Dry fasting vs water fasting

I just learned of Dry Fasting, different from intermittent in that you fast completely for a specific amount of time. Different from a water fast in that you take in zero liquids.
The guy in the image claims he lost 23 lbs in 6 days of not eating or drinking anything at all.
Is this true?
Is this safe?

what the fuck is going on in that picture


Go for it.

No, it's not safe. If you're going to do it, have someone monitor you.

It's what's referred to as a "before and after picture." Basically, when dieting or exercising, it is common to take a picture "before" you start, and another picture "after" you have done it for several months. This creates a visual guide for how far you've come and what you've been doing. It also shows how effective a product is. If you do a before and after of one diet supplement, and there is no drastic change, and then you do a before and after of another diet supplement, and there is a drastic change, you can see how much better one supplement is to the other. Hope this helped!

You gonna die

He's obviously completely relaxed in the first pic (pushing is gut out I'd even say) and flexing in the second.

He lost weight for sure but the pic is misleading

those fingernails though

>zero liquids.
You gonna die, famalam

the body cant be more than 3 days without water

Holy fuck us guys here in drayton where Cole is from we fucking hate him. It's too bad he's cool on Veeky Forums. All he's done is take keto and mixed it with IF. Wasn't even his idea. Was his fuckin daddy.

This is the most blatant "TV diet ad" photo. He's just relaxing and forcing his gut out in the before, and then flexing in the "after".

Also he has painted nails.

Even the rubbish bag and bin hasn't moved 1mm

>23 lbs in 6 days
You would need a tdee of 13,417 for this to be accurate. If he stuffed himself with food and water for days beforehand then shit it all out/ dehydrated himself then its possible but such weight loss is not mathematically possible long term.

>inb4 "but he exercised"
To add an additional ~10,000 burned calories a day would end up killing you from fatigue with nothing but water.

Why the painted nails?

Holy shit! I just noticed this.

Why don't you get a tan? You will look way better

Probably a father. Has a little girl who paints his nails for fun.

Obviously this is a woman. Are you a transphobic or something?

Maybe? I had mono a year or so ago and completely lost my appetite/painful to swallow or eat anything. Had maybe half a can of tomato soup a day and a quarter of gatorade bottle a day to try and stay hydrated.

Lost about 15 lbs in a week. Also had issues of hair loss due to body shock/sickness but that righted itself

I would say go for it if you want and you understand the risks like the headaches and the more taxing feeling you get. Most people on this board who say you’re going to die have never tried dry fasting. You should try a simple 72 hour dry fast to see if you’ll like the results or not and if the way you feel dry greatly outweigh the results of doing a snake juice fast

I used to be very overweight and now I'm around 170lbs at 6'. I've noticed most of the people in these threads who have great results are already obese and 250lbs+, so I wanted to know if I could get some benefits too. Having my arm up makes it look better but I think I'm between 15-20% BF, so I wanted to know if that counts as "lean" enough to do 5:2 OMAD? Thanks guys, I just want to get rid of the belly pouch/loose skin and tiddays.

Of course it isn't safe, this poor soul lost his thumbs.

dudes weird, he paints his finger nails and has videos of him wearing dildo hats and shit. I would take what his guy says with a grain of salt

Think he mentioned it in one of his videos, but he has social anxiety/confidence issues, so he does that shit in public to counter it. It's not a new concept, but it's autistic as fuck.

what the fuck kind of advantage could possibly be bestowed by not drinking water for 6 days? are you serious?

This dude is fucking batshit insane. Are you that much of a dumb ass you wouldn't drink water for 6 days? Just do regular fasting.