Is it possible to get thicc without doing barbell squats and deadlifts? I can't get the form down and I'm over it. I don't want to be a bodybuilder, I just want a fat ass and thicc thighs.
Is it possible to get thicc without doing barbell squats and deadlifts? I can't get the form down and I'm over it...
Eat a lot, you seem to want to do the least effort possible, so that's your best bet!
>I cant get the form down
easy solution
do non weighted squats with plates under ur heels until u can squat without the plates
then do the same with the barbel
Hip bridges
gobblet squats
"Good girl bad girl machine"
Glute kickback on cable machine
Quad machine
Leg curl machine
Do isolating work on machines then
Try and get a session with a personal trainer. It shouldn’t cost too much
yeah but people make it sound like you're crazy for not doing bb squats. I was thinking about doing leg press + leg curl, lunges and some glute accessories but idk
Get someone who can squat to help you with your squat.
What problems exactly are you having?
>people make it sound like you're crazy for not doing bb squats
user, if they don't have the look you're going for as a natural then their opinion means nothing.
If you want thicc then bb squats are worth it. It might be a pain in the ass and take a while to learn but they're an excellent bang for your buck exercise.
Start running outside and do a lot of hill climbing.
i know people who have been squatting for a year or 2 still make adjustments to improve their form.
just keep working on it
>don't want to be a bodybuilder
implying bodybuilders do deads and squats and not isolations on machines
LMFAO straight
What a waste of time.
Anyway, I should be ok with the leg press if I do db stuff right? I want to do db split squats.
you could go with cosmetic surgery like every other instagram hoe out there
Bulgarian split squats, hip thrusts, good mornings, glute ham raises, hip flexor work, and calf stuff.
It's THE barbell BACK squat and THE deadlift
>squats and deadlifts once
>looks like pic related
yeah girls don't even touch barbells or you'll end up looking like Ronnie Coleman
what this nigga said
why would we even bother if you cant make own research
>*don't even THINK of touching a barbell
>"i'm too incompetent to learn the most staple, basic human compound movement 'squat'.
>"le i wanna get thicc but i don't want to put the work in"
standard cunt thought process. /thread
Just use low weights first to get the form under control and work up from there.
Depending on your eventual weights etc you determine how you end up looking, though genetics do help. I've been at this shit for years and don't look like a bodybuilder, just don't get too much into the whole shakes etc.
You're literally the epitome of 90% of girls mentality. None of you want to put the work in to get what you want. This doesn't even apply to just getting a nice ass and legs either. It's really sad.