Have you started cutting for summer yet?
Have you started cutting for summer yet?
It's not even spring bro
I started cutting in December because I completely let myself go, stopped working out, ate everything in sight, and drank every day for about six months. 5'9" and down to 193 from 225. Still got work to do, feeling good.
Fucking kek
Is cardio just cardio?
I'm going at a business exhibition in one month, want to look better there, would switching to moderate weight high reps routine help? Also trying to walk at least a couple of miles a day.
I'm bloatmaxxing year 'round.
good job user
Golly, you're the best!
I'm a DYELfag cardiolet so cutting is basically all I do.
Why would I?
I will be isolated from society in the summer anyway.
Thx bro I love you, buddy
Good thing u stopped that shit in it's tracks before it got too bad.
I'm proud of you user.
started today actually. doing IF and morning sips
im in the same place you were in, hope i can get this wreck turned around. solidarity, my dood.
its still snowing over here dumb nig
Ain't nothin' to it but to do it, my brother. Start today. I love you.
Bulking until I hit 180. Whenever that is I will cut
Help me fitbro. It's so hard. Any advice. 5'10 210lbs. Ive been lifting 2 weeks now but eating right is the hard part.
Man, different shit work for different people, bro. I'll tell you what works for me.
I wake up and go to the gym right away. No computer, no shower, no bullshit. Literally get out of bed, put on my workout clothes, and go to the gym. I eat my first meal when I get back, then eat the rest of my calories over the next 3-4 hours. Then I drink a fuckload of water until I have to go to work. I don't bring any money or cards with me, if I can't buy junk food I can't eat junk food. I stay hydrated throughout work. When I get home I go straight to bed.
This isn't for everyone, obviously, because I work nights. Good luck, buddy. I love you.
not yet, going to do a quick 6 week cut from mid march to beginning of may
1000+ calorie deficit whole way
Need to start my bulk first.
I am so worried
>finally seeing good gains
>been eating conatiarently over
>muscles getting big
>but getting fatter
>over 192 lb sheeeit
I am just so worried about cutting and losing my gains.. it’s haed as an old fag
lmao holy shit
I'll bulk until mid april and then cut. I'm like 17% bf anyway so if everything is right, I'll be in form at the end of may.
Is it better to burn calories via cardio or cut back on calories eaten?
It's definetely harder for an old fart, but you're gonna make it
who the fuck starts his summer cut in february? are you 500 lbs?
By Azura yes
cutting calories is probably easier and you don't spend a shit ton of time doing cardio, but I was starving all day and had no energy so that part sucked, i'm going for the cardio route this time, I like carbs too much
>new to fit
How is cutting different from bulking or lifting?
Nah I want to be less of a skeleton before I start cutting
I just follow whatever plan the grand champion does
You're old enough now that doing a cycle of something like winny to keep your gains during a cut isn't going to hurt you
Cutting just refers to eating at a caloric deficit to lose the fat you gained during bulk season. Lifting is year-round.
Yes. But the hunger was killing me and I binge ate 2 boxes of Polenta and 17 corn tortillas.
nah, will start at may
Starting in 25 days or so to look good by july.
Bloatmaxxing my last few weeks.
happens to me about every 5 days or so on a cut. I end up getting almost a week with steady >500 calorie deficits, then boom, 1000 over on a massive taco night. oh well. still trending down
>started in October at 165, going for 200 by the end of February
>hit 180
>plateau hard in December, still only at 185
May as well just get back into triathlon training and give up on hitting 1/2/3/4 this year again.
>Skinnyfat dyel, been lifting 3 months
>Man boobies
>Started cutting last week just to get rid of the man boobies then am looking into bulking after that
Hopefully it doesn't take more than 6-8 months. I hate this shit. Working out is easy, its the fucking food that kills me. I'm eating my weight in protein and carbs and that is pretty much all I track.
fucking NO
bulk till june/july
then quick holiday shread and back to bulk
cutting is a meme
Currently 250lbs at 25%
Think i can make it to 15% by June bros?
Of course you're going to lose gains, that's part of the process, but don't think of it as losing gains, think of it as progressing.
Making up numbers now, when you was 175lbs you benched 80kg, when you're 192lbs you lifted 110kg, then you drop down to 175lbs you can only lift 100kg.
That's not losing gains, that's gaining 20kg in lifts over 1 cycle. Then you'll hit 192lb again and you'll be able to lift 130kg.
40 here. Start eating better, bro.
Just eat less. Lifting to lose weight is at best pointless
I started drinking heavily all winter long. I kept weight lifting, so all of my muscle stayed there, but now I have this big ol belly. I hate to say it, but I kinda dig the look. Big belly with big pecs and arms is an okay look desu
if you cut like hell, sure
but summer is ending...
how long does it take to go from 14% to 10%
Bulking and cutting as a natty is for retarded faggots.
You go on a VERY SLIGHT calorie deficit while on a protein surplus.
So for example say if you're 6ft, 180lbs of lean mass and your maintenance calories are 2,500, and your Protein needs are 180g, you cut down your calories to 2,400 and try to have 200g of protein per day. You will lose fat and gain a little bit of lean muscle, very slowly, but over time it shows. Bulking like a retard and then cutting by more than 500 calories is retarded unless you're naturally a lanklet like me
why are you going backwards?
been cutting for 4.5 months. Bulked from 120 to 200 at 6', and hit 1/2/3/4 for reps. Currently at 172, likely gonna stop at ~160 when im shredded. Ive been getting killed by cravings for junk food lately tho.
lol same, i burn 1600cals 4x week and i still can't get rid of that last annoying tiny-ass blob on my lower abs.
Give me abs so i can begin bulking again damnit.
Who else /early summer/ here
I'm in Austin and it gets in the low 80s in mid March. I started my cut a few weeks ago. I'll be ready.
I'm an adult male I don't cut
>body is failing
how often do you guys have refeed days? and do you just eat at maintence those days?
I started the day after Christmas fampai
Bro you need to cut down to a healthy body fat before you start lifting. Then you can start a bulking cycle.
I see lum, I like
Trying to cut right now. Former Marine, was extremely fit at one point, was doing 30+ pullups etc. Fast forward, I've been in front of a computer for the last 6 years and I'm slowly becoming a fat fuck. Got back to the gym, doing 5x5 just to get my fitness level up. Not dropping weight so I've started eating
>one leg way longer than the other
Are you ok man?
Started today actually
I'm 6' and 165ish lbs
I was 135lbs a year ago and pretty much only bulked and lifted up until this point
Gained a lot of muscle weight but after bulking for a year I also have a good amount of fat and my body fat % is pretty high (18ish im guessing)
I was hoping I'd be able to bulk for 2 more months but I won't have enough time to get a decent looking body when summer hits so I'm starting now
wish me luck Veeky Forums