My girlfriend is a really busy person, and I love the fact that she pursues her passions...

My girlfriend is a really busy person, and I love the fact that she pursues her passions, but that leaves her with not a lot of time for us to spend together. I see her for 50 minutes Mon, Wed, Fri mornings in our bio lectures, and then 1-2 nights a week for about 2 hours, with the occasional long hangout too.

Am I just being super needy for wanting to spend more time with her? Is it possible to voice the fact that I wish we could be together more without it sounding like I’m trying to control her life or ask her to stop doing the things that she’s passionate about?

I hate spending nights like pic related

Try and organize things like dates or movies ahead of time. Guess the way you have to look at is that the time you get to spend together is that much better.

But for real everybody wants to be with their partner and you arn't different. Maybe try and fill that time alone with other things. Idk man, carve your own solution and tell her that you want to hang out more.

That seems about normal to me for an average university student who is trying to balance relationship, academia and the side hobby. You might be being needy yes

at least you have a gf


Just make some more friends and hang out with them when ur gf is busy.

>*jaws music starts playing*

or u can just become gay

You better not. The moment you come off as needy she’ll notice that you aren’t doing shit with your life, otherwise you’d be doing other things instead of fawning over her.
Find a passion or get a hobby.

You're making me feel user. I'm about to graduate, which means I'm about to have to move away for work and wait a year while the gf finishes her undergrad. I'm only going to see her every other weekend and holidays.

be careful what you wish for

Sad. most relationships don't make it through that

Wouldn’t normally reply to a feels thread but I was in pretty much the same position when I was just starting uni

Gf went to a different uni on the other side of the city, didn’t get to see her much, and I felt myself becoming lonely and needy. She noticed, and whether rightly or wrongly, became sort of repulsed by my neediness. Even though we only saw each other for a few hours, a few times a week. As other anons said, focus on yourself more, lift more, find new hobbies, don’t neglect making new friends at uni, and try to make yourself as objectively desirable as possible. If it doesn’t work out then you’re at least in a good position to move on.

I didn’t — I became depressed, stopped socialising, was a hermit, and when she did eventually break up with me — which included other reasons — it took me a good couple of years to get back on track and move on fully.


I have a friend who is going through the same thing. His fiance is in a couple of my classes and I'm helping her out so her brainlet self will graduate on time.

Sorry, I fail to empathise with normies

I think its very important to at least have a conversation to your gf about how you are feeling, its never smart to just hold things in

delet this

2 options really user

>accept the time you spend together and find other ways to spend the time
>make effort to spend more time together

Keep in mind with number 2, that there is a chance she'll perceive it as neediness and be turned off. I'd suggest you try option 1 first.

I'm the same way with my GF, once I entered uni and she got a full-time job we hardly see each other awake except maybe 6-8 hours a week. It may not be a choice and simply the circumstances you are in. Express a desire to make more time for each other, review your schedules and do what you can. Otherwise just value the time you do have and make the most of it. We also tend to leave each other small texts and pictures that we don't expect the other to get back to right away, but enjoy when we have spare time in our schedules.

then why dont you go to the GYM at night