My gym put a picture of me all over the city

A couple of months ago I told you guys my gym's receptionist asked everyone if a photographer could take their photos while working out.
Everyone else in the gym said yeah no problem. I didn't want to be the one autistic sperg who said no, so I said alright.
When I was leaving I asked her what the pictures were for and she said they'd be used in advertisements/commercials, and I shit my pants.
You guys said it's a good opportunity and to shut up. I wanted to ask them not to use my pictures but I was too much of a pussy so I let it go.

They've put out the new advertisements last week, and I've seen them.
I'm not in the commercial at all.
I'm not on the website at all.

But I'm on the posters they have inside the gym, pink faced doing incline bench presses. I literally did a double take when I walked into the gym. Holy shit I look like an autist struggling to lift 190 lbs with a bulky gray hoodie.
I went early this morning before staffed hours, made sure nobody else was watching, and took the poster down, rolled it up and put it in my backpack.
I drove to a gym with the same name but a different location just to check, and unfortunately they had a staff member there.
I'm on their posters too.
I think I'm on posters all over the city.

I don't know how many of you remember this but I figured I'd write the conclusion. Fuck this stupid shit, I look horrible on it and I shouldn't have pussied out and accepted them taking my pictures.
Can't do anything about it now.

you are going to swimming in pussy, bro. Just wait. Why do you think they picked your picture? They think you have made it and that you represent their gym well. You made it. We are all gonna make it.

kek bro
the silver lining in this is amazing
you will for the next few years motivate every single person in the gym

post pic so we can judge it, then laugh and bully you

Pics or it didn't happen

Stop being a fucking retard. You probably aren't even recognisable with the scrunched up face you have in the picture. Besides, everyone has an ugly lifting face, it means you're actually trying. You're making a big deal about nothing, nobody will pay attention to it unless you make a big deal about it.

>don't want my picture seen by people at gyms
>asking me to publicly repost it on Veeky Forums

You are in the best scenario ever, and you are crying like a little bitch. I can't even imagine how many women will approach you and ask if thats you on the advertisement. Instead of playing it cool you're going to have an autistic fit and ruin your chances. OP levels of autism I didn't even know existed.

wtf? What state and city are you in?


I don't know why you really care. They wouldn't put some beta little bitch on a poster that's supposed to advertise their gym (unless it's Planet Fitness, kek) so you must not look as terrible as you think you do.

Retard, they wouldn't have used you if you didnt look like a sick cunt. They're trying so sell fitness to people, not scare them off

If they put you on their poster then you look good in the pic. Stop whining

So all of you saying this shit to me would gladly have your picture used on gym advertisements?
I find that hard to believe.


If it's a big chain of gyms then I would be very surprised if your pic got through their whole marketing board and made it to the final ads if this was about "haha look at this retard wouldn't it be funny if we put him on a poster".

They want their gym to look good and they want people to look at the posters and say "I really need to hit the gym". I doubt they would make you look stupid at the expense of their own image.

Yes, imagine how much pussy I could have

ask to anonymously repost it on Veeky Forums

Ask for compensation for appearing in their ads, retard. Are you seriously willing to work for free?

Show us what the poster looks like.
Usually businesses don't want their models to look like spergs for their ads, so there's a strong reason to doubt you and to call you a simple pussy.

I verbally agreed, can't go back and ask them for cash now can I?
Everyone else said okay with no strings attached.

they wouldn't put a picture of someone normies perceive as dyel as advertisement for their gym. You probably have body dysmorphia and look good in the eye of normies

poster or fuck off

Verbally agreeing doesn't mean much if anything legally.

They were being dishonest anyway, they never told you what the pictures would be for until after they took them.

You're owed compensation

Clearly you're pretty stressed out but I wouldn't be, I'm sure they'd take down the posters if you just ask. You could also look at it in a different light as a photo of you has been chosen to represent the gym and they for sure thought it would be inspiring

this tbqh

I understand being horrified OP, but you obviously looker better than you think.

Stop 'sperging out and he happy. Any non-autist would think this is a good thing.

Hell fucking yeah but I'm dyel so I doubt they'd pick me.

don't be a fag OP, post it

You probably look decent though and this will be a good chance to go 'look its me'

Almost happened me once but with Coca Cola. I was so autistic I dont want to remember lol

>they take the pictures down instead
>now OP won't be able to score pussy because of it
Fucking Jew.

>people will see OP on a fucking gym poster and suddenly be attracted to him
what are you guys smoking

>guy gets mired by the whole city
>still suffers body dismorphia

>You are in the best scenario ever, and you are crying like a little bitch. I can't even imagine how many women will approach you and ask if thats you on the advertisement. Instead of playing it cool you're going to have an autistic fit and ruin your chances. OP levels of autism I didn't even know existed.

atleast you weren't lifting 95 lbs or something 190 on incline is not bad at all

So did you get paid or what faget

Thanks, I didn't know that was good.
Not a dime.

That's the quickest way out of it

>I was too much of a pussy
only relevant part of the post. what do you want, pity? you told them it's ok to do something and they did. wow.

Just giving the ending since I posted about it months ago.

admit it you posted this because you knew anons would say you must've looked good in the pic

since that is the only logical conclusion, gyms advertise with pics that are supposed to make people want to look like the people in the ads

that's not necessarily true, they might have used op because he looked dyel and relatable so people would feel like they belong in their gym

benching over lmao1pl@ is impressive to normies
post pic faggot

Post pics or this is a dumb larp

Post a pic of the poster or fuck off, LARPer

its 2 pl8's lmao, no normalfag who went to a good sports hs thinks 1 pl8 is a lot of weight at all, and when I had a gym membership most of the men who worked out near the barbells could easily push 2 pl8's for reps

learn to take a fucking complement you incel

>Can't do anything about it now.
Of course you can. Claim you never consented to it, and threat legal action. They will take them down before the end of the day. Just don't be a pussy.

Congrats famousbro

That autism...

Oh yeah I remember you!

Wow, I realise how long I here am. Dem feelz

OP please post a pic.

>Molding Mobility and Starting Stretching: Concise beginners guides to mobility & stretching.

basically this, just act like a demanding jew

Nobody uses incline Bench as his main pressing exercise so thinking you're doing it as another lift in your workout makes 190lbs alright for anyone

Maybe not to the e-stating faggots on here, but honestly a 190lbs incline bench is pretty decent

>mfw reading this between sets of 95lb incline bench


>>Molding Mobility and Starting Stretching: Concise beginners guides to mobility & stretching.
What did he mean by this?

Fat SS troll detected. Incline bench should be your first lift on chest day. Gets that upper chest popping.

lol canada is a country not a city, bud.

I know I was just letting him know I'm not in the states.

>OP makes a thread about being featured in a gym poster
>doesn’t post the poster

>I'm on the posters they have inside the gym, pink faced doing incline bench presses
should have done Declines instead

If it's really that bad just tell them you didn't agree to being on the poster and you want them to remove you from it. What are they gonna do, say no? Ask them why not, you never agreed be front and centre on a poster printed all over the city.

Alternatively, who cares? It's a funny story to tell at later points in your life. Just embrace it, if people give you shit for it, just look at them funny like it makes no sense for them to be making fun of it. If you really look bad on the poster but don't look like shit normally people won't recognise you, and if anyone brings it up just tell them you were making a face for the camera. It's not as big a deal as you think it is.

Hue hue hue.

OHP is my first lift on push day you weak little bitch, incline dumbells come second

also dont question my workout routine

post pic if not larp


Kek I remember you.
Dude you should get fucking ripped so when somebody recognizes you they say "Damn you look bigger than in the poster"

Fuck yes. It's a story. You can show people the time you were used to advertise a gym. And you will be swimming in pussy

Girls go for status much more than you know.

this is probably true , plus,190 isn't a complete noob weight

Why don't you post the picture instead of being an autist beta? One of our own from Veeky Forums is being used to advertise a chain of gyms. That makes me happy desu. How can your self esteem be so low that you see this as a bad thing. I'd be like fuck yeah look at me.

I'm sure if any other of the normies at your gym were picked they would be happy af about it


This is a good thing you retarded faggot.

Now hurry up and post the pic.

OP please deliver.
Post the pic.

I have to admit, I feel you OP. I feel you deeply. If that was me in the same situation I don't know what I'd do. Never return to that gym again for starters, throw a hissyfit of a legal action, something along those lines.

I don't go to the gym for fame to get laid. I go to get fit and strong and to mind my own bussnies. Probably would've agreed to the photo-op with the caveat that my face would have to be censored or airbrushed out.

I dunno about all of you people but I just want to live a quiet life.

Or to get*

you made it user

wheres the fucking poster I wanna see

t. Betty Draper

If you read this OP it's bait. He's trying to make you feel bad. Or he really is a fucking loser, not he kinda guy you wanna associate with.

OP is quite evidently already feeling bad about the whole thing you tremendous doublenigger, as evident by this thread. Sometimes it's nice with a bit of sympathy in the storm of "post the damn poster"-posts.

At least it wasn’t a photo of you dosing something retarded like this with a caption
“Be safe, if you don’t know ask a PT”
Or something like that

What does he need sympathy for you pathetic fagggot? Did his house just get flooded? Did he lose money on a venture? Did his dog just die? You fucking pussy. In fact quite the opposite. He got his face put on the advertising campain of a commercial gym. They are basically saying look at this gym goer, he's the ideal. He's going to make our gyms look good. This would fill most well adjusted people a great sense of pride and achievement. Yet you're here bitching about muhhh don't use my precious face, people might recognise me. Shut the fuck up you ugly faggot.

kek, this

One mans trash is another man's treasure , user. And the opposite also holds true. Not everyone is comfortable with having their face plastered all over the damn city. There's thousands of people who are catapulted into fame quickly and unexpectedly, and buckle under the pressure. Just because you want an easy way of scoring a lay doesn't mean that literally every other man does. Get a grip.

>he stole the poster of himself
>he thinks he can go back to the same gym

You're thinking way too much into it. It's not a big deal like you're making out. And those people who are talking about him getting laid from it are joking, but you're too autistic to see that. Yeah some girls might recognise him but obviously this isn't the primary reason he should be happy about it. You're the one who needs to get a grip, you sound really rigid and tense. Relax and live a little.

Maybe, Maybe not. Fame comes with it's own particular set of caveats, and perhaps being on a poster in every gym in a franchise is on the lower end of "being out there" but still.

By the end of the day it all comes down to personal preferences. Some people are like you and just see it as a vast opportunity or something to be proud of.

I'm not knocking that! Far from it. The argument that being such a ripped fuck that they decide to put your face in every gym is perfectly valid. But not everyone thinks like that! The fact that they didn't tell OP what they were going to do with the pictures and that they didn't ask for contact information irks me to no end and is half the reason I'm so tired up about this. That they selected a pic that OP is quite obviously unhappy about because of the way it makes him look is just icing on the cake. I would never want someone's first impression of me to be a picture of my face when I'm red all over and scowling, senpai. I've done enough things I'm embarrassed over in life as it is.

Not if he signed away his right to the picture lik

OP is autistic yet again... They wouldn't put up posters of people who looked bad.
>Case in point: all posters at my gym are of very fit people
This could lead to some of the easiest pussy ever... Imagine the conversations
>"Hey, I'm a fitness model"
>"Oh really?"
>"Yeah, here's literal proof of a shoot I had earlier"
Bonus points if she has a membership at that gym.
Embrace it OP! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Besides, you said at the time you were "struggling to lift 190"? No matter what lift that is, even if it's deadlift, that's not that embarrassing. You could even say it was your warmup or some dumb shit like that.

>put up poster by water fountain
>chat up cardio bunnies while they're sipping
>hey? See that guy? He's me
Annnnddd you're in

Post picture of poster so we can give you accurate advice user

Post picture

That's what you get for being a pussy