What's for dinner Veeky Forums?
>Goat curry (homemade)
>naan bread
>Tzatziki Sauce
What's for dinner Veeky Forums?
Also strawberries
Turkey burgers and home made chips
Never tried turkey burgers, are they worth it?
>with curry
Why? Everything else sounds great tho
That sounds really delicious.
I had kind of a chicken wok with mushrooms, carrots, leek, chinese cabbage, ginger, chili, garlic, lemon grass and soy sauce.
Obviously cutting.
How did you make the goat curry? Why goat? I rarely see it on sale. Guess i‘d take lamb.
ALso, drop us that curry recipe bro
Finding goat meat in Mediterranean countries is ez but lamb is cheaper.
>be me
>home for the holidays
>middle-school sister talking about how her Indian friends eat curry for lunch every day
alright Veeky Forums how do i get a qt indian gf to make me curry every day?
80/20 Beef patties. Sauteed spinach, carmelized onions, and quarter lb of potatoes. With mixed veggies on the side.
I hate cuts.
I didn't buy it in the end, just the curry and naan.
My only gripe is that some of the goat is too fatty to eat. But It makes a nice break from tuna or chicken.
I made it pretty simply, onions, salt pepper, some goat meat pieces, garlic, canned tomatoes, some water, and some decent curry paste the last is most important that and the meat is where your money should go. I also put in a tablespoon of chilli powder as I wanted it hot.
Just brown the meat and soften the onions and garlics for less than 10 minutes then cook it on medium heat for like 30 mins then down to low heat for another 1 hour a half to 2 hours.
Was kind of a hassle to do honestly but glad I did it. Goat because it's pretty tasty and a break from the norm.
Sounds good, only thing to do is make the potatoes taste nice and have some fruit after so your full but not too heavy on carbs.
reposting from the other thread. 619 kcals
Gonna make salmon, taters, asparagus, will poast
i visited my mom and she made fresh soup with noodles and chickenmeat for starter, scrambled eggs and meatloaf with fried potatos and salat as main menu, pancakes with selfmade strawberry jam as dessert.
it was delicious.
1kg of oven lasagna
thats not helping asshole!
That's a huge meal user you bulkin?
I'm still hungry I think I'll eat some blackberries.
that's a lot of lasagna
I already dildo'd my ass twice today lol.
It's fine.
That looks pretty tasty OP. How do you come up with things that you are going to cook?
I google food when I'm hungry sometimes and I came across a few recipes online, then I decided to opt for a simpler version of that.
It was a lot of effort I'll be back to eating processed chicken or tuna in wholemeal rolls with black olives and mayonaisse. Low effort stuff basically.
Goat curry recipe pls
My naan use to make bread for me aswell
>leftover risotto
only thing that was missing was tomatoes
recipe and cooking times etc here Naan is an indian bread user.
Also to clarify I used about 150ml of water for 300 gram of meat, 1 onion and 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of chilli powder, half a jar of curry paste (any brand will do but go for a jar for high quality not a tube), also 1 can of tinned tomatoes.
spicy chicken with a Mediterranean salad in pitta breads
Gimme your curry recipe brah
see and
Fuck off Pajeet
I made a curry too. Mines got chicken, sardines and beans in it for maximum protein on a budget.
Im white.
Go back to your burgers 56%'er.
palak paneer with rice and green beans
not a pajeet.
Bruh, curry is actually pretty good.
Really the only thing Indians know how to do.
i brown 3lb of 73% ground beef, leave the fat in and add 3 taco packets.
i pour some in a bowl and top with a little chedder.
i dont know how to cook really ive been eating shit like this for a year on keto
>3lbs of beef
How many roids are you taking user?
tilapia and black quinoa with mushrooms
well i dont eat the whole thing and 73% beef has a lot of fat content that'll burn up. can usually get a 3-4 meals out of it.
Fair enough.
Never seen Tilapia in a super market does it taste good or what?
This user here.
It actually turned out pretty good. Wound up half baking the taters, then turning them into house fries and browning them up in the fat from the burgers. Burgers turned put nice and medium-rare so perfect (usually I'll overcook them). I think the spinach was a mistake though. Usually I'll brown some garlic and onion in tons of butter and then throw dry chopped spinach in there, but I couldn't afford the calories today so they just went in next to the taters. Turned to green mush with strong spinachy taste. 2/10 would not recommend with spinach. 8/10 without. You were right, the tasty taters were key.
Also, all in all, this was 1200-1300kcal total. Fits my OMAD.
Some frozen complete burger full of plastics and preservatives. What the fuck am I doing?
Duuuuude. If you're gonna get frozen burgers then just go to the meat aisle in the same supermarket and pick up fresh patties. Then do the same. You pay less for better product. Even if you're gonna microwave that shit in the end.
Let me be very clear. The only thing you should get from the frozen aisle is bulk veggies. Avoid everything else like they're boxes of AIDS.
Dozen eggs.
ITT: Shitskins
Shit out a real Chad - tier shit on the side of the street. Show her you aren't fucking around.
Look up raita. It's the same thing but Indian version. They have it with rice and curry or bread and curry.
Grilled Chicken Breast
Salmon a la phonepost
Make me a gyro, fellow Mediterranean