I went to the gym for the first time Monday, I did workout A from reg parks 5x5. Planned on doing workout B today and A again Saturday but my legs kill and I struggle to put my arms out straight so idk how I am going to lift. Does your legs always hurt this bad 2 days after squatting 5x5? It's actually pretty hard to walk up the stairs in my house. And should I just push through it and try to lift or will i end up hurting myself?
Should I lift with doms?
>first time
>posting that gif on a blue board
I'm not gonna answer since you're so new you can't even respect our nofap brothers.
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Nofap is what incels on reddit do though, just gimme an answer boi
>First time
>Nofap is what incels on reddit do though, just gimme an answer boi
You have no respect and no experience. Once you're a few month's in, you'll realize nofap/noporn isn't a meme you dip.
If i do nofap can i lift with doms?
Ashley Alban
Fuck off.
How new are you to think that people actually respect nofap.
Only morons who train body parts once a weak get doms. You'll get doms for the first two weeks or so but will never get it again, if you keep frequency twice a week.
So i should train even though I have doms?
Nofap is a fucking meme retard
yeah its normal for that shit to fucking hurt for the first month or two. just go slow and easy
Yes, you can and should lift with DOMS. You only get DOMS like that when you haven't worked out in forever.
I agree with you.
OP should go back to where ever he came from.
Update: i went to the gym anyway and I was fine although my legs hurt much more now. You guys are useless for advice. Pce out I am gonna go have a BIG WANK cos I am not a brainlet who believes not ejaculating gives me superpowers
I pray you have BIG CUMMIES brother. Do not worry about the legs, they will be fine in 2 days and you'll never get doms again unless you skip gym fot a week.
train through the doms but 5x5 is too much for a noob
starting strength
Youre weak if you describe doms as "hurting" and thinking it's a problem you fucking autist
2nd time in a gym ever, I'd say yeah I'm pretty weak desu
i think doms is a pretty cool guy. eh lets you know you're progressing and doesn't afraid of anything.
You increase your chance of muscle injury due to incomplete recovery.
t. someone who nearly snapped his hammie doing low warmup squats with doms.