Thoughts on smoking cigarettes?

Thoughts on smoking cigarettes?

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What are the pros and cons?

Kinda cool but retarted at the same time

What do you think? Your on a fitness forum thats health oriented asking about a habit that destroys the body over time. Tell me you dont expect to be comforted for your lack of willpower.

You get more pussy but it’s “girl w/ daddy issues” pussy

Looks cool but fucks your shit up in the long run

so the good pussy?

I've been able to quit multiple times after smoking half a pack a day for about a month. Is smoking half a pack a day for a month as addictive as for say 3 months? Will I be able to quit as easily after 3 months as I do after my 1 month smoking periods?

what year is this, 1960? everyone knows the cons of smoking cancer sticks and there are no pros. no it doesnt raise your test, no it doesnt make you seem manlier. they just make you smell disgusting and rot your teeth


thats just not true. if you look like the guy on the left (Which im sure most of you do) all the cigarettes in the world wont get you more pussy.

it all comes down to FACE, FRAME, HEIGHT

fuck cigs, you guys are stupid as fuck


way to completely ignore the point of what he said. willpower is the least of your issues the cigs are literally destroying your body and a recent study suggests a single cigarette a day increases your chance of cardiovascular disease by a lot more than you think. it looks like youre just hear to find a way to justify smoking cigs so you do you, have fun dying early and having a shit quality of life

ah yes, the peer reviewed articles you provided really legitimize your argument.

Shit quality of life? Literally every important human in the last 150 years has been a smoker

It looks kinda cool if you're 16 but they give you actual cancer, that's all there is to it really

Why is it that Literally every important human(in any field at all)in the last 150 years has been a smoker

LMAO this argument is on par with "b-bill gates is a college dropout too so that means im gonna be a billionaire!!!"

are you forgetting all the loser nobodies who smoke cigs? because they far outweigh the number of "important humans" that smoked them.

im getting the feeling youre either a retarded smoker whos brain has been rotted by cigs or youre trolling so either way i have no interest in continuing this convo. dont bother replying

Will smoking "die out" in the next 20 years?

>it looks cool
>it makes you feel good
>girls with daddy issues will like you
>a lot of people will hate you
>no girls worth dating will like it
>you smell bad

>Veeky Forums
>health oriented

>Thoughts on smoking cigarettes?
Moronic and self-destructive. Why do you want do die horribly?

>>it looks cool
If you're 12
>>it makes you feel good
>>you smell bad
Literally the number one choice why you shouldn't smoke, especially your hands

Haha, they used to call this Health and Fitness but that changed.

The only relative "pro" to smoking is nicotine: it's a shitty way to manage stress and it kills appetite. It's also wickedly addictive and it's a bitch of a dependency, especially when you associate it with stress/drinking/activities.

The best things I've gained from being an ex-smoker is that it's a shit excuse to be social with people to bum a smoke when you're drunk. That's about it.

Yeah but as you said it's a shit way. Also there are way better ways to consume nicotine, those snus things or whatever they're called, way healthier, doesn't smell like shit or rot your teeth.

I wouldn't say they're "way healthier" since they will still fuck with your gum tissue and they're kind of lame because they sit there and you spit/swallow the built up saliva.

At least with American snuff you have to spit it and you can make a game like "fill in the white parts of the grout" or "how fast can I fill this 2-liter bottle".

Pretty sure it was said to be ~90% less harmful and not directly linked to any cancer. Every form of nicotine consumption is lame, smoking/chewing/patches. Just run half an hour to deal with stress.

So is snus okay?
It doesnt Hurt My cardio or fuck with me too much if I only take it once a week for relaxation?

>>it makes you feel good
You’ve never smoked then, caffeine and nicotine is the fucking best feeling if you don’t get addicted

i smoke pipe tobacco in rolling papers - am i gunna die?

its way cheaper than rolling tobacco but its just cut bigger than rolling stuff, plus it shouldnt have the preservatives n shit in it so ???

Opinions on smoking a pack/week? Is that relatively safer?

Is vaping/e-cigs good? I'm afraid if I vape and get nicotine in my body, I won't be able to concentrate/focus when I'm not using any nicotine. Is that a legitimate concern?

Smoker here, 21 now and started when I was 17. Average around 10-12 a day.
>Natural aromatase inhibitor -- prevents free testosterone from being converted into estrogen
>Increases metabolism -- 1 cigarette is averagely 10kcals, but I've noticed it makes any other activity harder (so more calories burned)
>Some people think it's "cool" (It's not. Smoking isn't cool.)
>Lose cravings for sweet things and food in general (Because it fucks up your taste buds and sense of smell)
>Get more breaks during work/class
>Relaxes brain (but you get numbed to the effect over time)
>Helps you shit better
>It's very social at clubs/parties etc; most people in the smoking area are sober and you can easily strike up conversation with "Hey, got a light?"
>Expensive as fuck (I get them for £5 a packet but it's still expensive. Normally they're £10-£12 a packet)
>Fucks up taste buds/sense of smell
>Requires exuberant amounts of Vitamin C (I'm talking 2000mg at least)
>You smell of smoke all the time but can't notice it
>Anti-social and degenerate in most peoples' eyes
>Cancer etc
>Doctors will disregard every problem you have and dismiss it as a smoking-related issue
>Very difficult to quit

If you don't smoke already, it isn't worth starting. Especially if you're above 18 years old. It's a very childish and immature habit/addiction (I'm a very childish and immature person though so)

wow brainlet wojak irl

Vaping is significantly worse than smoking because they're basically diet soda. So the effect of drinking a 0 calorie cherryade that makes you crave cherries; it's the same with all the crazy-ass flavours of the vapes. Also it's more expensive, since it's a lot easier to chain-vape than it is to chain-smoke (you can vape inside, you tell yourself it's okay, etc).
Also I'm pretty sure vapes have calories, even if minimal amounts, but they add up just the same.

That's not the problem I wanted an answer to, I was wondering about nicotine addiction.

>underage fag thinks nicotine gives you good feeling
Stop smoking and get natural high instead

It makes you smell like absolute shit

It's "fine" because swedish snus (legitimate, not that General or Camel shit) is steamed and not cured like regular tobacco. This way, there are little to no carcinogens in snus.

Just don't do it after workouts.

You're gonna die eventually. At least you're doing it more thrifty than others.

Nicotine flushes out of your system in 72 hours (you piss it out) and then the general withdrawal sensations are gone within a week or so, depending on how long you use it.

I used smokeless tobacco (3x nic than cigarettes) for ~7 years and quit cold turkey. Just have to persevere.

retarded if you do

Smoking is cool though

I vape and the perpetual nic fix helps make life worthwhile

I'll probably kill myself before I get cancer, so is it worth it?

I’ve known way more people to vape up to being smokers than smokers who quit with vaping. Idk what that shit is but just makes me laugh.

I only want to live to 70, so I'm going to be smoking my lungs out. Who wants more than 70 years on this bloody earth


You forgot about it increasing testosterone and deepening your voice

Some people?? have a cigarette now and again?? to cope???

i only want to live until my body starts falling apart, i refuse to live like some of the old fucks that live today do

Not being able to breath sucks, clinging onto life while only to get tiny sips of oxygen into your lungs is the woest way to die, slowly suffocating over the course of years.

Have fun faggots

talking from experience obviously

worse to live a life surround by people like you


>how my grandpa died
No cancer, no heart attack, literally just filled up w tar until he couldn't breathe

To be fair he had one lung his whole life, birth defect

Fucking kekd

>be born with only one lung
>start smoking

I've vaped for over a year now and I can easily go days without nicotine and have absolutely no withdrawal effect. The other thousands of chemicals in a cig is what makes it addactive.

My grandpa smoked since he joined the navy at 17 during WW2, he's now 93 and still smokes every day. Has literally no health problems, still drives himself around , can move around no worries , probably in better shape than most 80 year olds. Goes to show smoking doesn't always get you .
Myself personally I only have 1 or 2 smokes when I'm drinking because it's a complete waste of money, one pack of smokes in Australia is like $30

If you want yer drugs, use an electronic cigarette instead.

nicotine+cocaine is the most invigorating feeling on the planet and if you are vaguely handsome >6/10 and lean, w/good fashion sense and roguish personality women piss themselves over that shit, every handsome slayer I've partied with smoked cigs like I drank water

>smoking looks cool

-shortens your breath, might even have to do cardio to make up for it
-lowers appetite, shit for bulking
-Gives you an addictive high
-Makes your kisses terrible (or so I've heard)

It's stupid.

>you can mingle with new people during smoke breaks/smoking circles
>you smell like shit
>girls don't want to kiss a smoker's mouth
>hard to quit

Hmm. I don't really smoke
But every once in a while I'll bum a cigarette off someone
You really do get a mini high if you smoke very sparingly