How has getting fit improved your life?

How has getting fit improved your life?

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I feel better and look better

>bitches in charge of logical reasoning


I got my CPR/AED/HCP training certification today and there was a short, skinny girl with glasses who kept staring and smiling at me. I smiled back n shit but I got a gf at home.

I love me some coal burners. Keeps me young.

Increased self confidence
Feel more attractive, stronger
Get more respect
Get hit on regularly

Still no bf though.

>"no means no"
>I only said no as a test
We need white shariah


kek this is why girls can't make the rules on dating.

They literally put in employee handbooks its sexual harassment to ask someone out more than once if they had said no.

Tinder dates get naked with greater consistency.

Less unspecific pain from being weak and twisted.
More soreness from training.
I can lift heavy things.

It's bc everyone claiming sexual harassment has scared the normal man half to death.
>girl says no
>man walks away
>doesn't want to pressure her
Man is safe

>girl says no
>man persists
>*rape whistle*
Man is rape

There's no winning again the femanonist

Asked out girl who worked at my gum. Chick said she didnt know if she wanted to go out with me. Persisted a little then just said I can take the rejection since she would just tell me no. She fucking said she wasn't rejecting me then I just asked for her phone number which she gave to me. Have to talk to gym staff saying I made her uncomfortable. Told staff that they were idiots in person and in email. Got email from uni sex harassment dept and went and tslked with a guy about it. He agreed this was total bullshit. The staff got pissed st me snd reported me from what it seems. Still see this chick because I still go to the gym. Really didnt care that much about getting rejected. The response felt excessive.

I make zero attempt to flirt with girls at my workplace or in my department at school. I've actually pretended to not notice a handful of girls who were being flirty with me. I only ever approach girls from other parts of campus or the ones I run into from my freind's social circles.

It's genuinely a risk to my job or my degree to try anything. That's the world we live in now.

Shit is fucked up man. I thought the worst I could so was get rejected and that shit happened. It isnt like I was going to stalk her if she said no. Still get constant mires though so it isnt all that bad.

And doesn't that discourage you from wanting to do anything like that in the future?

In hindsight I dont think she was that into me. I had a conversation that went really well the day before so I thought what the hell. I think another mistake was that her friend was with her when I asked. I wont give up though. I'm tired of not having gf. I think about it all the time.

im really glad i have a gf.
if i didnt have one, with how things are these days, i wouldnt even speak to women.

no confidence boost, discipline? mental changes? Really nothing?


Women really don't deserve the same rights as men. Throughout their entire lives they are mentally on the level of children, and need to be treated as if they were.

Equality of the sexes truly is just a meme that got out of hand

Melanin enriched individual with a statistical tendency for violence, theft, and substance abuse.

These girls just want attention and they will say any lie or over react to the tiniest thing to get it. This world is fucked.

Women are simply not worth it any more.

It is almost as if girls low key WANT to be raped so everyone can know and feel sorry for her

America truly is fucked.

I feel better, look better, and have a much easier time telling people "no now.

What field you in fella?

girls confuse me. this shit has happened to me a couple of times. they've rejected me, then a little while later they try to get with me. but only after i've completely ignored them, thinking they're a lost cause. like make up your mind. do they only like guys that are a challenge? it's not like i was super keen in the first place. i can't be fucked with this game sometimes. it makes me think there's something I'm missing

They’re honestly in their own world bro

Lol girls are fucked. I had one flirting with me hard and giving me hints throughout the semester. I added her on Facebook and she initiated conversation with me, when I was already planning on doing so. She added me on other social media platforms and then proceeds to act flighty for a week when we were taking, ignoring and cutting the convo short. I asked her out finally and she waited a day and a half to respond, said yes, then ignored me again. I texted her a week later thinking fuck it why not and she ignored that too.

Damn thots

damn the front desk chicks always check me out, i've thought about asking them out sometime but I really don't want to deal with awkward shit like that

then again im also really attractive so maybe I can get away with it. Im sure they've fucked some of the guys that go there

Sadly it's how they are.
They want you to demonstrate how Alpha you are.
In order to do this, they test.
To us Males it seems frustratingly pointless at best and legally and social suicide at worst.
But to Females it's essential as it will determine how Alpha you are inside.
Your external presence is only part of what they want, if your mind doesn't match your body then you are faking.
And if you are faking that means you are covering up for a defect.
And if you are defective that means that if, IF, she was to get pregnant by you she would be put at great risk as well as having to bear inferior offspring.
Most, not all, but most women's fantasies involve being taken by force but only by desirable Alphas.
The difference between the best sex of her life and rape is how she perceives you preceding, during, and following that moment.
But the worst thing is that they can, and often will, change their minds as to what constitutes attractiveness in said moment. That is to say that if later on you display Beta traits after demonstrating Alpha traits, to her mind that means you lied to her, and if you led to her then she was deceived and taken by an undesirable specimen. You raped her. Not at the time. But after the fact, weeks, months, years later you raped her.
It's 2018.
Good luck, I'm out.

Dude I'm attrative too. Chicks are literally desperate for my attention. I don't know what to do

I agree with Mark Manson's take on this, if you aren't getting a "fuck yes" enthusiastic response, it's probably not worth it

awww man I feel you, that happened to me this week. all was going well, all the good signs were there, added me on a bunch of stuff without asking, went on a date that lasted long and went perfectly, then started to ignore me, initiated response like nothing had happened then ignored again

I kept my chin up through it and acted like I had better things to do after, which saved face I guess cause I got another text today

girls man

women are fucking retarded


She texted you? Yea my bitch hasn’t texted me back. This was like 5ish weeks ago now. I don’t expect her too and even if she did I wouldn’t be receptive anymore because I feel disrespected now. Everything was so cool between us we got along perfectly and honestly would have made a great couple but as soon as we talked over the internet and texting shit went downhill. I guess her not seeing me in person changed her perception of me. My bad for not asking her out ASAP. That probably would have changed the situation. Girls always gotta let their bullshit get in the way.

yeah dude it's a weird balancing act thing with some girls, for a while I thought it was on my end and something I could improve, but i guess a lot of girls are just like that

I'd love to know the thought process behind it, but yeah i don't expect this one to text back now and i feel you on the disrespect thing. if they text now, why did they bother? why wait? we both know what we want here. whoof

The realization that getting fit (unless you’re a fatfuck or aushwitz mode) won’t significantly improve your life is a hard pill to swallow.

For me, I swim for an hour everyday and helps subside my ADD and depression symptoms.

I have to work out everyday because otherwise I get depressed and am forgetful.

you should not view women as anything more than something like a puppy.
They are cute, sometimes irresistible playful little creatures.
But they have not yet developed any real logical function, they just want the new toy, to have more fun and oh whats that over there bark bark bark...
though not that most guys are any better.
this is what happens when you participate in corporate funded consumerism


the experience of sticking to something through thick and thin, failure and success. also can eat more

Don't shit where you eat, you dumb nigger.

with all the women bashing going on here it sounds like the forums on

big bunch of incels

women like this are why i don't bother talking to them. it's like what the fuck do you want, do you want to be strong independent, and be able to fucking shoot people down nice and easily or do you do you want to be a fucking faggot about it, give the fucking guy a fake number and then passive aggressively report him to staff, even though the guy wasn't even unpleasant with you. just fucking say no.

women are a meme

it's really more femshit/thot bashing than general women bashing, even if they aren't classifying it like that.

unfortunately finding a cute homely gf to fucking have a decent conversation with is hard to come by, especially through social media simply because it's become a platform for validation.

If you're ugly, you're not allowed to talk to women.

That's basically the short of it, and lots of guys on Veeky Forums are VERY delusional about their looks.

see you say this is the case, but then we have a "faces of Veeky Forums" thread and nearly everyone in the fucking place is 7/10. so what the fuck is it?

Because really ugly fuckers are going to be insecure about posting their face, especially on a place as brutal as Veeky Forums

If everyone is welcome, nobody is on 4chans newfaq

this is the truth

is that you? cool adidas tattoo.

>then we have a "faces of Veeky Forums" thread and nearly everyone in the fucking place is 7/10

Those threads are terrible for gauging your attractiveness since it's a bunch of people trying to make each other feel better. The truth is that most guys on Veeky Forums are hovering around 5-6/10 facewise, and half of them are legit manlets trying to punch above their weight (or height rather). In any case, the guys who don't post their pics are probably the ugly ones posting complaints about women in these sorts of threads.

Plus, due to our living in a global village, western women's standards are higher than they've ever been, so if you're under a 7/10, you'd better either have good game or be tall. If you're living in a country full of fatties, you're even more fucked since that slim girl (who is objectively a 6/10) may very well be an 8/10 when placed on a scale relative to other girls around her. So when you're a 6/10 man hitting on a 6/10 girl, she could very well be FAR out of your league, especially if you live in fat zone like I do. Additionally, women would rather share a 9/10 than have their very own 6/10, so that also counts against you.

>Asked out girl who worked at my gum.
Never fucking risk your gym membership over pussy.
>Chick said she didnt know if she wanted to go out with me.
You were in her "maybe-but-probably-not" pile. She wanted to talk to you more to see if you were truly an autistic virgin or not.
>Persisted a little
You're pretty fucking vague here, but the gist is clear: you refused to accept that she wasn't attracted to you and tried to negotiate, which is a no-no.
>said I can take the rejection since she would just tell me no.
This was what killed you. You put her on the spot, which is the one thing you should never do to a girl since they will fucking detest you for it.
>She fucking said she wasn't rejecting me then I just asked for her phone number which she gave to me.
Most girls buckle like this when they start feeling pressured. Most guys see this as a success, but you won't get a date out of it, and it *will* get you a reputation as a creeper.
>Have to talk to gym staff saying I made her uncomfortable.
They probably didn't want a lusty Pajeet hitting on their female staff.
>Told staff that they were idiots in person and in email.
It's pretty clear here that you're both sexually frustrated and narcissistic.
>Really didnt care that much about getting rejected.
>I made her uncomfortable
This is what you should be learning from. You're probably not totally ugly if the girl bothered talking to you in the first place, but your ability to read women and talk to them obviously sucks ass. Fix your shit.


Women aren't so random as you think. It all boils down to ther ovulation cycle but they have no clue themself. In their fertile days they are flirty and seek Alphas. In the other days they tend more to like Betas. So in a couple of days they can change their behaviour completly.

The only reason PUA night game somewhat works is because ovulating girls like to party more and are receptive to that fake Alphaness.

If she knows your real name or where you live you are in danger. This is why I use a burner and when asked where I live say "I live in City X, but my job moved to me to City Y to cover for a guy they fired. Living in hotels until I find a place to buy".

Then when they become tiresome, just junk the burner and you're done.

Never fuck where you live or work. If she knows anything about your real identity you are in danger.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>I'd love to know the thought process behind it

Don't fret about it. I could be anything as trivial as the way you looked in a siding glance of using the wrong word in a text.

Girls are fucking random. You can analyse that shit to death and still get nowhere. Just fucking "Next" the cunts. You're wasting time worrying about bullshit when you could be making your move elsewhere.

Who knows. I did find her annoying over text but I wasn’t gonna let that stop me even though my interest waned a bit. I thought hey, if we see each other in person I’m sure we will have fun like before but nope. Maybe there was too much build up and maybe I waited too long. Probably a bit of both. Whatever. I know if she ever sees me in person she will fall back in love with me. I had almost all the girls in my class swooning over me it was quite funny actually. I haven’t got that much attention since high school.

>white shariah

I have another one, me on the right.
Pic was 4 years ago.

basketball american

>basketball american

Criminally disadvantaged American.

that pic is gay

lol no you got it all wrong
We're just fooling around (my bro and i are straight).
What sport band tatt should I get next?

you retard? just say no homo after no need to explain

Met a thick young Romanian girl who speaks good English, but didn't have the confidence to make many friends in the English speaking worlds. Take her to the gym with me almost daily and she talks about how she dreams of a being a mother to many kids while studying to be a surgeon.

> mfw Veeky Forums saved me from virgin rage.

Not the same guy and I don't really feel any changes if anything I just constantly over think my appearance and it doesn't get any better over time. Further down the rabbit hole.

desu my fitters it all depends on your looks. Im a fucking autist making jokes so retatded that Im cringing about what I just said and yet women giggle and touch me even the ones I just met.

literally soyboy


I either lost my marbles or I began my path to enlightenment. I've never cared about anything material but that crystalized very recently. The only thing I'm truly interested in is meditating and maintain my health and honoring my body through fitness. Everything else is secondary and unimportant.

You borded the shit out of her with your white knight bull shit, she let you know she wanted you and you shat it up a wall kid. Stop being a beta when a girl makes any sort of sexual advance it’s an open door to be as straight forward as you want.

why are women like this


You cheeky nigger

>why are women like this
'Cos they are little more than petulant, irrational children who have completely delusional views of their own self-worth and act purely on instinct, even if those instincts are completely fucking random.

Looks like a heroin tattoo

>I'm out.
I'll be joining you soon.


Imagine being so bad with women and social cues that you don't know when 'no' actually means 'ask again'

>mfw married 7 years
>just reading this
>realized that I can use this to my advantage

I look better and can just lift whatever at work without problems. That's it.

That sound like my sister, but she's not romanian.
She's 25 and is obsessed with having children, but only dates fat manlets. Me and my brother scare the shit out of them when we meet them and they break up shortly after. She's a 7/10, I don't why only goes for 3/10 manlets.

What's up, mah nigga!



it didn't, I'm a socially awkward retard and no amount of muscle training will fix that

in what situation is it acceptable for a man to ask a woman out?

no, stranger danger, that's creepy
no, taking advantage of their friendship makes you creepy
no, they are there to work out, not talk to guys. and they are wearing gym clothes. you're taking advantage of them in a weak and tired state. you're creepy
no, they are there to dance with their friends not meet guys. Also if they have had any alcohol you are taking advantage of them. that's creepy.

Basically you can't ask a woman out
>if they are stangers
>if you know them
>if they are at a place they regularly go (makes them uncomfortable in a safe space)
>if they are in a place they rarely go (they are already vulnerable)
>at work, workplace harassment

you forgot the golden rule if you're attractive all those rules go out the window

I used to chase pussy, had a serious relationship afterwards for a few years and am now celibate.

I can honestly say I feel the happiest just completely disregarding sex and relationships. It’s like having solved most of life’s problems. Monks know what they’re doing.

do tell



I had a coffee date with a girl significantly younger than me. It was almost like she checked out 1/3rd of the way through, and/or didn't have anything conversationally interesting to say. I mean when you can't even talk about your career (aspirations or work towards it) and your potential dreams. You might as well be dead to me. At one point when she was looking blankly at a window I said I can keep talking at her to fill time. Then she asked for a ride back.

Same bro. I need that dopamine release.

I'm sorry. It's 2018.
You have abortion, you have hormone based contraceptive, you have divorce, (in the West) you have a culture that justifies every minor or major whorish\promiscuous behavior, you have every possible affirmative action to demolish a man at your own will or whim.
Guys must start realizing that this behavior is not acceptable and females who act like this are worthless losing bets. I stopped feeling anything years ago.