Mirin my breakfast?

mirin my breakfast?

begone keto

>overcooked eggs
>burnt toast



>avocado NEXT TO toast instead of being ON it
nice one, soyboy, but you won't trick me

anyone else getting sick of eggs?


god it's been so long

Never. As long as I leave the yolk a bit runny I could eat them forever. I don't scramble my eggs, because that's lazy.

never user

its just the taste, i either smother them with salsa or straight up choke them down.

just get a replacement then mate

I had this + a bowl of oats with different berries.

>those eggs

but what could replace eggs? they are so cheap, easy to make and nutritious. how could you possibly replace them?

Why is your breakfast shaped like australia

If you cook eggs properly they taste heavenly. Soft, creamy, delicate delicious eggs. If you cook them to death like OP did they will taste like ass. Nothing is worse than rubbery foul tasting eggs.

So, if you find yourself doctoring your scrambled eggs, odds are you're overcooking them. All you need is a healthy chunk of butter and cook them low and slow with a rubber spatula. Take them off the heat as soon as they coagulate a fair amount, then use the residual heat to cook them just a little longer. You'll know they're done when they look glossy and very very soft.

need fruit desu
this looks dehydrating, going to drain energy the first 4 hours digesting. depends on ur morning i guess.

that's a nice toastie

Nah, pic related is what I'm having for breakfast, though I must admit I'm kind of jelly that you're eating right now while I still have to wait for her to arrive.

>Not burning your toast

Please leave

Just poached that shit never gets old, bit o salted butter and mash that shit up to.

>likes runny salmonella eggs
>likes soft soggy bread
>not eating avocado
Kill yourself soyboy.

I'm allergic. Consider yourself lucky.


>thinks eggs that aren't cooked to death are runny
>believes the salmonella meme
>thinks toast that isn't burnt is soggy
>thinks avocado isn't a soyboy numale delicacy
no u
