My gf said my dick smells like maple syrup and I can smell it on my hand after I piss too
No I am not diabetic and no I'm not doing keto or gear, what the fuck is it Veeky Forums
My gf said my dick smells like maple syrup and I can smell it on my hand after I piss too
No I am not diabetic and no I'm not doing keto or gear, what the fuck is it Veeky Forums
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you are definitely diabetic or at least have insluin resistance
i had the same when i was a fatass and it went away after getting more fit
Do you take fenugreek supplements/eat a lot of food with fenugreek? My BO reeks of maple syrup and my wife loves it and every part of me smells like it.
How did you get to the age of women sucking your dick before you realized this was a problem?
>maple syrup urine disease
>skin turns red sometimes disease
>your immune system shuts down disease
>you cant see objects that are near very well disease
holy shit this is the future or disease naming
>fuck I'm bald disease
I like it!
You're diabetic
Just ended a 14 day fast a few weeks ago. My blood sugar is normal. Definitely not diabetic
No, never
I just never thought about how my dick smelled
>I just never thought about how my dick smelled
Lies, your dick consumes your thoughts from like 12 to 25
Off Topic but if i suck on my gf nipples i get a really strong onion taste.
Can she does anything against it?
>tfw no onion tittie gf
my man, go get them onion test gains
Sometimes after a three or four day bender my piss will smell like absolute death for a week or so. Like some odd industrial chemical stank.
I actually had a coworker move down a few stalls in the bathroom once. He never really looked at me the same way.
probably because you ingest literal poison, ever thought about that?
My piss smells like some strong chemical shit at random, only for the mornings piss and I have no idea why
the eternal leaf strikes again
Any clue to what it smells similar to? Are you taking any special supps before bed? First voided urine is the most concentrated of the day, so that's why it's noticeable.
Nigga don't ever go catabolic or your brain is dead
As a medfag this topic made me lol cuz a dicksucking thot saved your ass
Smells like something used for industrial cleaning or something and it's had that smell even when my piss happened to be clear. I take Zinc and Fish oil after dinner and nothing else
>tfw no maple syrup dicked bf
why even live :'(
The only thing I could think of would be ammonia, but I dunno. If you are that worried about it you can get routine urinalysis strips online for cheap. They might tell you if it's ketones, that's about the only other thing I can think of that adds a weird odor that wouldn't be accompanied by other more glaring symptoms like a UTI or STD.
>No I am not diabetic
Yes you are.