This is a topic that is poorly understood. The effect of lifting on facial muscles. People don't seem to understand that lifting increases the muscles in the face. Just look at anyone's face when they lift. All kinds of muscles are tensing up for stability or whatever reason.
I have noticed that after a certain point, the growth in facial muscles makes the face look worse. It removes the sharp line of the jaw and expands the width of the face. This is a serious problem because facial aesthetics are even more important than having a good body.
Does anyone else have a similar experience or are you mostly unaware?
Jordan Perez
bump for interest. a friend told me my face is rounder since i started lifting.
Ryan Flores
yup that is exactly what happens. I have been monitoring which exercises seem to cause the most issues. It seems anything that goes above the face. Maybe it requires extra stabilization of the head when going above that level.
Joshua Campbell
I even got it down to a specific weight that goes over the threshold. Doing above 25kg dbs on incline press and all of a sudden my face goes from sharp jaw to rounded and going out further width wise than it should.
Lucas Scott
What I believe is happening is there are two main muscles responsible. First the masseter is getting large, which is near the utmost end of the jaw and is responsible for chewing. This expands out beyond the jaw visually and makes the face look wider. Then, there is a muscle that runs right along the jaw line and if it grows, it will go beyond the jaw line and give it more of a rounded appearance.
Other than incline dbs, I found that pullups etc also are a big issue after a certain weight as well.
Brandon Carter
Most retarded thread on fit
Carson Parker
t. ugly
Jaxon James
>t. soyboy
Your face gets much better, looks more manly. Only soyboys dont like it
Cooper Perry
It does at your level, but you can't lift anything. After a certain point, facial muscles get too large. The very fact you admit that face changes means it must have an end on both sides.
soyboy - looks good - looks too round
Connor Howard
Christopher Sanders
See how he has no jaw line anymore. That is what happens. You don't have to get to his level, it happens well before.
It goes soyboy skinny fat, then defined jaw, then muscles grow beyond jaw line and it looks round.
Aaron Brooks
>post pic of guy making funny face >lol guys see this is how you will look like Now post his face when he's calm.
Landon Clark
wow you really showed me. Anyway, I knew it would just be a bunch of ignorant fools going "ururrrrr gay n shit".
Isaiah Jenkins
enjoy your moon face, I'm out of this shithole.
Mason Allen
Your face won't change unless you do roids or hgh
Leo Adams
Yea i noticed this. My face got wider, manlier and idk I just look bulkier.
Colton Butler
yes im sure jay cutlers jaw disappeared from lifting and not the grams of gear he was blasting for 10 years straight
Gabriel Lee
Caleb Wood
At 6'0, i went from from 125 / -12%bf to 175 lbs / 12%bf and can tell you that my facial aesthetics improved drastically. Especially in the jaw / chin area
Getting out of skelly soy boy mode into something respectable has not only made my body more attractive, but my face as well
Hunter Clark
>soyboy - looks good - looks too round
Looks female
Jordan Powell
Or could it be that bodybuilers were ugly too begin with which is what got them into lifting??? The same way that guys who roid are usually ugly
Aiden Harris
>hurdur, muh face gets ugly from heavy weights shocking news: you were ALWAYS ugly lifting heavy aint got nothing to do with it
Evan James
>the absolute state of soyboys
Tyler Gomez
These guys are literally on grams/week of gear + growth hormone, it's like going through puberty for fucking decades lol, their faces keep getting more androgenic as they age. Eventually it gets a little grotesque.
Asher James
have fun being ugly.
James Edwards
"""Gigachad""" is so photoshop'd that I actually feel sorry for him.
Jaxson Watson
>ignorant fools
Jordan Cox
just do coke
Anthony Cruz
Look at this guy's jaw. He doesn't lift but he eats a lot iirc. Face muscles will make you more aesthetic if you train neck as well
Jonathan Rogers
Youve probably seen a lot of tren uses who have a moon head becaus of it.
Carter Sullivan
he came to mind.
James Brooks
Carson Wood
>using roided freaks on GROWTH HORMONE as example of lifting causing this
Fucking retard, no. If you skip the gh, it only makes your face much more masculine.
Angel Hall
Any before and after pics after doing face excercises?
Christian Watson
does he eat all that and fast for a whole week? how does he stay that skinny?
Carson Rogers
Haha literally just cut / do IF fag.
Thomas Rivera
teeth together lips together tongue on the roof of the mouth
Ian Edwards
Bruce Lee was a handsome motherfucker
Kayden Adams
Been told numerous times I look sharper, harder and generally more masculine in the face since I started lifting. Sounds like a good thing, but long be hold, as women are fucking retarded, this is somehow a bad thing according to them.