How do you measure your self worth?
>t. The people of this board that do not lift and are taller than 5'11
Because when there's nothing else going for you physically, at least your somewhat impressive heighg will be there to protect your self worth.
Kek, tall people don't think that
free link for book?
Can't help you with that, mate
You probably lift, so of course not. But dyels that simply browse fit without working out usually project like crazy and jump onto any height related post or topic
Easy: my self worth measures at 0.
Pass this is all nonsense all human lives are worth the same $1700
Mutual respect. If someone treats me like a cunt. Ill act like a cunt
People start to resent me for being a nice person so much that lash out at me for misunderstandings. People are so soft nowadays they have no idea. Shit was brutal back in the day as a kid and I was still nice then. People are weak
Self-worth in the traditional sense isn't real
Nothing has inherent worth. Something's worth is only what someone else is willing to pay for it, and you're no different. Your worth is exactly how much everyone else evaluates it to be.
why 1700?
But it doesn't have to come from someone else, it can just come from you and your own values
pls delet this
Worth as payment or judged by external factors only is not true self worth.
there's some truth to that in a larger sense but I think procrastination is just a desire for a dopamine rush from doing something that you derive pleasure from as opposed to doing something you don't
>doing calculus isn't pleasurable, in most cases learning isn't immediately pleasurable
>browsing Veeky Forums compulsively is pleasurable in a way or at least engrossing
>instead of putting the hard effort and sticking with the calculus one browses Veeky Forums
simple as that in most cases
What a simplistic approach, human aren't objects, we can't apply to us the same laws we could use on consumer goods.
If you wanna define human value from a economic standpoint it would be something like the sum of the value of all the labor a person is esteemed to produce in his lifetime
Collection of tshirts from competitions I've done.
When guys who are bigger than me ask for advice on training.
Woah that's pretty deep and makes a bit of sense.
True in some cases
I dont. Its non-existent