Inclined db bench press

>Inclined db bench press
>forget to safely stow water bottle under bench
>go to place weight down
>water bottle blocks my path
>will be doing cardio for the next week

Finger licking story, user

ohhh yess hahahaha yes hahaha i get it cause he licky the finger hahah ohhh yes so good, he knows the feels , the fingers is fried chicken ohh yess top notch sippsin humors

*blocks your path*

>drinking water at the gym
You deserve what you got.

ITT: OP Learns.

is there any reason for this not drinking water while you lift meme?
Several years ago, I remember my friend who was fucking huge by the end of highschool actually saying this. Whats the deal guys?

if you drink even one sip of water all your gains disappear

It has more estrogen than soy, water boy

I'm not sure I understand the logistics of this, where the fuck was the water bottle that you couldn't re-rack the weight?

The bottle was on the side of the bench. In the exact same spot I'd put it down on the ground after completing a set. Not re-racking.

gotta be alfa and throw the weights away
or bring htem down on your knees and catapult yourself to standing, and place wieghts at feet ready for next set

Fuckin' idiot.

Can't even lift weights without hurting himself.

What a fuckin' moron.

>small cut on hand
>gonna not lift next week


are there people who actually lower the weight down instead of just throwing it?

>throwing weights

Who the fuck throws weights? You could hit another person or damage the weights.

You guys are fuckin' retards who injure yourselves lifting weights at the gym.

Christ, thanks guys

Jesus what a pussy that’s a literal scratch

>too scared of using the fountain germs

I mean you could lower down the weights but on incline db if you do that your shoulders will fall off

You can do any lift with 3 fingers and a thumb. You're a pussy

>cuts finger slightly
>guess i can't workout for a while

Clearly not gonna make it

Unironically this

If you aren't dyel letting the weights drop or using dat core strength to sit/stand back up is the only way

Unless you drink water from like a wooden or glass bottle you're at high risk of absorbing xenoestrogens from the plastic that's degraded into the water.
Essentially, drink bottles are the soy of gym session habits.

I thought it was common practice when finishing a set to immediately identify the nearest dyel and throw your weights at him

Sadly, this is not allowed at my gym, Planet Fatness.

>drink water from like a wooden or glass bottle
what the fuck user

Let me guess, you're american

>Want to ohp
>all racks are full
>No bars except ez bar
>fuck it
>Put on a 1pl8 an start pumping up
>Bar rolls out of hand mid rep
>Sprained wrist
>Drop bar on foot
>Scream from pain
>No one even pats an eye
>Don't even unload or move. Just go away
>No gym for at least two weeks

English, and I have a stainless steel water container I use everyday. Never ever seen anyone use a wooden bottle to drink water.

Worst are those idiots who leave their belongings around the dumbbell rack area. I swear I will just drop the dumbbell on your items if you yourself are not considerate.

damn bro you lookin cut af

I mean, I tried suicide grip on close grip bench last night and the bar immediately left my palms to make acquaintances with my rib cage. Was only warm up though, so I'm thankful for that.

>I tried suicide grip

ever heard of buckets???

wait what the fuck happened? what the fuck did you just say?

Figured it was light weight, I had never done it before, and maybe it'd be easier on my wrists. It was not.

We're talking about bottles. But when was the last time you drank water out of a wooden bucket?

>those girly hands
>white skin
checks out
just another soyboy w___e