Whats the point of a gf?
Whats the point of a gf?
No longer having to use a condom
in that order
Breeding and succesfully prolonging your bloodline
I found mine when I was like 13. I'm turning 27 this year. Dunno, she's just part of my life, I guess.
To start a family.
all of these things deteriorate after time
and turn into this
whats wrong with having a bro as a life partner?
>same interests
>Veeky Forums
>no downsides of a bitchy thot
I have never had sex or a gf
Why not.
It's kinda gay bruh
not him, but my parents are to blame
Lmao this can’t be real
I'm a literal idiot with women. I think I was close...I was heavy making out/grinding at the bar with this girl. Afterwards I walk her back to her place then just kiss her one last time and ask for her number. Afterwards she ghosted me.
Sex, best thing. Everyone male i talk to pretty much says the exact same thing. If it wasn't for the sex no one would put up with their shit and we would probably push them aside with the faggots.
Why are liberals so painfully unfunny?
truth my brudda
fuck the powertripping mods
Hapa'ly ever after
Man, i thought my life was shit before meeting my ex.
Indeed, it was shit, and i thought it was shit, but i never knew how great having someone to love and being loved is.
After the best 2 years of my life, and a painful break up, i'm right at the start, but now i perfectly know what i'm missing.
Immagine everything you feel now, and turn your dreams and hopes into a reality you can feel just outside your reach, and the knowledge that it will never again be yours.
Guys I dont need this. I'm going through a break up, gf is packing up and going to her moms.
there is no point just fuck women its much better than have to be close to one all the time
I can't.
Did you even read the post yesterday about having straight sex with your bro. Just pretend it's a girls ass man.
>almost 27
>still don't know the feel of falling asleep with a girl cuddled up to me
>best friend you have sex with
>you get to live with your favorite person
>If you upgrade her to wife mode you unlock the ability to make a mini thing that is the combination of both of you together
That darkness that you're feeling right now that makes you question life, goes away when your with someone you love.
T. Experienced person
Also you get to touch each other's butts.
Best response in this thread.
it's overrated. good luck falling asleep cuddled up, it doesnt' work
Sex, food, housework, companionship and money.
Don't focus too much on women, focus on yourself first. It makes getting women easier.
How does one get over her. I was in a long term relation ship for over four years, until we had a sudden break up. It's been four months since then and i still feel like shit everyday. People say it'll get better with time but the only thing getting better is me hiding the fact that I'm still depressed as I don't want to bother the people around me
Can get a "20" year old whore as a live in onahole
Hire a maid who knows that part of her duty is sucking my dick and taking nine inches balls deep before going home
I would also have bros and Veeky Forums for companinship.
Why do I a need a girlfriend?
You never get over her. I was in a 4 year relationship as well and have been broken up for two years now. If it was real, she'll back into your life briefly for a week to a month at a time and you get reeled back in all to be destroyed again.
I am unable to emotionally connect with other women. I've tried. A lot. You just have to realize that your life isn't a fairy tale and something's are just always going to hurt.
You people are fucking annoying and should go to /r9k/. Seriously, fuck off and take your relationshit woes and sorrows with you, you're a drag and a buzzkill and I hope you die alone.
>tfw you WILL know this feel in one day cause you don't take no for an answer.
So basically you learn to cope with the pain and move on with your life? Thank you user this is what I needed to hear. Not some sugar coated bullshit
Can someone answer this?
I'm curious
What good is a girlfriend or a wife?
>almost 34
>same boat
And the boat is sinking btw, I can hardly keep it afloat anymore. Fairly soon there will be one less voice on this board.
that's not true you can change if you really wanted too user. It's very beta to claim your parents ruined you for the rest of your life. You have to make some major changes, and they will be uncomfortable, but they will help you.
All I want is her back in my life. We were going places.
took me two months to get used to it but now sleeping alone feels like shit when I visit my parents for the weekend or something
I've been with my gf for close to 10 years now and it's been pretty nice. It's cool to always have a gaming/training partner. The sex is still great, and until something shitty happens I'll just keep on having a good time.
how long did you sit and quiver with anger and frustration before you landed on that incredible emoji reaction image / loaded question shitpost?
kys faggot
this is a relative statement, it is entirely possible for bad parenting to fuck someone up for life.
Why are you so assmad?
Lol youre on Veeky Forums relax if its bothering you that much view another thread herb
Something tells me that if you're paying for sex you're not going "nine inches balls deep" in anyone nor ever have before.
sick comeback brah, you're as worthless as your unoriginal shitposts
you need to marry her already before she think you dont take her serious, way overdue. the fuck is your problem complacent loser.
My dick is nine inches
I have gone balls deep...twice.
The rest of the times...only the first 7 inches or so.
What does the size have to do with anything.
Anyway, money is a form of power and a contract. They do what I want how I want when I want they get money. Simple as.
Girlfriends are litterally more trouble then they are worth now and wives are a big no no for the most part.
If you're dating a girl for over 2 years who not just get married? What's the purpose in just putting it off forever?
No marriage = no risk of paying alimony
If you don't want to father children, you're low-t.
literally this, horrifying shit. She only wants you back for a thrill then disappears again then once you almost slip away the bitch comes back to scoop you up again only to take a big fat steamy shit on your soul. Repeat endlessly until she completely loses interest by finding other dick.
Pretty sure rape victims wont cuddle you like that
(Unless their life is in danger)
future elliot incoming
t. woman
why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free?
Nah, the father is asian, the mother is white and not a jew.
i miss my mousey gf
One must conquer oneself before taking on the responsibility of a relationship. A girlfriend is a supplement to an already happy life, otherwise you will feel good for a little and like complete garbage when it's over.
no shit. way to catch up to the rest of us bro
Just keep trying user. You've got nothing to lose and nobody cares if your 34 or 43 or whatever. Don't stop trying
It's a reverse hapa you fools. He's bound to be cool as fuck.
emotional fulfillment
Thots are easy pussy and escorts are relatively cheap.
GFs are too risky.
to pass on your genes
A strong father figure is really important in an interracial relationship. Elliot went insane mostly because his dad was shit and never gave any guidance to his son
I've always told myself I never wanted kids and I was really convinced too, but slowly I'm opening up to it. I was scarred because I had a shit youth and my parents abusing each other and just generally being shit people, I told myself I'll never be like them. So for years even the thought of children would make me cringe but now as I'm growing older and meeting people that did have great childhood and are close to their parents I'm starting to rethink. I don't know guys, there's just nothing that seems more wholesome and meaningful than family life. I just need to work on myself first so I can be the man I wanted my father to be, and to find the woman I wanted my mother to be.
faaaaag shut the fuck uupppp
Do you get to touch their butt with your butt?
At least you kissed her.
>mfw being an autists that actually manged it to reach wizardhood
Gets annoying after awhile, people are hot and I hate when they are on while I'm trying to sleep. They move around too much in bed so I sleep on the couch. Just memes to make you jelly over a fantasy.
I know. When it comes to actually falling asleep, it's a different story.
I'm just..it brings back memories of how me and my ex would cuddle up like that in bed. I loved her so much, we dated for 4 years and then she left me.
It's been 2 years for me, it doesn't really get any better but you do get used to it eventually. This dull pain that you learn to ignore so you can get by daily.
Sorry to hear that user, been there.
i'm in a relationship and I winder the same thing
Its nice but it aint free.
I know that feel bro I know it all too well
After some serious research, I've come to the conclusion that it's the women who are responsible for 80% of breakup initiations.
Anyone else get this feeling?
me on the left (not the dad)
what do you guys think would happen if 33% of the world was male, 33% was female, and 33% were just guys with tits and a vagina? so like you had 33% with the exact same body as a woman, just was a guy with a bro personality
would females die off?
the only guys who tend to break up for women without reason are chads and fags. Breaking up and divorcing for no reason probably is 80% women.
Just happened to me. I thought we would get married and have kids this year.
it's fucking amazing, when i met (at the time) love of my life we cuddled and fell asleep
I woke up still holding her, i remember thinking "oh wow is this it?"
but things happen for a reason one way or another
stay strong brother