His not gonna make it

His not gonna make it

Good. Fat people dont deserve to be happy

Women are like grenades.
Take the ring off and boom, the house is gone.

>dez threatens break up when he says he wants surgery
>dez breaks up when he does it

Lel, she's either got an insane feeder fetish or was literally trying to make him eat himself to death to take all his money.

who would have wondered ?

I can't believe we still live in a system where the woman is always entitled to the man's income

Poor guy. I wonder why he puts these updates on social media. I feel like he has no one to confide in anymore. Either this is going to be the push he needs to get healthy, or most likely, he's going to spiral back into old habits hard...

they got together when he was poor.
my theory is she got with him knowing that he'd always be fatter and a bigger mess than her, so she didn't have to deal with her own weight.
once he gets surgery and starts losing weight she will suddenly become "the fat one" in the relationship
and she doesn't want to deal with her own weight. so it's easier to break up.

Classic narcissist. He whines for attention and then brags about how he's going to sell the house for a massive profit and brags that his "haters" are mad that he's so lean and fit now. You are scum Boogie and yes I know you read all these threads because you are human garbage so far up your own ass that you can't help yourself.

>brags about how he's going to sell the house

How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

Shit like this has raised my standards so much for women that i think i'll never find one that can meet them. Worse yet i don't know if i will meet hers when i find her.
All i have left is self-improving as much as i can so i can be ready when we meet. She's probably doing the same.
I know you're out there babe.

This is why we need feminism

Maybe he's boogie trying to get people to dend him

Women truly are worse than niggers


this but unironically

I honestly believe that and I'm a grill

Post your fucking tits

I can't. I lost some weight and now they look weird


Whats the real reason they split up? He got slim enough that she was forced to have sex with him?

>she was so generous
>she took the house

aka her friends talked to her and said that she deserved more for wiping his fat ass

pretty sure she's fatter than him now

>shes busy self improving like me

attractive, smart people dont self improve

>She was so generous
>So generous to not fuck me over since she wants to divorce me
The absolute state of Boogie

Resting on your laurels tends to eventually make you unattractive and dumb.

Let us be the judge of that


She huge

His reason is that he's a screaming manchild who treated her like shit.

This is probably true, but she stuck through that for 7 years, and its definitely the reason she's giving him

But it's just too weird that she suddenly leaves him after he gets weight loss surgery and is dropping weight like crazy. She definitely liked having a fat useless boyfriend.

>self improvement

>was literally trying to make him eat himself to death to take all his money.

I believe this was the case.
>date a loser who is so ugly that you know he will never leave you and you're his world because his an insecure beta fag.
>loser is making some serious bank money
>loser is 40 yo fat retard with serious conditions who will probably not see the age of 50
>wants to go surgery to live longer and be healthy
>get mad
>no prenup (because obviously there wouldn't be any, these beta fags believe in eternal love and shit)

How old is this bitch ? by the way she looks you can tell she knows this is her golden chance to get rich when he dies (get ALL his shit)
or plan B is just dump his ass and get half of it. either way she wins and she probably knew it all along.

If she gets his riches she can live comfy for the rest of her life probably living off his assets, and still be young enough to maybe get a man later, but i seriously think she dont care about men at all and is just not a sexual person.

You mean
>She was so generous not to fuck me over that I made her fuck me over more in the divorce she wants


Didn't his wife get her tits out on cam? I seen it.
