rate my post workout meal
132g protein
60g carbs
16g fat
916 calories
rate my post workout meal
132g protein
60g carbs
16g fat
916 calories
How's that 132g protein?
no way that's 132 g protein
i eat that amount o chicken daily and it's around 60-80 g protein
nigga that ain't no pound and a half of chicken
Where are your greens bud?
>fat in postworkout meal
this is not how you "post workout meal"
>916 calories
how do you eat so much? i eat less in a day
Would eat but needs some greens.
chicken breast is more like 20gr of brotein per 100gr, mang
wow I have a thing that says a thing too
that looks like a kilo of chicken mang
>132g of protein
have fun pissing out 100g of that
your body can't synthesize and use all of that in one sitting
>Your body synthesises protein
wrong word doesn't matter
body cant utilize all that protein in one sitting
1/10 aesthetics, get some variety and get on my level
christ.. shit like this makes me want to go vegan
>DR goystein expert nutritionist make sure you limit your protein
intake each meal gooyyy your body doest absorb all of it
Depends on how its cooked
that used to be my girlfriend
>being this deluded
We're not all skeletons, some of us actually enjoy food
Yes good goy, keep buying more food your body can't utilize, I need my 7th house and 30th vacation for the year
Remove some fuckin chicken and add some greens ya dingus.
You need more fat bro
How's auschwitz?
How’s fat camp?
There is another fish fillet under the visible one.
My girlfriend still says i don't eat enough veg.
Decent, you buy it like that or did you bread it yourself? Fried or baked?
she says you don't eat enough vag, which is why she's fucking chad
hows dummy camp?
Buy it like that, its a popular style in the UK. Sometimes i buy beef, pork or chicken.
Then i get the mixed veg backs for £1 and pour the whole thing into the pot and boil it. Easy meat and veg in about 20 minutes.
and baked
i cant belive you actually tried to brag with this picture
that does not look like 500g of chicken breasts cooked for 132g of protein
how you make dem frys boy
it came out of a packet that said 480g
Was it pre-cooked? Otherwise it's more like 21g protein /100g raw chicken
>eating 130 fucking grams of protein post workout
lower it to like 60 and replace with a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates,
>protein disappears when you cook it
the absolute state of some people on here
mass disappears when you cook it, not protein
100g raw -> 70g cooked
That's not in any way what he said or implied. He implied there's MORE protein in 500g of cooked chicken than there is in 500g of raw chicken.
>tv dinner tier
that looks so fucking vile holy shit
no it was raw chicken
shitfried shitatoes in ketchit.
ugh. so disgusting.
like seriously, what is that. a happy meal for grown retards?
Threads like this make me remember why I stopped coming here years ago. Not sure why I bothered coming back. You people are fucking morons.
people go to fat camps to get skinny, retard
is this the new
>eye can't see more than 24 fps anyway