Is this guy dead yet? I forgot his Instagram

Is this guy dead yet? I forgot his Instagram

>You will never roid and fucking benc press 150lb

How do I achieve this mode

1x gear
24/7x lay on stomachs

how do you even manage to fuck up this badly

hes aight

jesus fuck what the hell

Woaaah how does he get his bicep to not cooperate with the rest of his arm?

Roids + no food + no exercise = mr. Auschwitz champion 2018

no way that chest benches 150lb

Ok this makes me feel bad was he legit a lukemia patient or a fucking concentration camp survivor or something? He looks like a strong breeze could kill him on the left

Why does he look like a fucking corpse?

He really likes to turn the Structure slider up on his pictures

How? He must weight less than 150 pounds, what the fuck

How can you get to look like this? I've seen his instagram, if that's really what he eats everyday, how can he possibly still be like this

Does he have some sort of actual disease or something?

Is he a chef??

>I can choose to cry about it (and I do...daily..HARD)

That shit looks delicious, holy fuck

I know it's probably filtered to hell and back but if I were able to cook food like that undereating would be the last of my problems

>those fucking mushrooms

Mirin hard. Saved for inspiration.

Imagine all the fucking cleaning with so many different pans........ I need a woman to do the dishes so I can cook for us

He was anorexic

One frying pan for the mushrooms, do the omelette in there afterwards. Steamer for the broccoli. Glass baking dish for the salmon. Not much of a cleanup desu.

Eh I guess I just hate cleaning up, no dish washing machine so it’s all by hand.

is he a girl? I thought only girls attached a billion hashtags to their pics

Anorexic people tend to enjoy food and obviously obsess over food more than others.

Is this gratata?

he was anorexic and used dnp, iirc

post more dysmorphic bodies

>brush + Shower

What is this? He needs to motivate himself to brush and shower?

No that nigga is still in jail


so he cooks all that food, takes 50 photos and throw it to the bin? there is no way he eats like that

and how the fuck does this skeleton have 12.5k followers

according to him this is 1/4 of his stash

how mentally ill this guy is?

Well it's almost exclusively salad ...

Why does his shoulder hurt?

The ultimate cutting meals right there.

about 5% mentally ill