacket
ottermode, nice
where the strongfat bois at
>college athlete
>looking like that
male cheerleaders are bigger than you.
stop LARPing, unless you're on the golf team.
Paying the price for neglecting my lats. Should I add in a day to focus on them?
Are you a midget? By the looks of it you can barely grip the phone lol
>tfw got fat
Every bulk. I stall at one weight for 3 weeks and them gain 3 lbs in 1 week
Pretty much yeah. Recovering fatty for a few years and bulked after I got down to around 15% at like 175 lbs. went overboard and gained a lot of fat currently cutting from 197lbs
Some people dont have much body hair. I dont for example
How far you lads take the bar down when you flat bench?
ive been lifting only about 5-6 months so my chest isnt very big still pretty flat and i can only get the bar about 3 inches from my chest, literally cant get it any closer, my arms wont go back any more to let me touch my chest, im guessing though the bigger your chest the closer the barbell since your chest is sticking out more?
Looking juicy mate, shame about the forearm insertion unless it's just the angle
that cunt posted on /fraud/ yesterday pretty sure he is on gear
Looks like a /soc/ rate thread