Leg Extensions

I like my knees. Any Alternatives?

Squats, deadlifts, and any varation of these lifts

thanks for the shitty answer

Well perhaps you should come up with a new exercise then you fucking retard.

Or better yet, just put your legs closer when doing leg extensions and your knees will be fine.

But most of all, just fuck off and die you pussy.

Front squats

sissy squats

Bulgarian split squats


He likes his knees

Leg extensions don't fuck your knees, this shit is a myth because people alter things when they repeat it when they don't know what they're talking about. ONLY doing leg extension is bad for your knees the same way squatting squatting above parallel is bad, because you're causing a muscle imbalance that only strengthens your quads and doesn't do anything for the hamstrings.

Yeah, doing them correctly on a good machine and not using a retarded amount of weight.

but athleanx says otherwise

I've never ever had problems with leg extensions, and I go heavy when I use them, on the other hand those hamstring curl machines have been killing my lower back, recently I've started to use a belt while leg curling.

I never really had this problem before, what might be the reason for it?

athleanx also made a video saying that the test boost from squats/deadlifts is relevant to muscle gain when that myth has been debunked time and time again

he's generally ok but wrong on plenty of things

there is nothing inherently dangerous about leg extensions, retards load them too heavy (because there is no form to learn and you can just load up right away) with their baby never used before tendons and fuck their shit up with weights they have no business using

leg extensions are often used in rehab protocols along with squats because they specifically expose certain ligaments to more force than they would be in a pressing motion

>belt on a leg curl machine
what the hell are you doing nigga
are you leg curling 500lbs on it?

The highest I go on the machine is like 90-100 kgs... or i used to, now that just kills my back. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I started incorporating deadlifts in my workouts.

No problem, have a nice day my dude

well of course
jfc stop doing that shit
focus on getting stronger at deadlifts
you can leg curl but do them light, controlled and like 3x12 jesus

This. I fucking love those squats.
>tfw legs tomorrow

How long have you been doing leg extensions? Any problems? What's the correct form?

light weight and controlled reps. Not the guy you are replying to but if you are an advanced lifter 2 sets of 20 after your squat session would be good if you think you need more quad development.

Then again most people never squat high enough weight to need to do leg extensions anyway. You never see someone squatting over 400 pounds saying they did leg extensions for strength and size.

I don't think extensions are bad if you use low weight and use it more as a warm up/supplement to other exercises

I'm 5'10" 150 (68) and I can leg press 90kg 2x6
How much should I use for leg extensions?