Veeky Forums used to be a quality board

>Veeky Forums used to be a quality board
>inspired to lift

>now it's full of shit post and shit threads
>no desire to lift

anyone else know this feel?

>drawing motivation from a website
Never gonna make it

>4 lines of greentext complaining how shitty the board is
>the shittiest thread in the catalog

You aren't a special snowflake you basic bystander faggot

I think its been the same, but as we lift and progress/ gain experience we realize how much of Veeky Forums was always shitposts.

I know this feel, and also have wondered if there's a correlation

Ywa the admin are fucking rubbish doing a shit job at cleaning up this week. Noticed more /b/ threads here and faggotry. Fucking degenerates

i don't need motivation from a site of fat fucks that tell other fat fucks that they're fat fucks.

Around 2010 was peak Veeky Forums, ever since it has been downhill.

Nah man too many starting strength threads

2010-2012 was pretty good for Veeky Forums in general I feel. Like there was that intermediary period after the whole chanology thing where /b/tards kinda flooded the site, but by 2010 all the other boards were slow enough and tightly knit enough to propagate their own cultures.

Then /q/ and reddit began to ruin things. It's kinda gay getting nostalgic for a website but this place was very different, fun, and somehow informative then. Now everyone tries to make a post that'll get screencapped and posted on instagram or a facebook page.

>le epikk nostalgia!!!1

We push the boundaries of cringe further and further everyday. You fags have just honed your craft over the last decade plus while doing nothing productive with yourselves

>Now everyone tries to make a post that'll get screencapped and posted on instagram or a facebook page.

Maybe it was social media in general that not only ruined the internet, but our social lives.

I hope you realize you're part of the problem you stupid wojak poster. r9k is that way

Sorry you weren't able to experience the peak of the board. Zyzz was alive, Scooby was around, and Genova shit was starting out. Time took a toll on all of it.

Enjoy your onion memes and other shit. This board doesn't even produce close to the quality of material that it used to.

I still lurk from time to time, but the decline occurred a while ago.

10-4 mr gatekeeper

>being so weak willed that the state of a Venezuelan garbage picking forum determines the outcome of your life.

don't be dependant on something you can't control

The internet in general has gone to shit these past couple of years. Not just Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums more than others, less than some.

I started coming here like a year after Zyzz died
kek I remember when Skateboard man was doxxed

fuck you really are here forever

Literally no good memes or new content since maybe 2012. Came back after 3 years away and nothing new.

>mixed feelings about this board
>I feel like a can of mixed nuts

You're reading too fast on the catalog.
There is that one motivation thread from time to time and also those generals.
>not joining the shitposts
Not gonna make it.

this some spooky ass pic
fuck CTCD

I see, another man of culture.

I feel the opposite. Yes Veeky Forums is trash now but it somehow inspires me to lift. Maybe I'm trying to find a reason to stop coming here.

>constant /pol/ shitposting
>"redpill me on x"
>can't go 3 posts without someone saying soyboy

I'd rather have all the tripfags back. Even supermang.

It's funny how literally all the tripfags disappeared after Veeky Forums turned into /dyelpol/

>needing any external motivation for lifts
wew lad. i bet you lift for girls as well

>he needs an imageboard on a Ugandan cult forum to get motivated
you're not perfect

I just started browsing here 2 weeks ago and Ive never put more work into myself. I dont understand why everyone hates this board so much. I mean besides all the gay stuff.

Veeky Forums has been the same since the beginning, it never changed.