Do genetics determine if you’ll make it in the end?

Do genetics determine if you’ll make it in the end?

>determining anything
Go make tons of cash and you'll win (mostly) everything in life.

looks like something an african and an aryan would make

Nigga just took the spudpill


>Go make tons of cash and you'll win (mostly) everything in life.
youre genetics determine your ability to do that

they only determine your natty upper limit.


hahahahahhaaha, this guy looks like a fucking degen

honestly i hope he is retarded, maybe then he isnt self aware?

He seems to be content with life desu, I’m personally rooting for him


50% genetics
50% your mindset

you can still make it with bad genetics, it's just harder. it's like fucking your gf from orgasm to orgasm with a circumsized dick, it's still possible but you need a perfect technic for it.

Nobody makes it in the end.
>everybody dies

This nigga looks like his parents hit "Random Character" on the character creation screen

Yes, in that our genetics have enabled practically everyone to make it

So no in that your genetics are not holding you back

>eh sometimes
theres some faces/bodies that even lifting and good hygiene can't save. But even if that's the case it doesn't stop you from going to school, getting a good job, and making money. Ultimately stop feeling sad for yourself and do something to improve your life.

this guy should Lift Weights

>making it

No, your character does. The proper end of man is goodness, not base pleasures that make one no better than a beast.

depends on your definition of making it

Can somebody do pic relatet to the guy in OPs pic?

Not even, it's the thread of fates.


Yes, everything you are and will be is genetics.


Yes someone do this

Just kill yourself already, I hate these whiny /r9k/ posts on Veeky Forums.

This please
Do your best lookismfags

Checked and kekd