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Health #448
Is there a starting strength of aesthetics?
Cut or Bulk
H-hold me Veeky Forums
Results in. Test boost (easy to read eddition)
Mini men, mini mini mini men wish death upon me
This is the ideal male body. You might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Does fit keep a journal? If so, what do you write? How truthful are you...
Just gave up on lifting again
Is Wolverine Natty?
R8 my form
What's some good metal music to put on for lifting?
Why even lift when we will live to see bionic limb replacements that will bring us beyond natural strength?
What is people's problem with grains?
Bros! When a girl says "you should definitely have a girlfriend", "aha thanks why?", "hahaha you're just so good user"
So how does it feel to be natty, Veeky Forums?
Well, Veeky Forums, I made it despite your directions
Guys, we need to talk (tl;dr incoming).This is both about mental health, sexual health and, in a general sense...
So has anyone managed to fix butt wink or is it just a meme? Can you even fix it...
Mfw manlets at my gym
How fucked am i?
Friendly reminder that if it took you more than a year to reach a 1000lb total you are a low test soyboy
Do truly straight edge people exist?
About nofap
What’s your endgame dream Bod?
Not lifting for white hispanics
Why do so many anons dislike sporty girls?
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Post the last song you worked out to
Braptist General
Friday night feels thread lads drinking alone edition
Is weed good for post-workout to release body tension?
Cook for 1 hour a week
You may not be acclimatized, but this is what peak femininity means
Walk into gym
Veeky Forums BTFO
Is raw GOMAD worth it?
Is this achievable natty?
Where do you lock out your deadIfts? My lockout is above my dick...
How autistic is the "gym notebook"? I just can't bring myself to walk into the gym equipped with a pen
How old were you when you realized this was true?
Tfw can't stop smoking weed
/fat/ - Only Time and Diet Kills Fat
Wow a whole WEEK? I can't wait to see what he will look like in a month. He will be jacked
My 4 years transformation
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
I created an alter ego, Veeky Forums
How has the brap meme changed your life? For me its similiar to the ayy lmao meme...
Body rate thread
Post your reaction when you see gym thots
18months, 98lbs down...
Tick tock, dont forget your clock Veeky Forums!
What’s the most unattainable body type?
Tfw 200lb roider with a squat max of 198lbs
Help me out famm
Are you sexually active?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
I had a gyno surgery with lipo 8 months ago...
/hairloss/ general
What do in a Friday night?
Why is it a bad idea to eat ten fried eggs every day?
How do stop being so shy and quiet???!! REEEEEEEE lifting cannot kill this social anxiety no matter how hard i try
How do I increase my testosterone?
I want to escape my auschwitz-tier, emphasized by a plexus excavatum
500gr quark for breakfast
That guy that wears snapback at the gym
Tree Planting
*blocks your estrogen*
Am I still dyel and yet ik perfect light but still like arms and shoulders and shit if I am what should I focus?
What preworkout do you use, Veeky Forums?
Craving chinese food, but i'm trying to eat healthy
Tfw 27
Slipped disc what i do?
Did you ever stop following someone's advice because they were DYEL despite being seemingly well-informed?
Winter 4CC
What is my thoughts about hammer curls Veeky Forums? Are they the key to getting big biceps and forearms?
How to make fast food work in a bind
99% plant based diet
How do you sleep, Veeky Forums?
So in order to compete at the elite level of a sport like boxing(or really almost any sport...
FACT: if your hands aren't veiny during a rest day when you're well hydrated, you're a DYEL/soyboy
All races are equ-
Holy shit watch this
Is It Douchey To Poast Physique on Tinder?
Deadlifting Music
Today marks the end of my 10th cycle. Rate my physique
Buy my program
How do I reach this mode?
The more interactions I have with women, the more of a misogynist I am
Theoretically, the fastest way to lose fat is to not eat at all
In Hong Kong
Cardio Thread
What's the point in squatig?
Living with parents is really fucking my gains, anyone else?
Snap City?!?
Never Veeky Forums in my whole life
Veeky Forums what if I told you there was an easier way to get protons on board when you're sick of eating the same old...
How do I maintain my current physique?
Do you guys recommend weight loss surgery? At first I was against the idea...
How to get ripped in a month?
Tfw no Veeky Forums bf to go work out with
Anons with loose skin , do you tell a girl before having sex with them about it or not?
Good morning bloatlord
Post your pose
Married bros...has it affected your gains? Are you happy?
Give me one reason why should i do deadlift when this exercise is 10 times better and safer for your lower back...
Bro just do the program 3x5 bench 3x5 squat 3x5 deadlifts, maybe 5 chin ups
Daily reminder that the squat is a female exercise
'Dirty meat': Shocking hygiene failings discovered in US pig and chicken plants
Is gym two times per week enough?
WebM Thread
Redpill me on hooded eyes
CBT current body thread
Don't eat meat today
Post ideals and harass others over their choices
Weekly Failures/Victories
Just curious, which Hogwarts house has the most Veeky Forumsizens?
Why am i cursed
''you're not getting my vagina by lifting weights you know''
Is pornography actually detrimental to someone's health, or is it just a meme like Boogie says?
Facial Asymmetry
Will he ever win World's Strongest Man?
/fast/#123- Updated OP edition
Gf lifting for 4 years 5 days a week
Get swole
My results are in. Increase in test
How can I stop staring at girls' feets during yoga classes?
Nofap and Noporn General
How do chechens get those necks ?
For females, it's figure skating. For men, it's
Mfw I push myself to failure
What is the dumbest thing you've read on Veeky Forums? I've got a few
Just found out my ex got a DUI
Rate my gf Veeky Forums
Who skinnyfat for life here?
Today i saw a girl with a yuge booty and i instinctively whispered under my breath "BRRAAAPP"
Veeky Forums feels thread
What's the fastest way to fix my shitty posture?
Tfw finally shredded and girl says you look like spock
Daily reminder to drink more water
Fitness clothing brands
How do I stop feeling insecure and demotivated over not being able to lift much just starting out
What's wrong with cereal for breakfast?
The age old question
Walk into Gym
How long did it take you to reach 2pl8?
For the Veeky Forumsizens that get laid, which parts of your physique have you found girls are most allured by...
Not trying to debate whether he’s natural or not, but what the hell can i do to get a chest/stomach as THICK as thor...
ITT: Post songs that you smash your PR to EVERY TIME
Exercises for bigger calves?
What did you eat today Veeky Forums? Pic is my first attempt at cooking somthing saw it on an old food thread
Clean it
Tfw no gf
PMS exercise fatigue (female intended thread)
Where is the best place for Veeky Forums to live?
I'm totally new to cardio and just wanted to know if its normal for my legs to be fucked for around two days after only...
Any new PR's lads? Got my squat up to 335 today
Just a daily reminder that you will never be "chad" or "alpha" until you have your OWN house and stop living in your...
Plg powerlifting general
How do you get rid of the innate male ass smell?
How do you resist junk food?
Clenching teeth = Jaw muscle gains
Meme exercises
Just remember, if you're balding or a manlet, there is no point in lifting. You will never be anything
Who here take big shit at the gym?
Night 2 of no weed before bed
Eww.... Men with muscless...GROSSS
I can only get orange sips from my local shop, what am i missing out on?
I didn't think I'd make it this far... What do I do now ?
Your dream girl
Reverse Progress thread
Why do I never see getting tan mentioned on this board?
LOL this is my kind of Doctor! Share if you agree!
I'm not going to fucking make it, am I?
Fit /feels/
Cancer? more like cantcer haha
Pendlay VS Bent Over
Lets get this straight
Ideal body thread
How do I achieve this aesthetic
Derealization/Depersonalization Disorder
Need some opinions
Give me ONE good reason why you're not NATURALLY ENHANCED™ yet
Klinefilters is as subtle as this
How true is this?
Why are all women between the ages of 12 and 120 lusting after this DYEL?
/fat/ - Poor life choices edition
Memes aside who /soymilk/ here?
Is it possible to make it if you wear glasses? Are contacts always better?
Saw this shit on normiebook and was instantly repulsed by it. How do people unironically live this way, its disgusting
Reminder that if you can't bench 2pl8s for reps by 6-12 months (depending on your bw), you shouldn't be posting here
This is what women want, Veeky Forums. What exercises can increase being black?
Why don't you just get a black gf Veeky Forums? If you're objectively a 6/10 you're probably an 8/10 in their eyes
Went from Norwood 1.5 to 2.5 since I started finasteride 16 months ago
Is there a way to improve facial aesthetics without surgery?
Is it possible to maintain the hip thrust lock position with 400 lbs during 1 minute without steroids ?
Veeky Forums humor thread
Veeky Forums
Donate blood to cut
Big brother envy
After workout puff
Is there any proof cigarettes cause cancer?
Veeky Forums what are your shower habits?
Thoughts on jaw implants?
So anons, my girlfriend convinced me to do a threesome with one male friend of her...
A New King is Elected
Do deadlifts go on back day or leg day
Anyone have any cutting tips? I'm going to South Padre in 2 weeks and I'm trying to look shredded...
Why would you willingly choose to exclude bread from your diet...
Start eating clean
Best way to fight a cold that's JUST starting to show itself?
Is black hair + blue eyes the GOAT combo?
How do i become a Chad?
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
How do I get strong enough to defend my self from female rapists?
What’s stopping your from becoming Veeky Forumslit/?
Does strength really equal size?
Blackies, what do you think about my face gains?
ITT: we describe our gyms
How come I almost never feel shoulder soreness? Every other muscle group I can feel the day after except shoulders...
This meme is incorrect in that soy actually *does* have an play a role in hormone chemistry in humans in that it seems...
Is it true that it's sexy? How do i train for this?
Wake up
Is being muscular overrated?
He eat eggs every day
One chance at life
Hey Veeky Forums
What's wrong with this gym? Besides the no deadlifts rule, it's cheap as heck and has a massage parlor. Plus...
Is there anything worse in the world than asymmetric gyno?
Battling normies
Red pill me on /sips/ boys
This kills the Veeky Forums
Deadlift flat sole or lifting shoes?
I love my gf, but she has no ass. What kind of routine could she do to fix that?
I think i'm beginning to make it
How veganism changed my life
High vitamin D level = high testosterone level
What do you do for pre workout motivation?
There are people out there who literally believe Bugenhagen is natty
Fiber and Low carbs?
How do i get a tighter ass?
Okay so how do i make my forearms and biceps bigger? I only did bodyweight exercises so far...
Time of workout
Walk into the gym in 2011
Hair is extremely dry. What to do?
Why can't we be happy forever?
Anyone else of you guys thought he was a hardgainer until you checked how much calories you actually consume...
Hello guys...
Is it possible to get thicc without doing barbell squats and deadlifts? I can't get the form down and I'm over it...
Walk into the gym
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
7-day impulse control and self-discipline method
Things you wish you knew when you started lifting
/fast/ #122 - Water edition
Why do people buy shirts and other gear with these shitty fitness memes?
Go to anime con
How does someone find traps to fuck? And I mean chicks with dicks/dudes with tits. Not those femboys or anything
Push your limits
Cursed oats?
Life tips
How do I into LTG mode?
Always got compliments on how his form was amazing
Can we agree that alpha destiny has one of the best natural physiques out there...
Tfw the old /fit is gone
/military/ fitness
Daily reminder to drink more water
Can you over stretch?
How do we win against time Veeky Forumsbros?
Average person has sex twice a week
If you could magically add 1 pl8 to you bench, squat, diddly...
Offical /fat/ Rejection thread
BFR bands
Walking through Wakanda
tfw you shower at the gym in your underwear
Know a girl that goes to my gym, nameless for Veeky Forums
How do I get better at sprinting. Do squats help?
Is form THE biggest meme?
So Veeky Forums, how the fuck does one fix this?
Study: Drinking Alcohol More Important Than Exercise to Living Past 90
I got a gf guys
How do I achieve killmonger mode?
Pork Thread
What's up with the weird rituals people have before doing deadlifts like doing weird shit with their arms?
Height inspection day
My personal trainer said to me, “carbs at night turn into sugar and then sugar turns into fat”
Doing cardio for over a month
How noticeably fit can one get for a date in June? This is my only chance in 21 years. plz halp
Can't stop masturbating
Push Up Thread
Chinlet thread
How you holding up Veeky Forums
Bulking here
Is it normal to not feel DOMS in your pecs? I feel it in every muscle except for chest. whats goin on?
What are your hobbies outside of lifting, /fit?
Mental health general boys
In the middle of my squat set, a wild trainer appears
How many of you are NEETS
My doctor just okayed me for gastric sleeve aka they remove half my stomach. Why does this make you so mad...
What "gym rules" do you bend?
Tfw first ciggy of the day
Veeky Forumslit/
Has anybody here dated, befriended, or fucked a girl they met at the gym?
Your childhood friend is getting choked out
How do you fit in exercise when you have an 8-5 office job?
How do we help him to get fit, Veeky Forums?
/owg/ Olympic Weightlifting General
Convince me not to go crawling back to my ex after she dumped me
How do I resist the urge to eat high carb/ bad/ junk food? How do you deal with destructive temptations user?
How many times a week should I train neck?
How the FUCK am I not losing weight on 1500 calories a day? Yes I count everything. Yes I'm lifting as well
Nofap is like 250mg of test e
How much does Veeky Forumsness cost you?
Can anyone recommend me a good work out to tone up my arms? Im too shy to ask someone at my gym
Veeky Forums MBTI
SARMs general
Sign up for new gym
Meal porn thread?
How do I make my arms thicker/less feminine?
People still denying that it's all about the face
How do make my butt smaller?
Does any other state even compare when it comes to the Veeky Forums lifestyle?
Why do women go to the gym if gym is for building muscle and women don't need muscle? I don't understand
What would happen if you drank a gallon of heavy cream?
I want to start taking protons. Pic related is cheap af is it any good? Also what flavor do you recommend
Supplements, Science, and Protips
Norway takes fun out of Olympics
You're fit and all, user. But you're pretty ugly
Self Improvement Thread
Remember: you can save some money and go through two simple procedures, be happy the rest of your days
/mg/ - Manlet General
I want to stop fucking around and go do my workout
Ask a girl if she wants to go for a coffee on Friday or Saturday
Fruit juice is unhealthy because it's just sugar water since you strip it of its fiber and other nutritional properties
I think i made it boys (natty btw)
/workout music general/
Cut or bulk ?
Do women have better mental health than men? Pic related...
No fap for 2 months
Do you think she's fat?
Exercises to grow shoulders?
Holy shit this is bad, lads
How can i lose weight but only in the stomach area?
Possible natty?
Why lifting when you can get muscle implants ?
Will doing pushups every day make my chest big?
What now, Veeky Forums?
What's for dinner Veeky Forums?
/fat/ - Rainy Wednesday Edition
You want to become chad?
What routine is best for fighting off rapists if I ever go to prison for some reason?
How to be more charming?
Tfw could beat up all these lifters on this site and in the gym
Reminder. If you don't like thicc women then get your test levels checked
Hey son you're getting pretty big
So my gf eventually caught the bug of lifting weights and eating right
Will getting muscular help me with women?
Fitness discord
Veeky Forums
Basically I was committed to a mental health institution under the Canadian mental health act and I'm worried about my...
Redpill me on tap water. I drink a gallon of the stuff every day
CBT thread thread
Any exercise to increase height?
Looking for Veeky Forumss opinion on this routine, a female instructor at my gym made for me:
The hierarchy of Mogging
Is stronglifts or ss better for aesthetics?
/OG/ Onion General - Reborn
Justin Bieber Ate Soy For A Month & The Results Are Shocking
/fraud/ - GET SWOLE edition
Do you have insecurities Veeky Forums? What do you dislike about yourself?
Can lifting help me with my general anxiety disorder?
Has been shown to activate the most pec muscles out of all compounds movements
I do running, i squat, and I'm pretty fit
How true is 'doing cardio for fat loss while trying to gain muscle is counterproductive'
"Dirty bulk"
He counts the bar weight
Hoes and Tricks and Pushups
Is it possible to lift time back?
What's some good Veeky Forums literature?
Why do you lift?
I want to go to the gym, but i‘m really intimidated by it. I‘m a tiny girl after all
Oh hey, having a nice work out? Let me fix that :]
Is it true that eating soy results in lower test?
You are still eating your daily onions to decrease estrogen by 60%, aren't you?
Food mirin' thread
Why even lift if you will never be a 10/10 Giga chad like pic related?
How do some guys naturally get 1000ng/dl test ?
Why do breeders think their opinion matters?
Optimal gym time
/plg/ powerlifting general
Do you take cold showers, Veeky Forums?
SS got me a 200+ Press, 300+ Bench, 400+ Squat, 500+ Deadlift and 25 max chin-ups
Push me to finally join a gym, i need motivation
Where do the fit men who look like this hang out? I am a biological girl and want to date one
Spend 12+ hours a day sitting down in front of PC
Do I look too scrawny?
The wall
/fast/#121 - Squats Edition
Shit tier supplements
What is your pre workout drink
The Great Debate
How to achieve the golden one physiique?
Consider you're an average looking guy, of average height, average size etc...
My gf wants to get into lifting. Shes worked in with me a couple times but wants to get THICC
Do you consider yourself a lonely man?
Two words: Raptor Squats
Post Goal bodys ITT
Redpill me on Bodybuilding vs Crossfit?
Anyone here have prostate issues?
My vegan experience
Celebrity workouts
What do they want?
25 and I moved to a new city where I don't know anybody...
That guy who did his school project on lifting
Syrup smell
Week 4 of doing Raptor Squats
Does being a well dressed buff guy (think ryan gosling) make you more approachable to women...
Anyone on else Veeky Forums addicted to benzos? Any idea on how they effect lifting and muscle/protein synthesis...
6,4, 210 lbs
Motivation Thread
Anybody else think these two are annoying as fuck?
What is "wasting your youth"?
Investment banker here working basically 80 - 100 hours a week...
Since becoming fit I have become quite the mr popular on tinder with hotties such as in picture uploaded
How do I stop drinking
I knitted a kettle bell today
It's the kitchen, not the gym. What are YOU doing with YOUR diet to get abs, Veeky Forums?
/nofap/ general
Getting Veeky Forums doesn't give you facial ga-
Does anyone else get depressed when they think of all the time they wasted in high school NOT lifting...
After careful observation, Veeky Forums is by far the best board on Veeky Forums
Let's play "would you rather"
Signs that you're a brainlet: Veeky Forums edition
You havent forgot about him have you?
Is body type genetics or not?
Guys, how the FUCK do I get rid of this. I've got the same shit on my back...
Low carb protein bars
Unemployment thread
Recover gains
Post perfect women
Mire thread
Gymshark meme
/fat/ - 14% into the Year Edition
Has anyone found protein bars that are better than these
If you don't lift for sport or to make a labor job easier why do you even lift?
Things that annoy you in the gym
Redpill me on Texas Method
What the flying fuck are girls texting about...
Would you deny you used tons of steroids for the rest of your life...
Rate my shitty skelly diet
Instead of doing 5x5 can i just do 25x1?
Hit 105lb OHP today
I know absolutely nothing about weightlifting, is this physique possible with no steroids? or is he juicing for sure?
Tomorrow I should find out if I'm low test
Does Veeky Forums do drugs?
Do you have an imposing presence?
Will i ever make it?
Work out music
Look up goth girl I used to go to school with
Have you ever been bullied at the gym?
Why did "Leg Day" become such a meme?
Feels thread
Biggest meme book?
Did you get 8 hours of sleep last night?
Could you bench these dumbbells Veeky Forums? Is it an impressive weight?
"i don't love you anymore"
I'm joining the marines
Best exercise to hit my obliques?
How do you prepare your oatmeal?
Doing mma doesn't go together with lifting very well
How do I get this body?
Zyzz is dead
Can I make it?
Hey there my Keto brothers
So Veeky Forums let's lay this to rest
ITT: We start bullshit rumors about fitness
FUCK! Seriously? It's like you're photoshopped!
Why did he do it Veeky Forums?
Hunting and fishing
/fits/ idol
Progress Thread
Dad's dick is 10 inches
I lift for strength because progress is accurate & objective instead of inaccurate & subjective
Let’s Decide if our Pets are Fit or Fat/Animal Dieting Tips
Why are Vegans such lunatics?
Can you even consider this a lift?
When lanklets attack
I'm too beta to step foot into a gym
Mfw getting bigger and stronger but still cant talk to girls
Sick mire stories
Do you think she's fat?
Start eating 2 heads of broccoli a day
How can this actor be cute according to girls even tho his chin is very weak
Is cheese really that bad for you? On a keto diet, I find its one of the few snacks that I can quickly have...
/fast/ general - actually lifting edition
Is this a good exercise for abs or are planks superior?
Pushup Thread 2/20/2018
"Boogie will never mak...."
Am I aesthetic?
What standards does Veeky Forums hold when it comes to searching for women to date?
Veeky Forumsitizen
Have you found your 18 yet, bros?
Are you gay, Veeky Forums?
/CBT/ DYEL edition
Smokes weed
/plg/ - powerlifting general
''but I don't care about muscles''
Found her today in front of the house both her back legs are broken I think and she also doesn't feel any pain when I...
What a regular soda looks like in Norway
I have exactly ONE month before university starts and shit gets crazy...
Fuck this horrible garbage. Its 230 am and Im drinking brotien, doing pushups, and wondering how my life got here...
Should I wear my Trump hat to the gym?
Porn addict general:
Jawlet/Chinlet here. Why aren't you fags mewing for frontal view jawline gainz? Pic be me
/fat/ Making it with Consequence Edition
Stay natty bros
Anybody on Veeky Forums have a girl gym buddy?
"Yo, put your shirt back on before you embarass yourself, homie."
Do i have body dysmorphia if i think these guys are DYEL? they have a popular fitness youtube channel
So I found out some sloot gave me HSV-1 and I got my first cold sores
Thoughts on jackmanlettv?
Mike Mew
What do I have to do to look like this?
What do you lift for?
What kind of routine to go for to achieve pic related?
/sig/ selfe-improvement general
Enter gym
He's just not that good looking. Why are women crazy for him
Who else quitt caffeine?
Roid or not?
/info/ thread - Infographics
I hurt my elbow and knee a bit in a motorcycle accident on Friday. Very minor damage to me, had full gear on...
Sits across from you
Okay, Veeky Forums, redpill me on creatine
Bros, I’m close to making it I just need the perfect chad line to seal the deal. Also general tinder sloot thread
How many grams of protein should I consume daily?
Dick size
Gets triggered at people who eat meat and defend human lives
Post what you eat right now
Share life advice
YOU GUYS LIED. Not talking to girls is such a fucking meme...
Guy at work confesses he cant get wife pregnant due to low sperm count
Is it possible to build muscle over the age of 30 without the help of testosterone therapy/drugs etc?
Which earbuds does Veeky Forums use in the gym?
How long does it take to get a bod like this natty?
Weightlifting shoes
Gym stories
50 kg dwarf squats 300 kg
Go to LA fitness in ATL for years
So is Veeky Forums basically just a bunch of NEETs like every other board...
What's the cheapest place to buy Gold Standard Whey in Canada?
You're not that big
Veeky Forums Food
Which protein is the best overall? I think it's tuna
Which Henry are you?
Why does his body looks so weird?
"So you can bench press 225? That's a lot of times..."
Those are some impressive muscles you've cultivated...but they won't do against my blade
Goth chicks are super into cut dudes
Do you talk/flirt with fit chicks differently than you do with normies, art hoes, and other girls?
Confess your gym sins
"In love with girl"
Whole or nonfat milk?
Yo ass been goin to the gym erryday, we gon go see Black Panther instead tonight
/fast/ #121 - traps aren't gay edition
Why are Veeky Forums people generally right wing?
/fat/ - Don't fall for memes edition
Face>height>frame.Do you agree user?
Is Dolph the perfect man?
Been going to the gym for 3 months
Wat do
How does Veeky Forums recommend you deal with dry and itchy skin from showering so much?
/fraud/ - objective truth edition
At home workouts
How does pinning test feel?
My gym put a picture of me all over the city
I'm gonna fight someone next month. Need advice
Curls for the gurls
Push up thread
"Shirtless Enrique Iglesias Flaunts Impressive Abs in St. Barts"
How important are thicc forearms?
Going to a KBBQ place later tonight
How the hell do i keep getting eyefucked by women in college even though im a manlet
Girls are probably laughing at my tinder profile right now
Are hormones in plastic changing our bodies?
705 lbs deadlift
How long until the HAES moovement hits the military?
How long does it take for exercise to make your mind okay with living in this shit world and working a soul-sucking...
Rate my post workout meal
Welcome back!
Took me months to reach 70kg
Normie exercises
Veeky Forums
"Read the fucking sticky"
Be me
Be me 5´7 user ( A bit above)
What's Your Guys Ab Routines?
GF and me both lift and have for some time now
Sleeping on my back will kill me
Help. What do I say next?
How tall are you Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums how do I into Batman mode?
Gimme a routine to get the killmonger look Veeky Forums
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
Have you started cutting for summer yet?
Veeky Forums is turning me gay
Chad does drugs while you eat chicken
What do?
Cardio gains
Home Gym General
What are some thing you learned the hard way, Veeky Forums?
Where do you get your haircut?
Be fat fuck
How do i get body like Mcride?
How the fuck did he do it?
ITT: Small things that made your life much better
Cardio before or after lifting?
If you need motivation not to eat junk food, look no further
Be 24, living alone and weigh 120kg on 174cm height
Gyno is curable now?
Majority of Veeky Forums lifts for that stick figure Swift
Why aren't you eating these for breakfast every morning?
Is milk a good way to get additional protein in my body and calories...
Silent mike
/hlg/ - Hair Loss General: Rebirth Edition
Is there any actual medical evidence (don't give me fucking anecdotes or pictures) that low-carb/keto diets result in...
Holy fuck, just watched Greatest Story Never Told yesterday
Do genetics determine if you’ll make it in the end?
Tfw depressed
Been skinny white Boy whole life, about 5"11 and hover around the 53KG mark usually less...
New years resolutioners STILL haven’t quit the gym
Quick question
Alright Veeky Forums, let's see how tough you really are
Veeky Forums what mode am i...
What song do you religiously lift to?
For cutting, how inferior is this to Ephedrine? No Ephedrine where I live
How many of you actually love yourselves
What is going on with Veeky Forums
He doesn't have his own gym
Any carnivores on Veeky Forums?
100% of married women admit to cheating
Whats your excuse
Redpill me on bread. Does it really make you fat?
Should you train every muscle group everyday?
Why do you lift?
Daily reminder to drink more water
The average height of Veeky Forums
Help fit, also are plant proteins harder to convert into muscle then animal protein?
Why all this hate on "gym thots"?
Nofap and noporn General
Not losing weight on cut
Beginner's breakfast
Daily Reminder that being into your squat is the equivalent of a small penis...
If you have the body type on the left is it possible to get as big as the guy in the middle?
He benches more than he squats
Be me
What's your kryptonite?
What do girls look for in guys?
What happens if you lift but dont eat lots of protein?
Goal body thread
Hong Kong gyms
*blocks your squat rack*
Nofap/noporn is harder than quitting raw cocaine
How much do I tip the receptionist to put my squat plug in the squat plug warmer?
Tinder story thread
How does it make you feel to know that no matter how big and fit you get...
Girl i really like has sex with me and she really likes me too somehow
What's the Natty limit?
How do I get the motivation to keep going on when trash like this happens? This message was sent over four hours ago...
Is it possible?
Gut Health General
Lifting with buttplug
Is this a SoyBoi?
Rate left to right
Veeky Forums humour thread
Back Health General
Those gym muscles won't help you in a real fight!
ITT: Post Veeky Forums women
How to tighten skin???
6th time a black girlfriend tried to get me to finish inside without protection
Barbell Complexes
Mom and her friends over drinking wine
What's Veeky Forumss opinion in colored contacts?
*blocks your path*
Pay $70/month
Who here is HYDRO'ED UP???
Is this what normies mean by "toning"?
Can lifting even help when you're born black?
What do you think about these as gym shoes?
Cheat day thread
Grower not shower
Is /fit into trannies?
Sexual health thread please?
What are barbell exercises that I can do to replace squat?
/fat/ - Confess your sins and be cleansed edition
Help me improve i want to believe
Redpill me on Mewing
Is this achievable natty?
What’s the worse injury Veeky Forums has ever suffered?
Veeky Forums
Now that the dust has settled...which is better?
Lifting Music
Tfw face gains aren't a thing
The real soybois
Why doesn't Dom look like he lifts?
Enter gym
What will gymthots move onto next after the fitness trend dies out?
Vegan mental instability thread
/mentalhealth/ thread
/fast/ #121 - This is who you're listening to edition
Meal prep
Why are Europeans getting fatter and fatter every year?
Did you bullied your gym fatty today, Veeky Forums?
Daily reminder that low bodyfat will turn anyone into a chad
My cholesterol is bad, at 7.6 - i'm 29, male, 6 feet tall, 170 lbs
I as a man don't see anything attractive about him
How to get between 2000 and 3000 calories per day
What are some thing you learned the hard way, Veeky Forums?
Maxing day, was gonna lift 2plates bench. couldnt do it.. been lifting for 3 years and i couldnt fucking do it...
Submission and testosterone
A NYT opinion piece says 'yoga pants are bad for women'
Starting from midnight tonight I'm going to take the nofap pill. What should I expect?
ITT: Things You Hate
They're both on roids, so why is one bigger?
Jawlets get in here
Could you check my squat form?
1 chance at life
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games